Msg#2507 Tabernacle Materials
What The Bible Says
Good Samaritan’s Penny Pulpit by Pastor Ed Rice
The materials that God uses to arrange for his tabernacling with man were created by God with characteristics that carefully portray the holiness of this union. In Exodus 25 God’s trinity of precious metals portray his untarnishable righteousness in gold, our tarnishable connection to it in silver, and the judgment and chastisement that make it possible in the brass of the brazen altar. The trinity of colors called out, were created when he said “Let there be light,” and the sky is not blue because of what Tyndall discovered or the Rayleigh effect; no, the sky is blue because there is a God in heaven, who robed the glory of his heavens in a blue canopy. Purple is the color of kings, because it is a combination of infrared and ultraviolet that marks the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. As visible light disappears into an infrared, it is scarlet, the color of blood, life and death.
Ten 4×28 cubit curtains carded from flax and woven into fine twined linen, with taches of gold, covered the tabernacle. Linen gets softer with use and brighter when exposed to the sun, we will wear it in Rev.19:8. Also 11 curtains of cashmere, then ram’s skin dyed red and then badgers skin, tough as shoe leather with hair once sold by the Fuller-brush man. The forty-eight 2×15 foot gold plated boards holding these curtains up were not made of acacia wood, but from “shittim” wood, a transliterated Hebrew word meaning, trash, junk, or disposed of wood. In the next 15 chapters of Exodus these materials become God tabernacling with man. In the Old Testament, God builds a tabernacle for the people, in the New Testament God builds a people for his tabernacle. We should pay more careful attention to each.
An Essay for week #7, Feb 16, 25
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A weekly 300 word essay- The Penny Pulpit
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