Cornerstone Baptist Church, Indianapolis Indiana


Need: Full-time Church Music Director & Full-time Math Teacher
Contact: Pastor Colin Morton.
E-mail: pastor**at**cbcindy**dot**net or call or text (863) 224-2636
Regarding Church Music Director position:
competitive salary-health, retirement, housing allowance, relocation assistance, possible church housing available. Paid vacation and personal days. Responsibilities: Assist the pastor, oversee entire music program of church and school, lead congregation and church choir, select and approve music, organize and plan special programs.
Regarding Secondary Math Teacher position:
Cornerstone Baptist Academy is seeking to hire a math teacher for 7th-12th grade. Full-time competitive salary, relocation assistance, possible church housing available. Paid continuing education courses. Holiday bonuses, paid vacation and personal days. Extra income is available as well. Indianapolis is the state’s capitol and has a population of 867,600 souls.

Cornerstone Baptist Church
Home of Cornerstone Baptist Academy
Pastor Colin Morton
10701 E 56th St
Indianapolis, IN 46235
(317) 823-6891

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