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Searched: evolution.


Do microbes get married and become one? Is this an example of evolution?
A recent news article sported the bold claim that evolution in action was recently observed in island bats.
A recent news article sported the bold claim that evolution in action was recently observed in island bats.
A look at another failed attempt by evolutionists to explain the origin of species.
Archaeological study challenges assumptions, revealing ancient village in southern Levant thrived during 8.2ka event, showcasing human resilience and cultural evolution.
A look at another failed attempt by evolutionists to explain the origin of species.
Evolutionists' favorite word gets dragged into situations that don't involve speciation.
Evolutionists' favorite word gets dragged into situations that don't involve speciation.
A recent article made the bold claim that feathers are one of evolution's greatest inventions. But what proof did they offer?
A recent article made the bold claim that feathers are one of evolution's greatest inventions. But what proof did they offer?
A recent article made the bold claim that feathers are one of evolution's greatest inventions. But what proof did they offer?
A recent article made the bold claim that feathers are one of evolution's greatest inventions. But what proof did they offer?
How does the earth's shape relate to the origin of the universe, the earth, life, and man?
The putative descent of birds from dinosaurs has become established as one of the most popular evolutionary transitions.
The story of three annelid branches: Why evolutionists claim they took very different paths.
The story of three annelid branches: Why evolutionists claim they took very different paths.
How does the earth's shape relate to the origin of the universe, the earth, life, and man?
The evolutionary model is not clear about when flowering plants arrived on earth. Evolutionists remain unsure when the angiosperms emerged.
We're often told that Christians have faith, but evolutionists are rational—they have science. But evolutionists have faith too!
Natural selection is a magic wand to evolutionists. It creates scientists from fish.
Natural selection is a magic wand to evolutionists. It creates scientists from fish.
The evolutionary model is not clear about when flowering plants arrived on earth. Evolutionists remain unsure when the angiosperms emerged.
Articles we printed in April 2002 lead to a question: have evolutionists changed in the last 22 years?
The evolutionary model is not clear about when flowering plants arrived on earth. Evolutionists remain unsure when the angiosperms emerged.
Articles we printed in April 2002 lead to a question: have evolutionists changed in the last 22 years?

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