New Testament Missionary Baptist Church, Wood River Illinois


Contact: Karla Terry, church clerk.
Need: Pastor. This western Illinois town on the Mississippi River, with a population of 10,500, is located 20 miles northeast of St. Louis Missouri. The church is seeking "Titus". Fearless. is set doctrinally but we are surrounded by Cretans, pirates, and idolaters, not to forget—thick with Athenian philosophers. Your training should be such that the nature of this field would give you an adrenaline rush! 8 regular, faithful members. Please, leave your new Bible translation at home. Church property debt-free. Lovely corner lot. No parsonage.,. Call us. Let us reason together! Please only call after 3:00 pm.

New Testament Missionary Baptist Church
467 N 3rd St
Wood River, IL 62095
(618) 741-3544

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Author: Bob

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