The doctrine of repentance has existed ever since Adam sinned against God. It has grown to be one of the most unpopular doctrines known to man. Many preachers have ceased to preach it. Many Churches have ceased to require evidence of it before membership.
As a result, many sinners and so called Church members know nothing of it
1. The Lord Jesus Christ taught the necessity of it: Luke 13:1-5
2. John the Baptist preached the necessity of it and refused to baptize any who were unable to bring forth evidence of it: Matt 3:5-9
3. The Lord commanded His disciples to preach it: Mark 6:12 / Luke 24:47
4. The Lord called sinners to it: Mark 2:16-17
5. Two things necessary in order to attain it:
a) A knowledge of what sin is:
– How serious it is
– How full of peril it is
– How displeasing it is to God
– How exceeding sinful it is
b) A knowledge of what we are by nature
– That we are born with a sinful nature
– That we must repent or be forever lost
– That all men every where are commanded to repent
– The must be an acknowledgment of our own behavior
There are three elements to repentance:
1. An intellectual element: a change of view or change of mind.
The sinner changes his mind about God; he sees God in a different light.
He sees the goodness of God and the sinfulness of himself. NOT AS:
– Hard hearted Pharaoh who said, “I have sinned” Exod. 9:27
– Double-minded Balaam who said, “I have sinned” Num. 22:34
– Remorseful Achan who said, “I have sinned” Josh. 7:20
– Insincere King Saul who said, “I have sinned” 1 Sam. 15:24
2. An emotional element: a change of feeling
He sees himself as an enemy to God and sin as hateful in itself.
3. A voluntary element: a change of purpose
A voluntary, inward turning from sin to seek pardon, forgiveness, cleansing
1. The primary result of repentance is pardon. This is to be forgiven; treated as if he was never guilty, See Eph. 1:7
2. The secondary result of repentance is “refreshing from the presence of the Lord”, See Acts 3:19. This refreshing comes as we exercise the
liberty that came from being freed and forgiven.
– God calls on His children to tell others about being forgiven, Mar 5:19
3. The ultimate results of repentance will be experienced in the future.
– The ultimate results will come when we are united with our new bodies
– Those who overcome shall inherit all things, Rev 21:7.
[Act 17:30] And the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commandeth all men every where to repent: See also, Luke 13:1-5
1. The Ninevites, Jonah 3
2. The thief on the cross, Luke 23:39-43
3. Saul of Tarsus, Acts 9:1-15 (Repentance is seen in the change in Paul)
4. The publican, Luke 18:13
5. The sinful woman in Simon’s house, Luke 7:37-50
6. The three thousand at Pentecost, Acts 2:41-47
7. The Philippian jailer, Acts 16:25-34
1. How old is the doctrine of repentance?
2. Why is it necessary for all to repent in order to find forgiveness?
3. What did the Lord Jesus Christ teach about repentance?
4. What did John the Baptist demand in regards to repentance?
5. What did the Lord command the disciples to preach?
6. What two things are necessary in order to attain to repentance?
7. What are the results of repentance?
8. Who should repent?
9. How many Bible examples of repentance can you name?
10. In this day, is the doctrine of repentance preached little or much?
In three pages or less, name the three elements of repentance and provide
a full explanation of each.
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