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First Baptist Church Princess Anne Maryland (MD)
The Butcher Family And of some have compassion, making a difference: Jude 22
We care about you and your unborn baby.
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Msg #24015 Christian-Church-Worship Music What The Bible Says - Good Samaritan's Penny Pulpit by Pastor Ed Rice
Msg #24012 Behold the Lamb the Lion What The Bible Says - Good Samaritan's Penny Pulpit by Pastor Ed Rice
Msg #2408 Truth Holding Science Deniers What The Bible Says - Good Samaritan's Penny Pulpit by Pastor Ed Rice
Victory Baptist Church, Kittanning Pennsylvania Need: Bi-Vocational, Self-Supported, or Missionary Pastor
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Hardwork | Pastor Carlos Serrano New to Bible Baptist Church? If ever you're in the San Diego Area, we would love to have you join us. To find out more, click here: ...
The Blueprint for Forgiveness | David Cabal New to Bible Baptist Church? If ever you're in the San Diego Area, we would love to have you join us. To find out more, click here: ...
Growth Groups | Vic Santiago New to Bible Baptist Church? If ever you're in the San Diego Area, we would love to have you join us. To find out more, click here: ...
Sunday Morning Service | Arnel De Leon New to Bible Baptist Church? If ever you're in the San Diego Area, we would love to have you join us. To find out more, click here: ...
Wednesday Evening Service | Bro. Victor Santiago New to Bible Baptist Church? If ever you're in the San Diego Area, we would love to have you join us. To find out more, click here: ...
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A new book seems oddly outraged that CRT skeptics take its arguments seriously.Last year I joined a group of Christian leaders, Black and white, on a tour of the National Museum of African American History and Culture located in Washington, DC.Even though I’ve read quite a bit about slavery and Jim Crow, I was still physically and emotionally disturbed by the visual depictions of the systemic and violent ways in which people of color were treated for centuries of American history. There is no sugarcoating this history. It was (and is) an offense against God, with ripple effects that continue to shape our national life.In the past decade, conversations on racism have become more heated, reaching a fever pitch in 2020 with the killing of George Floyd at the hands of a Minneapolis police officer.One outcome of the resulting ferment of protest and denunciation was renewed attention to critical race theory (popularly known as CRT), a controversial legal theory once confined to the academic world and now increasingly mainstreamed and popularized in public life, including many of our leading institutions.Books like White Fragility by Robin DiAngelo or How to Be an Antiracist by Ibram X. Kendi rose to the top of bestseller lists in 2020 and after. Corporations, government entities, and even churches began implementing steps drawn from these and other popular works. Evangelical publishers churned out books in this spirit as well.Some Christian leaders have defended the use of CRT as a helpful analytical tool. Others have criticized it as a totalizing worldview opposed to biblical Christianity. This debate has divided many Christians, exhausted many pastors, split many organizations, and convulsed our politics.Seeking to bring sanity and clarity to this ongoing conversation is ...Continue reading...
A San Antonio pastor and church are receiving widespread praise after the minister paused his sermon to embrace and vow support for a homeless man whom he invited on stage after the man began shouting obscenities during a sermon on the Parable of the Lost Sheep.
In the country's most secular state, tiny congregations have made a big impact by their disaster response.For weeks, Tárik Rodriguez had been working on bringing a guest preacher and worship leader from across the country to help his church celebrate its third anniversary. In 2021, Rodriguez and a small team launched Viela da Graça Igreja in Novo Hamburgo, a small city in Brazil’s most southern province, Rio Grande do Sul.Then, it started raining.The floods have done more than interrupt the small Reformed congregation’s celebratory plans. They’ve devastated the community. The storms that began at the end of April struck Rio Grande do Sul’s most densely populated areas and have killed at least 116 people. Around 130 people are still missing. The high water has closed roads and even the airport, which has grounded flights until May 30. As of Friday, May 10, nearly 400,000 people have been displaced from their homes and 70,772 are in public shelters.Some of those have found their way to Viela da Graça, which is located on higher ground and has been largely protected from a water breach. Since May 4, Rodriguez and members of the 75-person congregation have been hosting around 50 people in a two-bathroom, 3,500-square-foot building.“As Christians, we needed to open our doors,” Rodriguez says. “And that’s what we did.”Beyond the bathroom constraints, the situation has been less than ideal. There are frequent power cuts (1.2 million people have been affected by outages) and the building has lost access to both running and potable water because the sanitation company cannot treat the dirty floodwaters. A nearby residential condominium, which gets its water from a well, has provided drinking water and showers.Continue reading...
As someone whose family once proudly embraced the? Democratic Party, I mourn the decision by three Democratic presidents to make the loss of life made into a business by unleashing the chemical abortion pill on the U.S. market. Chemical abortion pills, which end hundreds of thousands of lives annually, represent the dark legacy of Presidents? Bill Clinton,? Barack […]The post By Pushing Dangerous Abortion Pills, Democrats Have Failed Women For Decades appeared first on LifeNews.com.
President Joe Biden has faced criticism from Republicans and Democrats after he promised to withhold an arms shipment to Israel if the U.S. ally invaded Rafah in Gaza to launch an assault against a Hamas military stronghold.
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