Msg #2338 The Firmament Sheweth His Handiwork


Msg #2338 The Firmament Sheweth His Handiwork

What The Bible Says

Good Samaritan’s Penny Pulpit by Pastor Ed Rice

Our universe is finite. Our God, who is infinite, states it clearly when on day four of creation he places our solar system, and all the created stars of heaven, inside of the firmament that he created on day two. Thus the firmament that holds God’s line, “He made the stars also” (Gen.1:16 b), contains all of the known and bounded universe. We now know that there are millions of galaxies, and each galaxy has millions of stars. Each galaxy also has a “black-hole” left over from its creation out of nothing. It is no wonder that God said through his Psalmist, “The firmament sheweth his handiwork” (Ps.19:1).

Albert Einstein showed us that matter is made of nothing, just as God said. Albert’s theory of relativity, both special relativity and general relativity, show that in a finite universe the time, space, and matter continua are so interconnected and interdependent that the speed of light, and the passage of time, are not constant throughout God’s firmament. In God’s time scale a day is as a thousand years (Ps.90:4,2Pet.3:8), that’s a 365,000-to-1 time-warp! In God’s firmament it could well be that the supernova seen and recorded in the Large Magellanic Cloud on 23 February 1987 occurred only 168 days before it was seen and recorded here on Earth. I would sooner trust God than “science falsely so called” which supposes it was 162,000 years before God created the stars! Their “science” also supposes that cross breeding beagles can produce a Clydesdale Horse! Lizards, a bald eagle!

When you trust God for your soul’s salvation, you can trust him with ancillary revelation about how he created our finite universe. John Stockton sang, ♫Only trust him, only trust him now. He will save you, he will save you now.♪

An Essay for week #38 – Sep 17, 2023

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More Time-Warp detail on web page click “My Doctoral Dissertation” pg 49

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A weekly 300 word essay- The Penny Pulpit
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