The Trinity – Chapter 3 – 30 Minutes


Article of Faith: from “The New Church Manual” by Elder J.E. Cobb. “…in the unity of the God head there are three separate and distinct
persons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit; equal in every divine perfection, and executing distinct but harmonious offices in the great work
of redemption.”
Definition: The word Trinity is Not used in the Bible, but what it means is clearly taught. The word Trinity comes from two words “Three” and
“One”. This gives us the idea of a “Tri-Unity” yielding the word “Trinity”.

I. The Doctrine of the Trinity is Seen in the Work of Creation
The doctrine of the trinity is clearly taught in the work of creation.
A. Creation is attributed to the Father: Hebrews 1:2
B. Creation is attributed to the Son: John 1:1-3
C. Creation is attributed to the Holy Spirit: Genesis 1:2

II. The Trinity is Seen in the Commission
The doctrine of the trinity is clearly found in the Church commission given in Matthew 28:19-20.
In the commission, the Church is instructed to baptize:
A. In the name of Father
B. In the name of the Son
C. In the name of the Holy Ghost

III. The Trinity is Seen at the Baptism of Jesus
The three persons of the Godhead are clearly found at the Lord’s Baptism as explained in Matthew 3:16-17.
A. The Son is standing in the waters being baptized.
B. The Holy Spirit descends like a dove.
C. The Father speaks His approval from heaven.

IV. Paul, Recognizes the Trinity in His Conclusion to the Corinthian Letter
In 2nd Corinthians 13:14, the three persons of the Godhead are given.
A. The Son, “The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ”
B. The Father, “The love of God”
C. The Holy Spirit, “The communion of the Holy Ghost”

V. John Recognizes the Trinity
Taught in 1st John 5:7 addressing the Three Who bear record in heaven.
A. The Father
B. The Word meaning the Son, see the Gospel of John 1:14
C. The Holy Ghost
This verse ends pointing out that these Three are One.

VI. The Trinity is Recognized in the Ascension of the Lord Jesus
The Lord promised that the Comforter would come if He went away, see John 16:7. The Lord stated that He would pray the Father and the Father would send the Comforter, see John 14:16. When the Lord ascended and the Comforter arrived 10 days later, we see the Godhead at work.

VII. The Trinity is Employed in the Salvation of Every Soul that is Saved
A. The Father gave His Son so that sinners could be saved, John 3:16.
B. The Son gave His life so that sinners could be saved, John 10:17-18.
C. The Holy Spirit convicts and brings the sinner to Christ, John 16:8-11.
The Father does the saving through the blood of His Son which is brought
about by the operation of the Holy Spirit on the hearts of man.

1. What does the word “trinity” mean?
2. How long has the word trinity been used by Christian men to express their belief of the “Tri-une” God?
3. To Whom is the work of creation attributed?
4. How do we see the “Trinity” in the great commission?
5. How does Paul recognize the “Trinity” in his Corinthian letter?
6. How does John recognize the “Trinity”?
7. How is the “Trinity” recognized in the ascension of Jesus?
8. How is the “Trinity” employed in the salvation of lost men?
9. What part does the Father do?
10. What part does Christ do?
11. What does the Holy Spirit do?

Optional written assignment
In three pages or less, examine the following scriptures and explain how
they reveal the Trinity. Be sure to explain the role carried out by each
person in the Godhead. Ephesians 2:18 and Hebrews 9:14

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Author: Bob

I am alive

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