Dear Editors and friends,
Please freely print this weeks Penny Pulpit Column in your papers, bulletins, emails, bloggs and twitters . Thank you for this consideration.
Pastor Ed Rice, Good Samaritan Baptist Church, Dresden NY 14441
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Msg# 1218 The Good Samaritan's Compassion
What The Bible Says
Good Samaritan's Penny Pulpit by Pastor Ed Rice
A certain lawyer ask two questions of Jesus “What shall I do to inherit eternal life?” and “Who is my neighbor?” Jesus answers both questions in one awesome parable of the Good Samaritan. Missionary Harris to Colca Canyon, Peru, reminds us that South America is our neighbor. My son is a missionary to Cajamarca, Peru, so his message rings close to home. Unlike the priest of organized religion, unlike the Levite of 'works' religion, the Samaritan had compassion. The true born again Christians in America need a revival of Christlike compassion. The Good Samaritan was so filled with it that he made the sacrifice it took to help. He gave up the time, the transportation, and the talent it took to make the difference. He became a giving man who wrote, as it were, a blank check for the salvation of his neighbor. The bigger picture in this parable, aimed at answering the bigger question, is a portrayal of what Christ did for fallen man who could not do for himself. But the clear application for those who would be Christlike is that His compassion in us will cause selfless sacrifice and the issuance of more blank checks to accomplish the commission we have been given. America has had the Gospel of Jesus Christ saturated throughout. It has been rejected on the larger part, only agnosticism, hedonism, and humanism being taught to our children. There is a remnant who received that Gospel and that remnant needs a new fire of compassion to help us answer the question “Who is my neighbor?” and answer it on a national level. People need the Lord, and some nations are still hungry to hear the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. Rally behind a missionary, they need your support.
An Essay from week # 18, Sunday, April 29, 2012
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