Msg #24021 Israel’s Upcoming Restoration


Msg #24021 Israel’s Upcoming Restoration

What The Bible Says

Good Samaritan’s Penny Pulpit by Pastor Ed Rice

Hath God cast away his people Israel?

In the Apostle Paul’s dissertation to the Romans the righteousness of God is revealed in the gospel of Christ(Rom.1:16-17). Eight chapters detail HOW the just shall live eternally by faith, faith alone, without the law (Rom.1-8); three detail Israel’s past election (9:11), present failure (10:3), and future salvation (11:25-26); and then five detail the Christian’s life and service (12-16).

Romans 11 asks our question and answers succinctly, God forbid! God hath not cast away his people which he foreknew! It details how only a remnant of Israel will receive the gospel of Christ (vr.2-6), while nationally Israel is blinded (vr.7-12). Solemn warning is given to the Gentiles, don’t be high-minded, don’t be wise in your own conceits, and don’t be ignorant of the mystery, “all Israel shall be saved” (vr.13-28). Recall a “mystery” is a previously hidden truth now divinely revealed.

Any church or church denomination that considers themselves “catholic” has fallen into this ignorance. At its inception in the 4th century the Roman Catholic Church under Constantine supposed God HAD cast away his people Israel, and the catholic church they headed would therein take all of her promises. They supposed that they, being the new elect people of God, would by force usher in the kingdom of God. Ergo they were high-minded and wise in their own conceits. They were apostate in their founding, and that apostasy continues to this day in their children’s Covenant and Replacement Theologies. Trust no catholic ideology, even when it spews from a Protestant religion; trust your Bible. There is coming an end to this dispensation of grace, saints will be raptured, and a seven year tribulation period will precede Christ’s return to save his chosen people, Israel, and set up his kingdom on earth.

An Essay for week #21, May 26, 2024

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