Msg#2511 Feet Shod


Msg#2511 Feet Shod

What The Bible Says

Good Samaritan’s Penny Pulpit by Pastor Ed Rice

After his “Finally, my brethren”, the Apostle Paul puts a capstone on his letter to the Ephesians, naming five pieces of armor placed on a Roman Soldier before he goes to battle. His spiritual application shews how a Christian needs to be fit for battle, first with loins girt in truth, and a breastplate of righteousness (Eph.6:14). These depict salvation; where we are set free by the truth, and robed in his righteousness (2Cor.5:21). Curiously, the first armor donned after salvation is “feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace” (6:15). The feet represent the “Go ye”, and preparation, the “Preach the gospel to every creature.” Here in Paul’s capstone to the Ephesians, even before a convert is a fully armored soldier, ready to go out and contend for the faith, they are to be prepared to preach the gospel of peace, they are to be soul winners. I’ve contended that a new convert daily do five things, 1) Read your Bible, it brought you to Christ, 2) Pray, talking to God secured your salvation, 3) Tell someone else what happened to you, 4) Join with other born-again-saved people in a Bible believing church, and 5) Follow the Lord, 1st in believers baptism. All are keys to healthy growth, and my #3 is Paul’s #3 in armor placement, tell it to someone else.

It is concerning how many Christians have never properly donned or proficiently polished this piece of armor. It is evidenced in how many Christians have never led a soul to Christ. I’ll suppose that every soldier in God’s army should take the time to make sure their feet are properly shod. Write out the 12 verses of the Romans Road (Jhn.3:16-18,36,5:24,Rom.3:10,23,5:8,6:23,10:9-10,13); write out your personal salvation testimony, and go tell someone what happened to you.

An Essay for week #11, Mar 16, 25

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A weekly 300 word essay- The Penny Pulpit
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