Fellowship Baptist Church, Canton Ohio


E-mail: tim**at**fellowshipbaptistchurch**dot**org.
Need: Full-Time Youth/Music Minister. The church averages 250 in attendance and is located 60 miles south of Cleveland, Ohio; it is the county seat of Stark County, which has a population of 375,000 souls. Canton has a population of 70,000 souls and is a tourist town home to the popular National Football League Hall of Fame. The church uses the KJV and has a mostly traditional style of worship. This is a full-time opportunity for a couple desiring to serve in ministry and have a great impact for  Christ. Responsibilities include leading our teens and music ministry, which consists of leading the congregation choir and organizing special music. Those interested may e-mail their resumes.

Fellowship Baptist Church
Pastor Tim Brown
3741 Fohl St SW
Canton, OH 44706
(330) 484-3681

Fellowship Baptist Church on Facebook

Website: https://fellowshipbaptistchurch.org

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