New Jerusalem Baptist Church, Hopewell, Virginia


Contact: Howard Vinson, Rescuing Churches www**dot**rescuingchurches**dot**com
E-mail: Rubyris**at**aol**dt**com
Need: Bi-Vocational, Self-Supporting, or Missionary Pastor.
The church is an Independent Baptist church. The government of the church is vested in the church membership. Its music is traditional hymns sung from the hymnal and other conservative gospel music. Also, the church uses the KJV Bible. The church is debt-free with a well-kept building. It has a world-wide mission’s program, observes communion every fifth Sunday and has a fellowship dinner each quarter to recognize birthdays and anniversaries. The pastor would be a man who believes the Bible to be the inerrant Word of God, loves people, visits the congregation and seeks to win souls in the community. The church is supportive of the pastor's time constraints and will pray for him and be loyal to him. E-mail resume and a brief testimony of salvation, at least three references, a doctrinal statement, a current family picture, and a website where the pulpit committee can hear and see you preach. Hopewell is located in eastern Virginia, 20 miles southeast of Richmond Virginia, with a population of 23,000 souls.

New Jerusalem Baptist Church
3510 Woodlawn St
Hopewell, VA 23860

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Author: Bob

I am alive

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