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American Bible Society study finds majority don't trust technology with spiritual matters.Ask ChatGPT how to improve your spiritual life, and the natural-language processing artificial intelligence chatbot has plenty of suggestions.But Americans are skeptical that artificial intelligence, or AI, has much to offer in the way of reliable religious guidance.Sixty-eight percent of people don’t think AI could help them with their spiritual practices or “promote spiritual health,” according to the latest research from American Bible Society (ABS). Fifty-eight percent say they don’t think AI will “aid in moral reasoning” and only one out of every four people say they feel optimistic about the impact the technology will have.“Americans are more fearful than hopeful about artificial intelligence,” said John Farquhar Plake, an ABS program officer and editor-in-chief of the State of the Bible series. “People don’t know how AI will change the culture—but they’re mildly uneasy about it.”ABS surveyed about 2,500 people for its annual report on Scripture engagement and related topics. While technology has been a regular part of the survey, this is the first year ABS dedicated a set of questions to the topic of technology that performs tasks traditionally associated with human intelligence.AI is rapidly evolving, and currently includes everything from Amazon’s “virtual assistant” Alexa to chatbots running large language models that can pass the bar exam. People are pushing the technology further every day, and some Christians who work in tech are excited about the possibilities—dreaming of algorithms that might one day help people grow, learn, and go deeper in their faith.“It is not difficult to imagine how pastors and ...Continue reading...
The University of California at San Diego and Planned Parenthood operated an “exchange” partnership involving aborted fetal body parts and scientific research, according to newly released documents obtained by a pro-life watchdog organization. The Center for Medical Progress believes the evidence uncovered through its open records requests may be “incriminating.” Founder David Daleiden told? The College […]The post Planned Parenthood Traded Aborted Baby Parts to University in Exchange for Intellectual Property appeared first on LifeNews.com.
By Chris Burt The UK government has announced investments in live facial recognition and research and development for remote scanning technologies as it attempts to...UK invests in 4 police vans with live facial recognition to cut knife crime
By Maryam Henein I am excited to interview Celeste Solum on Truth Lives Here this coming Friday. Solum is an investigator, researcher, author, broadcaster, and...Pandemic X, Nanoparticles of Destruction & More With Celeste Solum
By Chris Burt The UK government has announced investments in live facial recognition and research and development for remote scanning technologies as it attempts to...UK invests in 4 police vans with live facial recognition to cut knife crime
By Maryam Henein I am excited to interview Celeste Solum on Truth Lives Here this coming Friday. Solum is an investigator, researcher, author, broadcaster, and...Pandemic X, Nanoparticles of Destruction & More With Celeste Solum
It wasn't only because of missionaries from the West, says a Tongan Australian theologian.Christian overseas missionaries were more successful in Oceania—the region spanning the Pacific Islands, Australia, Papua New Guinea, and New Zealand—than anywhere else in the world.In particular, people in the Pacific Islands (which include Fiji, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Vanuatu, Tonga, and more) were receptive to the gospel because “their ancestors’ strong beliefs in a divine presence and in the afterlife made them very open to Christian faith,” wrote Jacqueline Ryle, a contributor to the 2021 reference volume Christianity in Oceania. Tongan Australian theologian Katalina Tahaafe-Williams says her research reveals the same: The growth of Christianity in the region was not because of white Europeans but rather due to Indigenous missionaries who translated Christianity in a way that made sense to locals.Tahaafe-Williams, who lives in Sydney, served as the Indigenous coeditor for the book alongside prominent global Christianity scholars Kenneth R. Ross and Todd M. Johnson.“Our goal was to recruit Indigenous writers from all over the region to contribute to this volume,” she explained. “It was my task to connect with potential authors, theologians, leaders, and church members from the Pacific Islands … we were very committed to finding, however challenging it might be, authors who were part of that particular culture, thereby making the work very authentic.”CT Global books editor Geethanjali Tupps spoke with Tahaafe-Williams on why Christianity flourished in the Pacific Islands, how migration patterns have impacted the church, and why the region shouldn’t serve as the poster child for climate change issues.Continue reading...
A majority of American Protestants were raised by devout mothers, a study finds.The vast majority of American Christians were raised in the faith—and most can point to the influence of their moms.In a 2023 study, the American Bible Society found that a majority of believers remain in the same religious tradition as their mothers. This agrees with a large body of mainstream social science research dating back to the 1970s that says the active faith of mothers is a strong predictor of religious transmission.Some of this may be attributed to the natural bond children have with their mothers. But there is also research that shows that moms take a more active role in faith formation in America.A 2019 Barna Group survey found that Christian teenagers who say their faith is very important to them are 20 points more likely to talk to their moms about religion than their dads. More than 70 percent of Christian teenagers read the Bible, 70 percent talk about God, and 63 percent pray with their moms.Continue reading...
Today's category: LawyersAbout That Donation? ? ? ? ? ? A local United Way office realized that it had never received a donation from the town's most successful lawyer. The person in charge of contributions called him to persuade him to contribute.? ? ? ? ? ? "Our research shows that out of a yearly income of at least $500,000, you give not a penny to charity. Wouldn't you like to give back to the community in some way?"? ? ? ? ? ? The lawyer mulled this over for a moment and replied, "First, did your research also show that my mother is dying after a long illness, and has medical bills that are several times her annual income?"? ? ? ? ? ? Embarrassed, the United Way rep mumbled, "Um...no." "--or that my brother, a disabled veteran, is blind and confined to a wheelchair?"? ? ? ? ? ? The stricken United Way rep began to stammer out an apology but was interrupted, "--or that my sister's husband died in a traffic accident," the lawyer's voice rising in indignation, "leaving her penniless with three children?!"? ? ? ? ? ? The humiliated United Way rep, completely beaten, said simply, "I had no idea..."? ? ? ? ? ? On a roll, the lawyer cut him off once again: "--so if I don't give any money to them, why should I give any to you?!?"View hundreds more jokes online.Email this joke to a friend
This is a critique of Wiley.com’s description of Klaus Schwab and Peter Vanham’s Stakeholder Capitalism: A Global Economy that Works for Progress, People, and Planet. Quotes from Wiley are in bold italics. Wiley is a publishing company that specializes in education and research. Reimagining our...
