The Lord’s Supper – Chapter 13 – 30 Minutes


-The Lord’s Supper is inside the Church. Seeing that it is “The Lord’s” supper, it should be observed as He has commanded. He fixed it to suit Himself.
-No Church has the right to lay claim to the name Baptist and practice open communion. When He instituted the supper, He placed restrictions around it.
-The Lord has made it the duty of His Church to observe and maintain restrictions
-Baptists have never survived long by removing the restrictions the Lord placed around the ordinances. Baptism is the first command and, therefore, the first test of the child of God’s obedience. Then, practicing the supper is the lifelong test.
-Open communion is the invitation of all who believe they are right with God.
-Restricted communion is when Baptists alone take the communion and no others.
Acts 2:41-42 set the steps proceeding taking the Lord’s Supper.
1) Conversion: “Gladly received the word,” verse 41
2) Baptism: “Were baptized,” verse 41
3) Church Membership: “And the same day there were added to them about three thousand souls.” verse 41
4) Maintained Fellowship: Continued in doctrine and fellowship: verse 42 So, baptism and maintaining fellowship in the Church are necessary to communion

-Baptists impose the same restrictions on themselves that they place on others.
-They insist it is the Lord’s table and Not their own. He alone has the right to say who shall sit at His table.
1. It is restricted as to place-to the Church, in Church capacity, 1 Cor 11:18
2. It is restricted as to elements-unleavened bread and fruit of the vine, Luke 22:18
3. It is restricted as to design-remembrance of the Lord’s death, 1 Cor 11:23-25
4. It is restricted as to subjects-none but the scripturally baptized, Acts 2:41-42
5. It is restricted to a united Church-no divisions in the body, 1 Cor 11:18
6. It is restricted to those who are sound in the faith, Rom 16:17 and 1 Cor 11:19
7. It is restricted as to motive-it is a solemn occasion Not a social gathering.
8. It is restricted as to fellowship-all who take it must be in fellowship, Acts 2:42
9. It is restricted to those of the same faith, Heb 13:10 and 2nd John vs 9-11
10. It is restricted to those who are scripturally baptized. Any who refuse to obey the Lord’s first command is disqualified to obey Him in any other command.
-Baptists do Not invite those who are candidates for baptism to the Lord’s Table
-Baptism and the Lord’s Supper are symbols of the gospel. They both point in two directions:
1) Backward to the death and resurrection of the Lord, and
2) Forward to our own death and resurrection at the coming of the Lord.
-Open communion assumes an unscriptural equality of the two ordinances.
-Open communion tends to do away with baptism altogether.
-Open communion tends to do away with the visible Church.
-Open communion tends to do away with Church discipline.
-Open communion leads to open Church membership.
-Churches need men and women who are anxious to do what the Lord has commanded them to do, so that when He returns they can hear His “Well done.”

1) It is an act of obedience, Mark 14:22-23 and 1 Cor 11:23-25
2) It is an act of remembrance of the Lord’s death, Luke 22:19
3) It is an act of testimony to His death, 1 Cor 5:7-8 and 1 Cor 11:26
4) It is an act of confession: Salvation is through His blood, Matt 26:28
5) It is an act of fellowship, 1 Cor 10:16-17
6) It is an act of praise and thanksgiving, Luke 22:19
7) It is an act silently but powerfully proclaiming the Lord’s return, 1 Cor 11:24

We believe only such as have been scripturally baptized and received into fellowship of a regularly organized Baptist Church should partake of the Lord’s Supper. (Adopted from California State Missionary Baptist Association. In 1974, there were 54 Churches with 2522 members who were part of this group.)

3. The Baptists perpetuate the Bible order of the commandments; they teach repentance, faith, baptism, and the Lord’s Supper.
4. Baptists immerse, or bury with Christ in baptism, only those who profess to be dead to, or freed from, sin.
6. Baptists observe the Lord’s Supper at His table in His Kingdom.
#6 Presents Restricted Communion: Restricted Communion Tested by the Bible
“Under the commission, baptism was the first duty enjoined after the exercise of true faith; therefore no unbaptized person, according to the commission, can approach the Lord’s table. It can not be shown that any person in the apostolic age ever dared to approach the Lord’s table before and without baptism.” pg 242

1. Name the ordinances the Lord gave to His Church.
2. What is meant by restricted communion?
3. What is open communion?
4. Who placed the restrictions around the Lord’s Supper?
5. Who are supposed to eat at the Lord’s table?
6. What are the restrictions addressed in this chapter?
7. Are unbaptized persons who are candidates for baptism eligible to the table?
8. What does Baptism and the Lord’s Supper symbolize?
9. Whom did Christ commission to preach, baptize, and observe the supper?
10. In three pages or less, give the five tendencies of open communion and explain what you understand them to mean.

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Author: Bob

I am alive

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