Msg #1743 The Millennial Reign of Christ
What The Bible Says
Good Samaritan's Penny Pulpit by Pastor Ed Rice
The kings (presidents and prime ministers) of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD (Jehovah God), and against his anointed (Messiah, Christ)… the Lord (Hbr-Anonay, Grk-Kurios– owner, possessor, creator, master) shall have them in derision… Yet have I set my king upon my holy hill of Zion, I will declare the decree: the LORD (Jehovah God) hath said unto me (Messiah, Christ) Thou art my Son, this day have I begotten thee” (Psalm 2:2,4,6,7). The seventh and final dispensation (Grk-oikonomia – period of human management or stewardship) is the Millennial Reign of Christ. While previous dispensations were supervised by 1) man's innocence, 2) man's conscious, 3) man's governance, 4) the promises of God, 5) the laws of God, and 6) the Holy Spirit of God, the upcoming dispensation will be supervised by our Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of God, from his seat on David's throne in God's holy city of Jerusalem, in God's holy hill of Zion. The Roman amillennialism of the Protestants and Reformed has done three things for American Churches: 1) it has kept them embedded in replacement theology wherein they learned a hatred for God's real chosen and elect people Israel, 2) it kept them from a literal-grammatical-historical interpretation of the Holy Bible, wherein the amoral feminist movement has invaded, and taken over, and 3) it has kept them apostate to the point of no return. The end of the 19th century found Fundamentalists with this realization. The resurgence of Christian Fundamentalism in America is over. Apostasy rules in American religion and reprobates rule in our government. What is a Bible believer to do? That is easy, get into a Bible believing church and “Preach the Gospel to every creature.” It is our commission.
An Essay for week #43 Oct 22, 2017
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