By Michael Kane Andrew Lowenthal is a brilliant researcher and activist who has been fighting for a free and open Internet for decades. Follow his...Defending Free Speech – Interview with Andrew Lowenthal
By B.N. Frank Decades of research have already determined that exposure to cell phone radiation and other sources of electromagnetic fields (EMF) – including Bluetooth,...Hold the Phone! Cellphones Tested in 2019 by FCC Exceeded RF Radiation Limits; Agency Didn't Publicize This Until 2023
David Closson, Director of the Center for Biblical Worldview at FRC, joins Victory News to talk about the battle to protect the unborn, research on the political values/views of parents and their children, the Left's double-standards, and the spiritual/moral cost of gender confusion....
Attempts to harmonize living fossil research with mutation research fail.
Attempts to harmonize living fossil research with mutation research fail.
Most pastors will tell you of the importance of small groups. Speaking from personal experience, I know that if someone is connected in a small group, there is a greater likelihood that they'll be involved in a wider mission and more involved within the local church's life. They also have a built-in support system to help them grow in Christ. A recent LifeWay study found what I already knew through personal experience—small groups are important. Scott McConnell summarized the study with these words:"Small groups and Sunday School classes provide the relational glue that allows a local congregation to be a place where people love one another. Groups and relationships that are centered on the Word of God unify a congregation and motivate people to work together on the mission of the church. Churches with few people participating in groups are not in a healthy position to make more disciples."? [1]We also know that, just as with Sunday morning attendance, there are more women than men in attendance—about 60-40. Why is it harder to get men to be actively involved in small groups? Do they not like going? Or are there other reasons?Before answering these questions, I should say that in my own experience, I have witnessed many men absolutely love going to small groups. If a man is engaged in other disciplines within the body of Christ, these "reasons" are usually not a big enough hurdle. And in my experience, many of the men who attend small groups say it's their favorite time of the weak. Nevertheless, it can be a tough hurdle for some to overcome. Here are some of those reasons: ? [1]? https://research.lifeway.com/2023/03/07/research-reveals-importance-of-small-groups-evangelism-assimilation-for-church-growth/Photo Courtesy:? ? Jantanee Rungpranomkorn from? Getty Images
CT's outgoing Asia editor recalls how God led him to America, toward the Christian faith, onto the internet, and outward to serve the global Chinese church.
Marriage is declining in America. According to a 2019 study by the Pew Research Center, the percentage of Americans who have cohabited was larger than that of those who have been married. This is not surprising, considering that “most Americans find it acceptable for unmarried couples to live together, even for those who don't plan to get married.”? ? Since Western societies are becoming more secularized, we should expect the rejection of religiously grounded practices like marriage. People have tried to redefine marriage, wanting to abandon the biblical practice and definition of it. For example, in 2015, the American Supreme Court legalized same-sex marriage in the landmark Obergefell v. Hodges decision. This expanded “marriage” to include same-sex couples, granting them legal rights and privileges.? Those who practice consensual non-monogamy (also called ethical non-monogamy) argue that dating or being in a sexual relationship with another person outside of their spouse is not adultery if all individuals involved give their consent. According to an? article? by Psych? Central,? this? arrangement? in which? husband and wife are willing for their spouse? to have? additional partners is seen as a? healthy way to cope with being “attracted to multiple people at once.”? Amid this whirlwind of ideas and changes to the definition of marriage, where should Christians stand? Do we give in to the whims of an ever-changing culture so that we are relevant? Are we supposed to ignore or reinterpret the verses in Scripture that define marriage and discuss sexual relationships just to appease the world?? Even though the culture will continually shift, the Bible does not change. We should follow God's Word and remain steadfast to its truth. This includes being faithful to what Scripture teaches about marriage.? ? Although society increasingly wants to move beyond it, marriage is still important. Here's why:? Photo Credit: ©iStock/Getty Images Plus/Nadtochiy
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Today, April 2, Family Research Council (FRC) Senior Vice President Jody Hice, published a new book, Sacred Trust: Election Integrity and the Will of the People. In addition to being a former Member of Congress and former pastor, Hice serves as president of FRC Action, the legislative affiliate of FRC....
On Monday, President Joe Biden signed an executive order promoting women's health research in light of Women's History Month.
WASHINGTON, D.C. - On Tuesday, April 2, Family Research Council (FRC) Senior Vice President Jody Hice, will publish a new book, Sacred Trust: Election Integrity and the Will of the People. In addition to being a former Member of Congress and former pastor, Hice serves as president of FRC Action, the legislative affiliate of FRC....
A recent news article discussed research on how dinosaurs survived the end-Triassic/early-Jurassic mass extinction.
A recent news article discussed research on how dinosaurs survived the end-Triassic/early-Jurassic mass extinction.
WASHINGTON, D.C. - Today, Family Research Council (FRC), together with Dr. Michael New, Assistant Professor of Social Research at the Busch School of Business at The Catholic University of America, released the first phase results of a study of 11 perinatal hospice programs surveying 82 mothers who participated in these programs. ...
New research reveals dangers in the gender transitioning experiment.

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