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We care about you and your unborn baby.
David C. Little - President
Baymeadows Baptist Church, Jacksonville Florida We here at Baymeadows Baptist Church want to share the love of Jesus Christ with those in our community and throughout the city of Jacksonville.
Presenting God's Word On the Internet Since 1996
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Msg #24011 One Job To Do What The Bible Says - Good Samaritan's Penny Pulpit by Pastor Ed Rice
Kelsey Bible Baptist Church, Kelsey California Need: Bi-Vocational, Self-Supported, or Missionary Pastor
Msg #2353 Pastors and Sheep What The Bible Says - Good Samaritan's Penny Pulpit by Pastor Ed Rice
Msg #2327a Ascending and Descending What The Bible Says - Good Samaritan's Penny Pulpit by Pastor Ed Rice
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Do We Want a Good Harvest - Independent Baptist KJV Preaching! Giving four essentials in successfully getting out the gospel of Christ, this message was preached on Sunday evening, May 05, ...
God Wants To Refresh Us #church #godshouse If you have questions or if we can help then please reach out to us at (830) 896-5330 or Support@RDBCTexas.com. Ranchero ...
Bible Conference 3/5/2024 Our Adversary in Troubling Times text: 1 Peter 5:8-11 1. Awaken to the Danger (v. 8b) a. Who he is. b. What he wants . 2. Beware ...
Dr Don Smith - am Service  12/24/23 Dr. Don Smith "What Does God Want for Christmas'' Proverbs 17 : 8---------------------------- Ambassador Baptist Church 2200 ...
God Wants Everyone to be Saved - Bro. Wes Lane Message by Bro. Wes Lane Text: Romans 10:13 February 21, 2024 - 7PM Calvary Baptist Church 7321 Manchester Road ...
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For all his greatness, we should most seek to imitate the late pastor's humility and indifference to fame.In spring of last year, many of us saw a photo of the late Timothy Keller sitting on a park bench. The photo was used on the cover of Collin Hansen’s biography of Keller, and it circulated around the internet in May when he passed away—on social media, blogs, and even Keller’s personal website.What most of us didn’t see, however, was the banana peel lying on the bench only a couple feet from Keller. The peel has been cropped from most versions of the photo, and understandably so. Who wants to see an ugly brown bit of organic waste in an author’s photograph?I confess that if I were a world-famous pastor and best-selling author having my picture taken by a professional photographer, I would most certainly have moved the banana peel before someone took my picture. Who wouldn’t? But Keller didn’t seem to care.I believe this points to a deeper character trait of Keller’s, which many observed during his lifetime of ministry: an indifference to fame and to curating an image—something many of us struggle with in the social media era. This is also part of why, I believe, he finished his race so well.Finishing well in life and ministry has been historically difficult for believers, especially for those in positions of leadership. Think of Gideon or Solomon in the Old Testament, Demas in the New Testament, or, of course, the many church leaders today who have infamously failed to persevere.The esteem that leaders receive from the Christian community can allow for hidden flaws to grow like rust on the hull of a ship, unnoticed and unaddressed at first. But as these leaders reach greater influence, greater weight is placed on these flaws—which can reach ...Continue reading...
