Vision Baptist Church, Fort Wayne Indiana


Looking to fill the position of Assistant Pastor. This is a full time position. Pay to be discussed at the time of interview.
From our humble beginnings at the New Haven Library to holding services in our Super Green lawn care office at the house to renting office space on Lake and now just obtained keys to our newest facility on Crescent. The vision has never been more clear. Win souls for Christ! Recruit men and women back into the ministry and reach our nation for Christ!
Do you have a burning desire to serve the Lord? We want you! Reach out today to setup a phone call interview 260-498-9642 I look forward to meeting you and sharing what God is doing here in Fort Wayne, Indiana. Sincerely, Pastor Michael Bell
We are an Old-fashioned Independent Baptist Church. KJV only. Send resumes to [email protected]

Vision Baptist Church
Pastor Michael Bell
1232 Crescent Ave Door #3
Fort Wayne, IN 46805
(260) 498-9642

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