Category: Penny Pulpit

Msg# 1208 Sardis' Name is Protestant

Dear Editors and friends,

Please freely print this weeks Penny Pulpit Column in your papers, bulletins, emails, bloggs and twitters .  Thank you for this consideration.
Pastor Ed Rice,  Good Samaritan Baptist Church, Dresden NY 14441

These Baptist Penny Pulpits are an asset to many Missionaries and young Christians, Please Use the FORWARD below.

Msg# 1208 Sardis' Name is Protestant
What The Bible Says

Good Samaritan's Penny Pulpit by Pastor Ed Rice

Addressed by “He that hath the seven Spirits of God,” the Church of Sardis had a name of life but was in fact dead. Protestant reformers came out of the indulgence selling Roman Catholic Jezebel mentioned previously with the battle cry “Only Faith; Only Grace; Only Scripture;” but they brought most of the rest of Jezebel's doctrines with them! They used Bible criticisms and allegorical interpretations to frame up their covenant and replacement theology which denies Israel her place and keeps the catholic church intact. Protestant Churches ended up like the Sardis Church, with the name of life, 'i.e. sola fide' but a doctrine of death, 'i.e. replacement theology.' Jesus' command to them “Be watchful, and strengthen the things which remain, … remember how thou hast received and heard (i.e. sola fide, sola gratia, sola scriptura) and hold fast and repent.” Nothing good is said about the Church of Sardis. The post-post-reformation church, called evangelical and neo-evangelical, still cannot understand the independent local church, nor its rapture, nor the 1000 year Millennial reign of Christ. And so the returning King of kings, who will sit on the Throne of David in the Hills of Zion in the City of Jerusalem warns this group; “if therefore thou shalt not watch, I will come on thee as a thief, and thou shalt not know what hour I will come upon thee.” Reformers have changed their battle cry to “only election, only catholic, only amillenial covenant theology!” It is distressing that GARB and Southern Baptist Churches are readily being swallowed into the Sardis Church, with faulty reformed catholic doctrine. Historically, Baptists have not needed reform nor been reformed. Ever since Christ taught it to them they have held to the three sola's without any Latin or Catholic flavorings.


An Essay from week # 8, Sunday, February 19, 2012

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Msg# 1209 Three Generations For Christ

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Please freely print this weeks Penny Pulpit Column in your papers, bulletins, emails, bloggs and twitters .  Thank you for this consideration.




Pastor Ed Rice,  Good Samaritan Baptist Church, Dresden NY 14441




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Msg# 1209a Three Generations For Christ – Rices





What The Bible Says




Good Samaritan's Penny Pulpit by Pastor Ed Rice





In 1958 a Baptist Preacher named Cecil Palm worked his way door to door through the streets of Gang Mills, NY until he stopped at 40 Plat Street. Doris Romiano Rice was there sitting on the front step with 4 little ones and answered the Baptist Preacher's question with a memorized line “No thank you I am Catholic.” But Levi called out from under the car in the driveway, “I would like to help start a Baptist Church in town.” That year the Rices sat on folding chairs in a garage on Bear Town Road and listened to Pastor Cecil Palm preach the saving Gospel of Jesus Christ. Jesus said “Except ye be converted … ye shall not enter the Kingdom of Heaven.” Levi was converted from agnosticism, Doris from Roman Catholicism, and everything in our little home on Plat Street changed overnight when Jesus paid in full the sin debt of my mom and dad. “If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.” I remember my dad and his Christian friend, Monty Bills, dumping all the booze in the house down the kitchen sink, the carton of cigarettes thrown out the car window and I remember forgetting our babysitter because dad and mom were home and not bar-hopping all week. Every time the Church doors were open Levi and Doris had all the Rices present to sing and hear Scripture from that new black book now clutched by each of their children. Merriam Clark taught the junior boys Sunday School class about the Lord Jesus, Abraham, Moses and Elijah as if he knew them personally. Within 2 years, at the age of 8, I became a born again Bible believing Christian.





An Essay for week # 9a, Sun, February 26, 2012





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Msg #1209b Three Generations For Christ – Ed




What The Bible Says




Good Samaritan's Penny Pulpit by Pastor Ed Rice





In 1960 while Dale Linebough preached a revival service up stairs, in Gang Mills Baptist Chapel, Opel Linebaugh presented a flannel graph of Little-Pilgrim-Progress, coming to the cross of Calvary. As was the new custom in the Rice's house we were present for every preaching service of the Sunday through Friday revival. I knew I needed what had brought all the changes to my parents life. I knew my older brother, Charles, had been born-again-saved shortly after they were. When Opel reached out with a pair of scissors and clipped Pilgrim's sin burden off his back, a little 8 year old boy named Eddy Rice said to God, “That is what I want.” Before that paper packet of Pilgrim's sin hit the concrete floor of the Baptist Church basement, I was born again by the forgiving power of John 3:16 which my Sunday School teacher asked me to memorize word perfect. “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” My sister, Barbara, and I were born-again-saved in that same autumn week and I remember waiting all winter to be baptized when the ice was out of Fords Pond. The change that I saw in my parents life and in the Rice's home was now changing things in my own 8 year old heart. Jesus said “I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man cometh to the father, but by me.” I now knew the way. I now had the truth dwelling in me. I now had the eternal life of Jesus Christ quickened into my soul. I now had a days-man, a mediator, between me and my Creator. The Lord Jesus Christ was my Saviour and Lord.





