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Authored by Matt Taibbi via Racket News On February 21st, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau gave a press conference in Edmonton, announcing his government�39;s decision...Blame Canada? Justin Trudeau Creates Blueprint For Dystopia In Horrific Speech Bill
Authored by Rebekah Barnett via ‘Dystopian Down Under’ blog Can Australia�39;s eSafety Commissioner block content globally on demand? Not today, ruled the Australian Federal Court,...Musk Wins Latest Censorship Battle In Australia As High Court Rules Against eSafety Commissioner
By Masha Borak Australia�39;s federal government has earmarked AU$288.1 million (US$190.9 million) for the national digital identity program which will begin its rollout in July....Australia outlines new budget for digital ID scheme
By Mac Slavo This article was originally published by Rhoda Wilson at The Daily Exposé. AI search summaries show that on the same day the...HAARP�39;s Aurora Switch Was Turned On Last Week To Create “Artificial Airglows”
By Kate Kheel from Safe Tech International The killdeer bird is a fascinating species. They lay their eggs in nests made of a few twigs...A Mama Killdeer�39;s Love, A Boy, His Sister, and Tech
By Study Finds Earth is under the watchful eyes of scientists as a colossal sunspot, approximately 15 times the size of our planet, poses a...‘Colossal�39; Sunspot Could Doom Power Grids, Satellite Operations
By Mac Slavo This article was originally published by Rhoda Wilson at The Daily Exposé. AI search summaries show that on the same day the...HAARP�39;s Aurora Switch Was Turned On Last Week To Create “Artificial Airglows”
This Father�39;s Day, and every time we stand to preach, we ought to remember the fatherless.
Weekly Devotional for Preachers
By Neenah Payne Warning: W.H.O Global Coup in May! shows that Dr. Robert Malone explained how the World Health Organization�39;s Pandemic Treaty and/or International Health...WHO Virtual Roundtable: May 16 8PM ET
Speech was not God�39;s only miracle at Pentecost. The Spirit also gave the gift of understanding, overcoming division and contempt.Tongues of fire, everywhere. In this loud and furious age, a time of protests and counter-protests, words come burning, singeing, scalding, stinging.“Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry,” James wrote, “because human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires” (1:19–20). But few of us—even those of us who follow Christ—seem to believe that listening more than we speak could possibly meet the reality of these days.We give into the temptation of “thinking the times require using the tools of the enemy,” as Michael Wear says in The Spirit of Our Politics. We justify our tongues of fire as “just the way you play the game,” disregarding our trail of destruction—great forests put to waste by the sparks from our lips (3:5–8).Of course, there’s nothing new under the sun. Rage travels more quickly by gigahertz than messenger, but our era is not uniquely chaotic or tumultuous. The church has lived through worse, not least the dangerous early days after Christ’s resurrection and ascension.“[I’ve] been jailed … beaten up more times than I can count, and at death’s door time after time,” recounted the apostle Paul of his ministry in that time. “I’ve been flogged five times with the Jews’ thirty-nine lashes, beaten by Roman rods three times, pummeled with rocks once. … I’ve had to ford rivers, fend off robbers, struggle with friends, struggle with foes. I’ve been at risk in the city, at risk in the country, endangered by desert sun and sea storm, and betrayed by those I thought were my brothers” (2 Cor. 11:23–27, MSG). ...Continue reading...
Spiritual care is essential as stressors among law enforcement rise.Sitting in the front row of a supervisor training in 2016, Stamford Police Sgt. Sean Boeger raised his hand every time the instructor asked who had dealt with a particular experience, including homicides, fatal accidents, and child deaths.During his nearly 30 years as a police officer, 48-year-old Boeger had helped with body recovery efforts at Ground Zero after 9/11. When 20 children were killed by a lone shooter in 2012 at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, just 40 miles from Stamford, Boeger volunteered to help the small Newtown police department. He covered midnight shifts as officers took time to recover.The instructor at the training triggered something in Boeger. Until that class, he had never dwelt much on the effect of witnessing so much trauma. Driving home that evening, he also thought back to another incident, when he responded to a report of a small child falling out of an eighth-story window.“I felt overwhelmed, kind of panic-stricken,” he recalled of that evening. “I think I was more in shock from the stuff I’d never contemplated and the trauma impact it had on me. Because you don’t stop to think about it.”So Boeger did something he had never contemplated previously: He sought help from John Revell, a chaplain who had recently been spending time with his department.“I don’t know what’s going on with me, but I feel like I need to talk to you,” Boeger recalls telling Revell, whom he calls “the Rev.” Revell invited him over, interrupting his family dinnertime, and the two spent an hour or so talking. It opened the door to a longer-term relationship, and an eventual appreciation for the Rev’s consistent presence around ...Continue reading...
