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Eastland Baptist Church of Tulsa (OK)

Eastland Baptist Church of Tulsa (OK)

Pastor Troy Dorrell
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Chloe is our new pet sheep.   I’m still not quite sure how it happened, but during a recent Sunday morning sermon I obligated myself to the delight of my girls to purchase a baby lamb.  I was preaching from John chapter 10 on the Good Shepherd and said something to the effect it might [...]
Over the years I have read many books on leadership, ministry and pastoring, but Eugene Peterson’s book entitled The Contemplative Pastor stands out as unique and original because of his view of the pastor’s position and role in the church. He believes that over the past one-hundred years the pastor has come to resemble the [...]
The presentation of the Centurion Sunday night was a huge success! We were blessed to have over 1100 people attend the drama with several people accepting Christ as savior as a result. Hundreds of guests filled the auditorium, and our balcony was filled beyond capacity. The actors all did an exceptional job, and they touched the [...]
It was a privilege to present the Purposeful Parenting Seminar at Berean Baptist Church in Springfield Missouri this past Friday and Saturday.   The seminar was very well received and the Lord used the teaching of His Word to encourage many hearts.  Jeff Ables has been the pastor of Berean Baptist for the past 16 years and God [...]
(RNS) — Nine years after becoming the first state to allow same-sex civil unions, Vermont on Tuesday (April 7) became the first state to approve same-sex marriage without a court order.  At the same time, the District of Columbia took the first step toward recognizing same-sex marriages performed in other jurisdictions, a move that some [...]
One of the most often rehearsed quotes from the lips of the apostle Paul can be found in the third chapter of the book of Philippians. After listing all the things he has been through—both good and bad—he reaffirms his intention to continue to pursue Christ by saying, “…but this one thing I do, forgetting [...]
With the insight of an educator and communications theorist, Neil Postman—in his book Amusing Ourselves To Death—examines the impact of television culture on the way we conduct our public affairs. He proposes that unless we understand the effects of living in a television-bound society, we are in danger of creating a trivial and simplistic culture [...]
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Bro. Kurt Skelly delivered a wonderful and helpful message Friday night at our Banquet.  I believe it will be an encouragement to every one who listens to it and that the  Lord will use it to stretch and grow your faith.  For everyone who was unable to attend the banquet please take time to listen [...]
Leonard Sweets’ book entitled “11,” is about the important role relationships play in our lives.  He argues from both the scriptures and personal experience that we were not meant to live in isolation.  From the beginning of creation God said, “It is not good that the man should be alone,” therefore God created a [...]
In the multivariable equation of raising good teenagers, one of the things that will create a bond of affection between teen and parent is good memories. Everyone’s hearts are endeared to people and places when positive memories are associated with them. Over the years Teri and I have purposely built many enduring memories into the [...]
We celebrated our annual Stewardship and Appreciation Banquet this past week, and it was one of the best we have ever had. During this special occasion, we recognize all those who have served during the past year and recognize both Teacher of the Year and Servant of the Year. This year, Mark and Cathy [...]
Today we are bombarded with information; our world is filled with advertisements, billboards, TV ads, radio spots, informational flyers, and newspapers all trying to sell us something or persuade us that a product is worthy of our dollar.   However, even in this age of mass media and seemingly limitless information people still tend to trust [...]
Guest-er-ize (gest-er-ize), vt: to make a church more responsive to its guest and better able to attract new ones, syn, to serve, care, love, be friendly, acceptance.  Church consultants are individuals who specialize in helping churches improve their ability to serve and assimilate guests.  In order to do this they will often visit a church unannounced [...]
Americans still remain the most generous people on the earth, but studies show they are giving less to churches.  Americans today are forced to make tough financial decisions.  Many families face the challenge of deciding what gets cut from the budget.  A recent Gallup poll found that the percentage of people giving to religious organizations [...]
The video update will be a regular and expanding feature on this blog site; spotlighting what is currently happening in our church and providing information about upcoming events.  Like the blog itself, its content and production will be changing and evolving.  I would like to thank all those who have made positive and constructive comments about the [...]
As this blog site is being developed we will be trying and experimenting with a number of different ways of communicating.  The main purpose of the site is to stay better connected with the membership of our church family and to enhance communication about events, ministry, and the things on my heart.  In a further [...]
Marvin and Becky Robertson are missionaries sent out of Eastland Baptist Church to the field of Spain.  They have faithfully served on the foreign field for over 30 years and have done a tremendous job.  It was a joy to have them home on furlough over the winter; our church family dearly loves them. This [...]
A while back I was doing some work with my Treo cell phone; it is a PDA type phone that keeps my contacts, does email, and has a calendar. I was pushing  too many buttons at once when suddenly it “locked up”. It stopped working; it no longer was doing what I was asking it [...]
When people enjoy something they willingly and naturally tell others about it.  For example, where did you hear about the last good book that you read, or why did you visit that new restaurant? In some cases because someone else who had read the book before you enjoyed it and told you about it, or [...]
In a recent church service we reviewed our annual Snow Camp trip with a video and I thought you might enjoy seeing it again.  If you are interested in attending Snow Camp next year see Bro. John Mardirosian for details.  Pastor
What a blessing and encouragement it was this past Friday and Saturday to preach at the annual Baptist Men’s Recharge in Andover Kansas. Over 600 men from Kansas and the surrounding states gathered for a time of preaching and fellowship. It was my privilege to preach along with Pastor’s Sam Davison from Southwest Baptist Church [...]
I just finished a three day Family Conference in Ponca City  Oklahoma at Central Baptist Church; John Waterloo is the Senior Pastor and is doing an exceptional job of leading this church to reach their city for Christ. The Conference was well attended and finished Sunday evening. I preached six different times on subjects including avoiding [...]

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