Fairview Baptist Church, La Jose Pennsylvania


Contact: Mike Vandervort,
E-mail: vandermic07**at**gmail**dot**com
Need: Bi-Vocational, Self-Supported, or Missionary Church Planter.
Seeking a pastor to restart this work that has been temporarily closed since May 2023 after the resignation of their pastor. The church only uses the KJV for all preaching and teaching and worships with traditional music. The building and property are being maintained and there is a 3-bedroom parsonage available for the incoming pastor. La Jose is a rural community located in central PA. The town is also known as Newburg, and is unincorporated community of about 100 souls, in a county of 80,600 souls. It is located 100 miles north east of Pittsburgh PA. There are people in the community that are hopeful that the church will open once again. Please e-mail your resume.

Fairview Baptist Church
29 Thompson Town Rd
La Jose, PA 15753

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