As a physician, I witness countless first and last breaths. As a Christian, I am constantly reminded of how God breathes life into us through his Spirit.The scalpel sliced through the uterine wall. The amniotic sac ruptured, and fluid flowed across the blue surgical drapery toward me. The obstetrician’s fingers curled around the baby’s head while my gloved hands pressed firmly against the mother’s abdomen. The baby was larger than we had expected. I shifted my full body weight against the mother’s belly, and, at last, the newborn’s head slipped through. Her shoulders quickly followed, and there she lay, eyes taking in the bright world for the first time.Before she could cry, she took her first breath. Air rushed in, pushing aside fluid that had filled her lungs from six weeks of gestation. The oxygen diffused through the blood vessels of the alveoli, tiny air sacs within her lungs, relaxing the pulmonary arteries and allowing blood to course through her lungs for the first time. The short vessel connecting her lung arteries and heart began to close. Pressure built in her heart, causing the tiny hole between its chambers to snap shut.She breathed more vigorously than anyone else in the operating room, her purple hue softening to a rich pink. Squinting against the glaring light above, she cried again. What a foreign world this is—where air becomes breath, and then breath returns to air.Ruach is a Hebrew word meaning breath, wind, or spirit. (In the Septuagint, an ancient Greek translation of the Old Testament, it is rendered as pneuma or pneumon, the roots from which we get many English words pertaining to lungs.)In Genesis, ruach is both the Spirit of God bringing light and order into an unordered world (1:1–4) and the breath of life that God breathes into Adam (2:7). Psalm 33:6 says, “By the word of ...Continue reading...
Our culture claims to value everyone but then celebrates the murder of unborn children, promote racist ideas, and support euthanasia. It�39;s all so inconsistent!
Climate change is one of today�39;s hot topics, influencing everything from policy to couples�39; decisions about children.
Evolutionists have long upheld Archaeopteryx as a missing link between birds and dinosaurs. But what�39;s the evidence for that?
It was announced that the Boy Scouts of America is changing its name to Scouting America in a move to “be more welcoming of the entire scouting community.”
Schaeffer demonstrated that “charity and clarity” must go together. His deep compassion for people and firm conviction in truth has left an enduring legacy. May we follow his example.? ?
Cass cautioned against a "politically driven"? medical system and recommended a more holistic approach to treating minors with gender dysphoria. She noted that the U.S. medical system has failed such patients due to being overwhelmed by the issue.
The local sheriff�39;s office has asked the FBI and the U.S. attorney�39;s office to assist in investigating the death of Mica Miller, the 30-year-old pastor�39;s wife who was found dead at a state park and whose cause of death has been the source of controversy.
Pop singer Justin and model Hailey Bieber are expecting their first baby, and their parents are attributing glory to God for the news.
One of the NFL�39;s top placekickers urged graduates during a commencement speech to prioritize their faith over their career and to resist the “lies” society teaches about gender, saying they should “move closer and closer to God�39;s will” instead of living a work-centric life.
The same director who was behind the 2023 hit movie The Blind and the 2018 biblical film Paul, Apostle of Christ says his newest project, Angel Studios�39; Sight, will inspire audiences to trust God through the trials of life.
As Crosswalk Headlines? previously reported, Mica had served Miller with divorce papers on April 25, just two days before her death, and had first filed for divorce on October 23. Her sister, Sierra Francis, said that Mica was looking forward to being free from her husband because he was reportedly abusive.

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