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Thanks to Joe Biden's politicized Justice Department, a pro-life advocate will spend the next five years in a federal prison for protesting abortion. If Lauren Handy was an environmental activist or a leftist supporting Hamas, her sit-in at an abortion business would have earned her a misdemeanor charge and maybe a small fine. But because […]The post Pro-Life Advocate Lauren Handy Thrown in Prison for 57 Months for Protesting Abortion appeared first on LifeNews.com.
“A lot of people are labeling it as country and I would label it as just Anne Wilson,” she told CrosswalkHeadlines. “Some songs will be on Christian playlists, and some will be on country. And then some will maybe just be in the middle."
Have you ever asked yourself why you go to church? There are plenty of scriptures about meeting together, so, maybe it's out of obedience. Or maybe it's tradition, or maybe it's the fear of being accused of not being a good Christian. Maybe you go to church because it's something to do or it feels like a good thing to have some sort of faith-based support. Maybe you've formed good friendships, or you enjoy the programs churches have to offer. Maybe you like being part of a community of like-minded people. Maybe you've just always gone and so you continue to go out of habit or routine.? Everyone has their opinions about church, but does God have an opinion?Today, when churches almost everywhere are broadcasting online, does it really matter if you actually get dressed and head out on a Sunday morning or a Wednesday night? What about a Bible study, does that count? You can read the Bible alone and grow in your faith and you can pray alone and grow in your faith, and you can worship alone and grow in your faith. Yet each one of these faith actions has two sides: personal and inter-personal.? Most people are comfortable with reading the Bible and praying together, but worship is different. Why is that? People are sometimes less comfortable expressing themselves in worship when others are around than they are worshipping alone. But is one “better” or more spiritually beneficial than the other? Photo Credit:©GettyImages/CreativaImages
What do you picture when you think of church?Do you think of the rows of wooden pews or the intricate stained-glass windows in the sanctuary? Stacks of Bibles and hymnals? What about a stage or pulpit? Maybe you think of a large auditorium setting if you attend a mega church.? All these details tell us what we see when we look at a building, but they tell us nothing about what a church should biblically look like. Scripture does not give directions about the format of seating or the use of a stage. We find no mention of a required carpet color or use of stained-glass windows. During the early days of the church, there were no chapels or cathedrals with steeples. That is because the Church is not a building.? Believers make up the body of Christ, the Church (1 Corinthians 12:27).? As members of the body of Christ, what we look like stems from our relationship to Jesus and the mission He gave us. He has called us to be a multiplying people, a community that grows and reaches into the lives of others. It is a group of individuals who increasingly look like Him.? C.S. Lewis wrote about the purpose of the church in Mere Christianity. As he explained, “[T]he church exists for nothing else but to draw men into Christ, to make them little Christs. If they are not doing that, all the cathedrals, clergy, missions, sermons, even the Bible itself, are simply a waste of time” (HarperOne, 2001, p. 199).At first, Lewis' statement might surprise us. Constructing buildings, doing missions, and studying the Bible are wastes of time? They are if people are not growing in Christ and making disciples. The body of believers is meant to look increasingly like Jesus and help others become reflections of Christ too. If the church is not doing that, then it is not accomplishing its purpose. It will not look like a biblical church. ? ? But what are the indications that a group of believers are accomplishing this purpose of growing to become more like Christ? ? ? ? Scripture does not have directions about what a church building should look like, but it does have a wealth of information about what it looks like to live as individuals belonging to the Church.Photo credit: ©Getty Images/Will & Deni McIntyre
Christian faith was integral to so many classic authors' writings. Deep and abiding faith can be seen in writers of both poetry and prose, and this list includes just a few of them. We hope it will inspire you to appreciate the writings of these authors to an even greater extend or maybe to pick up their works for the very first time!Although some may think that it is difficult to connect with authors and writings from previous centuries, perhaps the connection of shared faith may serve to bridge that gap and help you see these writers in new ways. The famous Christian father Augustine said that "All truth is God's truth," and while the works of these authors are fiction, it holds true that we can glean insights into God's character, faith, and human nature by reading their portrayal of these things. We hope you enjoy reading this list.Main image credit: ©Chris Bair/Unsplash
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