One of the ministries we have is to create web pages for churches that do not have a web presence. As I have been doing research on churches to get current information, verify the church does not have a web page etc. I have found that there are several excellent resources out there (see our Baptist Church listings category), but I have found inaccuracies. Area code changes, bad or defective links, links pointing to porn sites and/or advertising sites etc. Also, these sites are more lists, rather than search engines. I set up a search engine back in 2004, which would “spider” web sites, but I found that the content that was gleaned through a regular spider was minimal, incorrect, and in the case of some of these free web hosting services, was more about the hosting service than the church.
I found this software while looking for software to run a calendar, and found that this software would meet all the requirements for a search engine and was flexible enough to allow me to add a multitude of categories. As I started converting over from the old search engine software, I saw the flexibility of this software and Baptist Ministries became a reality. As I continued to work, on this project, the spider was turning up pastor recommended links, missionaries and resources.
This project is different than existing lists because you can add and maintain your own link(s), and because I will go through and verify all new links, and add categories as appropriate, and we will be verifying links on a regular basis to make sure we have good links and information.
If you are an independent Baptist, why not add your favorite links today? If you know of a church web site that is not listed, why not add it today? You are invited to participate!