Faith Baptist Church, Yuma Arizona


Contact: The Pastoral Search Committee
E-mail: office**dot**faithbaptistyuma**at**gmail**dot**com
Need: Full-Time Pastor.
Faith Baptist Church will celebrate 30 years of faithfully serving the Lord in Yuma County. We are an independent, Bible-believing church, ascribing to the King James Version of the Holy Bible. We have been proudly situated in the urban community of Yuma, AZ, since 1994, and we currently have a congregation of approximately 150 members and regular attendees. Along with our main congregation, Pastor Jesus Hernandez leads our growing Spanish ministry in Yuma. The city of Yuma is beautifully located in the desert southwest, approximately 180 miles from Phoenix, AZ, to our east and San Diego, CA, to our west. All applicants must provide the following information: Letter of intent (Cover Letter), Current Resume with references, Copy of Certificate of Ordination, Verification of Theology training/Degree (if applicable), Two recent sermons preached. Please provide a link to access via YouTube, church website, etc. You may also submit via USB drive. Other information/items may be required throughout the interview process. Salary and benefits are open for negotiation based on qualifications and experience. Other benefits may be negotiated at a later time after hire. The final candidate must consent to a full background check, including criminal history, credit, and financial history reviews. Please submit the complete application packet by mail or by e-mail.

Faith Baptist Church
1535 S 8th Ave
Yuma, AZ 85364
(928) 343-1418

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