Msg #2135 Know-Grow-Show-Go


Msg #2135 Know-Grow-Show-Go

What The Bible Says
Good Samaritan’s Penny Pulpit by Pastor Ed Rice

God wrote it and Peter closes his contribution with a very pertinent ‘Wherefore’ and an always significant ‘Therefore’ (2Pet 3:14,17). A Bible pun says, “When you find a ‘wherefore’ see what it’s there-for.” Peter’s ‘Wherefore’ says, “Beloved, seeing that ye look for such things, be diligent that ye may be found #1 in peace, be found #2 without spot, and be found #3 blameless” (vr.14). And it is ‘there-for’ the fact that all this world, all our physical possessions, all we see here, is going to dissolve and burn! Further, we are ‘hasting‘ toward “the coming day of God” (3:10-13). So, “What manner of persons ought ye to be?” In the last of the last days “children of the light” (cf Luke 16:8, John 12”36, Eph 5:8,1Thes 5:5) ought to #1 have peace, #2 be without spot, and #3 be found blameless.

Peter’s ‘Therefore’ says, “Beware” you will either grow in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, or you will be led away with error and “fall from your own steadfastness” (2Pet 3:17-18). Peter starts his first epistle with instruction to Know, Grow, Show, and Go (1Pet 1:18,2:2,9,21). Mark them in your Bible. He starts his second epistle with instruction that grace and peace are multiplied through knowledge of our Lord, which comes from adding to our faith VKTPGK&C (2Pet 1:2,5-7), and “if ye do these things ye shall never fall” (vr.10).

Remember that Peter is writing to strangers scattered throughout PGC&B, “pilgrims” going through real sufferings and persecutions! He writes, “Forasmuch then as Christ hath suffered… arm yourselves with the same mind” (1Pet 4:1). In America, we suffer pressure, not persecution. This week in Afghanistan Christians with a Bible or a Bible-app had their hands and/or heads cut off! Arm yourselves and cease from sin (4:1).

An Essay for week #35 – Aug 29, 2021

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A weekly 300 word essay- The Penny Pulpit
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