The Version Debate


The Version Debate:

The Word Of God is the foundation of the Christian Life. Everything about God, His Son Jesus, His Holy Spirit, His creation, salvation, everything, we know from His Word.
I was saved in 1980.It was generally accepted among Bible believing churches that the Bible IS the Word of God. The statement of the day was ” The Bible is the inerrant, infallible, perfect Word Of God”. Then, most Bible Believers used the KJV. Others versions, because of leaving out words and phrases, were not used. Only the liberal churches used them. Well, times have changed and I would like to look at at least two of the changes now.
With the use of other versions, I notice a change in the importance of Doctrine or what you believe. The Bible is a book of beliefs or Doctrines. Truth is truth. No matter what a person believes, truth is still truth. If I believe one thing from the Bible and someone else believes another, both cannot be truth. Truth is important for worship, John 4:24. No truth, no worship. Therefore, knowing and believing the truth is extremely important to us as Christians and with our walk with God.

Also I notice that the belief that was stated above about the perfect Word Of God, is not believed anymore. Most of the Statements Of Faith I see read something like this:
The Bible is the inerrant, infallible, perfect Word Of God in the original manuscripts”.
Wow. Now let me say, I do agree with that but it doesn’t tell the whole story. This is a VERY deceiving statement by itself. Notice it does not say “was the inerrant”. If we do not have the originals, and inerrancy only applies to the originals, it should say “was the inerrant”. It is said this way so you will read, agree and accept it. It gives the idea with a passive reading that they do believe in a perfect word of God now, but it does not say that.

This statement is believed by those who hold to it, because you can’t believe the old statement (that the bible is perfect now) and use other versions. Believing God has given us a word perfect Bible will NOT allow you to say the KJV is good and so are some of the other versions. This is the belief that is common today, that all bibles have some good but none are perfect. If the KJV says one thing and the NIV says another (leaving out words), then both cannot be the perfect Word of God.

But, if you believe that inspiration and perfection was only in the original manuscripts, then no bible is perfect and all can have some good. This is not the product of the God in the Bible. You believe God created heaven and earth, rained fire from heaven, split the Red Sea, did mighty and wonderful miracles, but he just can’t give us HIS Word perfect? That just doesn’t add up.

Why would this breakdown in beliefs about the Holy Bible be accepted? Well because of some manuscripts that have been found. Why has thing’s that have been found or discovered, make a change our beliefs in God or His Word. I don’t care if someone found a document signed by Moses that says the Red Sea split was a hoax. I am not going to believe it. Would you? Neither does the finding of manuscripts change my belief in a perfect Word of God. This is an old fashioned thing called faith. Which is the way we live and believe in the whole of the Christian life.

Believing in a perfect Word Of God is a doctrine called preservation. See Psalm 12:6-
“The Words of the Lord are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. THOU SHALT KEEP THEM, O LORD, THOU SHALT PRESERVE THEM FROM THIS GENERATION FOR EVER”.

That settles it for me. This is preservation. Remember, the Word Of God is the foundation. If Satan has you in this area, he has you. Your foundation is shifting sand.

Benny Maynard

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Author: Bob

I am alive

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