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A court in Algeria last week upheld a one-year prison sentence for a top church leader baselessly convicted of “illegal worshiping,” according to a legal advocacy group.
A leader from the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops has accused the Biden administration of advancing an “ideological view of sex," condemning a forthcoming rule that could require faith-based healthcare providers to perform or provide surgical or hormonal transgender interventions.
In a culture where social media and societal pressures shape a young person's identity more than biblical truths, the new film "Identity Crisis" explores deeper questions of self-worth, faith and divine creation, star Maria Canals-Barrera told The Christian Post.?
Loran Livingston, lead pastor of Central Church in Charlotte, North Carolina, delivered? a Sunday sermon to his congregation of about 6,000 people concerning the importance of studying Scripture rightly without outside interference from false doctrine.
Actor Lucas Black opens up in an interview with The Christian Post about putting family and God first when it comes to his career and how he handles backlash for his conservative views.
Grab a tissue and prepare to get misty-eyed as a scared little boy whispers, "Is my Dad in Heaven? " to the Pope, who responds with solace, comfort, and grace.
When Janette Oke started writing in her forties, Christian publishing companies weren't yet printing fiction books. But Oke knew the mission and purpose God called her to, which may also explain why she doesn't see herself slowing down in her later years...
"I was always a seeker. I became disillusioned I think with churchianity," Quaid told ChristianHeadlines....
A new research paper has found that there is not enough support for the core ideas in author and pastor Gary Chapman's best-selling book, The Five Love Languages.
For me, someone raised in the segregated South, having attended segregated schools, a segregated church, and living in a segregated neighborhood, his sermon to America was a clarion call to commitment and action in support of a cause that was demanded both by our founding documents and, more importantly, by the Gospel proclaimed in the New Testament.
A federal appeals court this week delivered a major victory to opponents of transgender procedures for children, green-lighting an Alabama law that prohibits minors from receiving puberty blockers, cross-sex hormone treatments and trans surgeries.
A director who shares the ideas of Iran's hardline president has produced what he says is the first film giving an Islamic view of Jesus Christ, in a bid to show the "common ground" between Muslims and Christians.

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