Westside Baptist Temple, El Paso Texas


Seeking a biblically qualified full-time assistant pastor. This is a full-time paid position.  A married couple is highly preferred.  The position would involve working with children and youth, soul winning, as well as some teaching and preaching.
KJV only. Worship using traditional hymns and music.  Independent, Fundamental, Mission minded, non-Calvinistic.  God is sending visitors on a regular basis and the church is growing.   Weekly soul-winning and a couple other monthly outreach programs.
Church attendance currently averages between 90 – 100  on Sunday mornings, Services on Sunday Evenings and Wednesdays as well.    The church supports around 70 missionaries or projects using Faith Promise Missions.  Currently the church doesn’t run bus or van routes, although there is a desire to add these ministries as the Lord supplies the workers.  The church is financially stable with no debt and is in the middle of refreshing the church facilities.
The church has a small Christian school currently using the Abeka video program.  The couple that has been running our school for about 20 years are in their mid-70's and are moving out of state at the end of this school year.   He is our assistant pastor as well and is compensated by the church rather than the school.
El Paso is in far west Texas bordered on the west and north by New Mexico and on the south by Juarez, Mexico. There are well over 800,000 people in the metro area. It offers a tremendous opportunity to reach souls and see lives changed. There are over 12,000 doors within a 5-mile radius of the church.
If you are seeking a long-term ministry and not just a paycheck this could be the place God can use you. Interested candidates should contact Pastor Tim Urling by E-mail: Tim**at**2EveryCreature**dot**com Please include resumés, doctrinal statement, and audio/video links to messages, and social media links if available.

Westside Baptist Temple
Home of Westside Baptist Temple Academy
901 West Borderland Road  
El Paso, TX 79932
(915) 877-3667

Westside Baptist Temple on Facebook

Website: https://wsbt.org


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Author: Bob

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