An Essay for week #9b, Sun, February 26, 2012





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Msg #1209c Three Generations For Christ – Bev




What The Bible Says




Good Samaritan's Penny Pulpit by Pastor Ed Rice





In 1962 in a Church in Addison NY, a lady sat behind a fidgeting 12 year old and finally said to her “Isn't it about time that you got saved?” Beverly Cook took the question to heart and moved to that altar of that old Church. “What have you come forward for?” the preacher asked. “I want to be saved,” she responded. “Okay,” the preacher told her, “If you will come to our confirmation classes you will be saved.” After answering all the questions correctly in the American Baptist Confirmation Classes, Beverly was baptized and told that she was now saved. She was not born-again-saved. American Baptist Confirmation Classes cannot do the work that only the Lord Jesus Christ can do. Three years later the Cooks moved to a farm in Tuscarora and that teenager was setting in Tuscarora Baptist Church where Pastor Carl Schoonover preached “Except ye repent ye shall all likewise perish. The Bible says That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. … For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” At the age of 17 Beverly, with a full head knowledge of Jesus, was marvelously converted to full a heart knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ when she called upon Him and asked that He be her Saviour. She was courting a young Eddy Rice, they married in 1971, and with a 1972 Vietnam-draft joined the USAF. While serving the Lord in Harts Hill Baptist Church, at 22, Beverly was baptized following Christ's command to true believers.





An Essay for week # 9c, Sun, February 26, 2012





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Msg #1209d Three Generations For Christ – Boys




What The Bible Says




Good Samaritan's Penny Pulpit by Pastor Ed Rice





In 1991 our oldest son, Michael, went with his youth pastor, Jeff Carpenter, Friendship Baptist Church, Rome NY, to a youth rally in Chili outside of Rochester. Pastor Hal Roscoe had invited some Baptist Preachers to reach teenagers for Christ at this Thursday-Friday-Saturday conference for teens. Our son came back from this first annual rally with such a dynamic change in his life and such a zeal for the Lord Jesus Christ, that Bev and I determined that we, at all cost, would take leave of work to attend the next one. We drove the bus for the teens that Brother Carpenter took to that 1992 Youth Ablaze Rally. Shane, our middlest son, dedicated his life to be a missionary at that February three day rally. Danny Castle, a Baptist Preacher from the south, preaching from the old King James Bible, held the undivided attention of 140 teens for two hours of preaching. I had never seen anything quite like what the Lord was doing in these 3 day Youth Ablaze meetings under Pastor Hal Roscoe in Chili NY, and Bev and I determined to get every teen we could influence to attend. One year we talked a Mrs. Hordge into going to help on the bus trip and she was marvelously saved at Chili. While a Youth Pastor at Jewel Baptist Chapel we took 18 teens and twelve of them were saved; one was my son, Matthew, Praise the Lord; one was the preacher's daughter Tracy Burdict, Glory to His name. We have led teens to the Chili Baptist Church's Youth Ablaze meeting from 4 different Churches where I have labored. God always does marvelous things in Chili. We were there for their 20th year Anniversary in 2011. Youth Ablaze is etched into our heart.










An Essay from week # 9d, Sunday, February 26, 2012





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Msg# 1207 Remember Your Valentine

Dear Editors and friends,

Please freely print this weeks Penny Pulpit Column in your papers, bulletins, emails, bloggs and twitters .  Thank you for this consideration.
Pastor Ed Rice,  Good Samaritan Baptist Church, Dresden NY 14441

These Baptist Penny Pulpits are an asset to many Missionaries and young Christians, Please Use the FORWARD below.