The wager only scratches the surface of his relevance to a post-Christian era.It is a common lament that we live in a post-Christian era. This fact raises challenges to our witness to the world. Most of our audience thinks that, in G. K. Chesterton’s words, Christianity has been tried and found wanting (rather than found wanting and left untried). It is not considered a live option. How do we bear witness well in this cultural context? We might do well to reconsider one of the most enigmatic thinkers in Christian history, Blaise Pascal.Pascal suffers from a public relations problem. As the source of Pascal’s wager, he is often considered a gambling man. He urges the non-believer to bet that God exists. What does one have to lose? In Beyond the Wager: The Christian Brilliance of Blaise Pascal, philosopher Douglas Groothuis shows that there is more to Pascal’s life and thought than his most famous argument. Groothuis demonstrates that we have much to learn from this brilliant thinker. Pascal, he argues, is a crucial thinker for our time.Essential writingsPascal came on the scene in the 17th century, during the early years of the Scientific Revolution. Several of his works contributed to this movement, including treatises on the geometry of conic sections, theories of probability, and conclusions to extensive experiments he had done to test the possibility of a vacuum. He invented the first functional calculator, which he had built to help his father with his work of assessing taxes.His best-known works, however, focus on Christianity. In the Provincial Letters, Pascal defends the Jansenist movement, which was condemned by the Catholic church, against the Jesuits. The Jansenists emphasized that the depth of human sinfulness required a work of God for our salvation. The Christian life ...Continue reading...
City of Yes for Carbon Neutrality In New York City mayor Eric Adams says, “Everything you need to know about the latest proposal in ‘City of Yes'” we get to see one of the latest schemes to capture property rights – via carbon neutrality. What...
The popular series about Jesus is now available in 50 languages with plans for 550 more.The film was familiar but the language was new for Come and See CEO Stan Jantz.As he sat in a theater in Warsaw, he looked around the room and saw people laughing and crying in the same places he had laughed and cried when he watched The Chosen, the popular streaming series that tells the story of Jesus through the eyes of the disciples. That was the moment of truth for Jantz. The real test for a translation—going beyond accuracy alone—is whether it connects with human hearts.“Translation also has to be beautiful,” Jantz told CT. “It’s an art as much as it is a science.”Come and See has dubbed or subtitled The Chosen into 50 languages so far. The group has plans to do the same for 550 more languages.No TV show has ever been translated into that many languages. Few shows are dubbed more than a handful of times, even in an era where viewership of translated programs has dramatically increased, thanks to streaming services’ global business plans. Netflix can dub shows into about three dozen languages but mostly works in French, German, Polish, Italian, Turkish, Castilian Spanish, Latin American Spanish, and Brazilian Portuguese. Some very popular shows are remade in another language, like Suits, which has Japanese, Korean, and Mongolian versions.Baywatch, starring David Hasselhoff and Pamela Anderson, has been translated 34 times. That was the record, until Come and See started turning out dubbed versions of The Chosen. There’s not a lot of profit in dubbing, so for-profit efforts will only go so far. A nonprofit like Come and See can do more.The group wants to reach 1 billion people with the show, so The Chosen can connect people to Jesus and bring them to faith. Come and ...Continue reading...
Long-shot campaign needs 15,000 signatures for the chance to get on the ballot.Eye-catching election placards are popping up across the European Union. They appear overnight in public squares and in front of train stations, along the Autobahn and the Champs-Élysées and many lesser-known rues, strassen, and calles.With bright colors and bold slogans, each promises to make a difference in the European Parliament, if only passersby will vote for their party in the upcoming election.“Make Europe strong,” says one.“Make it happen,” urges another.And there’s a new slogan for a new party in Spain: “United in values, guided by faith.”The sign asks people to vote for Fe, Infancia, Educación, y Libertad (Faith, Childhood, Education, and Liberty) or FIEL, a new, explicitly evangelical Christian party. The party’s candidate for the European Parliament may not actually appear on ballots in June, though. Before Juan José Cortés can stand for election, FIEL needs 15,000 signatures by May 12.“We are at a crucial moment,” party president Salvador Martí wrote in a recent campaign letter. “Your signature is essential so that we can continue in the battle, and so that together we can work for a better future for all.”Martí acknowledges this is an uphill battle. Many experts say it’s basically impossible to build a new party from scratch out of a tiny religious minority. Evangelicals make up about 2 percent of the Spanish population. There are fewer than 5,000 evangelical congregations in the whole country, even with the recent increase in evangelical immigrants.“We do not want to settle for the obstacles that say that it is not possible to build a party built by citizens like you and me ...Continue reading...
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