One Tired Fisherman – It is sometimes difficult to follow


 One Tired Fisherman

     Peter was one tired fisherman. He had been out all night fishing and before he could take time to sleep he had to tend to the nets. The were wet and dirty and tied in knots. He was a little frustrated because he had fished all night and had not caught enough fish to even feed himself. He would not be selling any fish today.

     Jesus was nearby. A hoard of people were anxiously waiting to hear the what words He would speak to them today. It seemed more and more were following Him, hoping for a miracle or evn just a free meal as thousands of others had received from Him. Would today be their lucky day? They were pressing upon Him nearly pushing Him into the sea.

     Peter’s ship was nearby. Jesus climbed aboard and asked Peter to take Him a little ways out from shore. Peter loved Jesus and was a faithful servant, but today he really was tired.  He followed the instructions of Jesus and when they were a little ways from shore Jesus sat and began to teach from the ship.

     There were no miracles for the people today. When Jesus finished teaching He told Peter to go out into the deep and fish. Peter could not help but be a little put out. He said Master we have fished all night and have not caught any fish. Then Peter humbled himself and said if You say so I will let down the nets.

     This was when the miracle of this day was to happen Peter caught so many fish he had to call on the other ships around to help him get them back to shore. Peter felt so guilty. He fell at Jesus’ feet and cried that he was a sinful man.

Jesus’ plan for Peter was to make him a fisher of men, but Peter had to be willing to fish Jesus’ way.
Do you fish at your time and favorite fishing hole or do you fish when and where the Lord tells you to fish?
(based on: Luke 5:1-10)
God Bless All you fishermen! (and women)
Bobby 02/08/2008

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Author: Bobby-Hughes

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