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A Religious Belief Exemption

A Religious Belief Exemption

Many are giving “sincerely held” religious belief exemptions a second look, and some are requiring that they be written down. Here is a draft that can get a Christian on the right track.

A Religious Belief Exemption

Many are giving “sincerely held” religious belief exemptions a second look, and some are requiring that they be written down. Here is a draft that can get a Christian on the right track.


A Personal Sincerely Held Religious Belief Exempting Me From a

Government or Employer Mandated COVID-19 Inoculation


In that a progressive, liberal left controlled faction or entity of my government has mandated that an inoculation, for a supposed pandemic (such as COVID-19), be administered against my will, against my physical and medical desires, and against my better judgment,

And in that that faction or entity denies that my Lord Jesus Christ is my Creator, my Saviour, and my Sustainer to suppose, via their science-so-called, that all things “evolved” into being, to including this pathogen,

And in that that faction or entity denies the clear evidence that a God given, natural immunity may be already acquired,

And in that that faction or entity knows that such a mandated inoculation will not completely eliminate the contraction nor spread of the pathogen,

And in that that faction or entity has in the past denied, misconstrued, lied about, and falsified the possibilities and severities of side effects of the inoculation,

And in that that faction or entity has in the past made power-mongering dictates against churches and other conservative entities,

And in that my Holy Bible commands that as a born-again, converted to Christ, blood bought believer, my body is not my own (nor the property of my government) but the temple of God,... “your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own. For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s” (1Cor. 6:19-20, The Holy Bible),

And in that other, more conservative, government entities are vehemently opposed to the progressive liberal left's mandates of this inoculation,

And in that getting this inoculation should be a personal and voluntary decision based on my medical, personal, and spiritual beliefs and considerations,

I hereby declare my personal, sincerely held religious belief exempting me from a government or employer's mandated COVID-19 inoculation on religious grounds because such a mandate is against the very nature of freedom of religion articulated in the First Amendment.


__________________________ _____________________ _____________

Signed -- Printed Name --  Date

Tags:   Pastor Ed Rice
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