Msg# 1207 Remember Your Valentine
What The Bible Says

Good Samaritan's Penny Pulpit by Pastor Ed Rice


Around Valentines day couples always need to visit some pertinent reminders. Peter wrote his second epistle to stir up pure minds by way of remembrance, and even when your married mind is pure, remembrance will do it some good. Remember why you married her. The first 'not good' thing recorded in the Bible is 'It is not good for man to be alone.' We marry for three base reasons, love, significance, and security. In our perverse and twisted society today, I might mention we marry a female because in His formation of the stable home, that is the only suitable environment for rearing children, God created the female as the only appropriate helper to the male. Humans need love on physical, emotional, and spiritual levels. To love and be loved. Humans need significance on a physical, emotional and spiritual level. To be significant to someone, and to hold one in significance. Humans need security in those three dimensions. Marriage security comes with vows that say 'till death do us part', 'in sickness and in health', and 'for richer or poorer.' And so, 'I plight thee my troth,' is crucial to security but so often broken in life. Remember and renew your vow to your valentine. Women talk, talk, talk. Just look at the escalation of women news anchors of late. Men logic and work. Political correctness forbids this difference to be spoken, that's how the Harvard president got fired. Ergo, another remembrance this Valentines, is that husbands need to practice the fine art of listening. Look at her, when she talks. Shut off the TV, Ipod, Droid, etc. Take her by the hand and listen. Don't finish a single sentence for her. You can get your listening effectiveness above the 25% average, to make home a taste of paradise.


An Essay from week # 7, Sunday, February 12, 2012

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Msg# 1218 The Good Samaritan's Compassion

Dear Editors and friends,

Please freely print this weeks Penny Pulpit Column in your papers, bulletins, emails, bloggs and twitters . Thank you for this consideration.
Pastor Ed Rice, Good Samaritan Baptist Church, Dresden NY 14441

These Baptist Penny Pulpits are an asset to many Missionaries and young Christians, Please Use the FORWARD below.


Msg# 1218 The Good Samaritan's Compassion

What The Bible Says

Good Samaritan's Penny Pulpit by Pastor Ed Rice

A certain lawyer ask two questions of Jesus “What shall I do to inherit eternal life?” and “Who is my neighbor?” Jesus answers both questions in one awesome parable of the Good Samaritan. Missionary Harris to Colca Canyon, Peru, reminds us that South America is our neighbor. My son is a missionary to Cajamarca, Peru, so his message rings close to home. Unlike the priest of organized religion, unlike the Levite of 'works' religion, the Samaritan had compassion. The true born again Christians in America need a revival of Christlike compassion. The Good Samaritan was so filled with it that he made the sacrifice it took to help. He gave up the time, the transportation, and the talent it took to make the difference. He became a giving man who wrote, as it were, a blank check for the salvation of his neighbor. The bigger picture in this parable, aimed at answering the bigger question, is a portrayal of what Christ did for fallen man who could not do for himself. But the clear application for those who would be Christlike is that His compassion in us will cause selfless sacrifice and the issuance of more blank checks to accomplish the commission we have been given. America has had the Gospel of Jesus Christ saturated throughout. It has been rejected on the larger part, only agnosticism, hedonism, and humanism being taught to our children. There is a remnant who received that Gospel and that remnant needs a new fire of compassion to help us answer the question “Who is my neighbor?” and answer it on a national level. People need the Lord, and some nations are still hungry to hear the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. Rally behind a missionary, they need your support.

An Essay from week # 18, Sunday, April 29, 2012

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Msg #1129 Now What?


Dear Editors and friends,

Please freely print this weeks Penny Pulpit Column in your papers, bulletins, emails, bloggs and twitters .  Thank you for this consideration.
Pastor Ed Rice,  Good Samaritan Baptist Church, Dresden NY 14441

These Baptist Penny Pulpits are an asset to many Missionaries and young Christians, Please Use the FORWARD below.


Msg #1129 Now What?

What The Bible Says

Good Samaritan's Penny Pulpit by Pastor Ed Rice


Some perspective can be added to America's plight by examining Scriptures. First a fictitious debt ceiling that must be breached so we can continue to 'give-give- and give' to our nonworking populous reminds me of Proverbs 30:15 “The horseleach hath two daughters, crying, Give, give.” Once a democracy figures out it can vote itself higher entitlements 'the hand writing is on the wall.' America is becoming an eerie foreshadow of Revelation18 “Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird.” The Muslim hordes sweeping into nations to practice 'freedom of religion' do not have a religion but a theo-political, legal, economic, militant, governing system charged to overthrow governments and control nations. While our president calls it a 'great religion distorted by some extremists' America will not even realize she is courting Babylon, “that great city which made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication.” So to America's god of pluralism unites with Roman Catholicism to teach our children that we evolved here from primitive life from a primeval sea and mystery Babylon presses on toward Revelation17. What is a Christian to do? March on Washington? Descend on Albany? Have a TEA party? No. A true Christian is to do just what they were commissioned by the Lord Jesus Christ to do. Although the philosophers of Alexandria tore it out of their debase manuscripts, used in all modernist Bibles, the 400 year old King James Bible still says in Mark 16 “Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.”


An Essay for week #29 Sun, Jul 24, 11

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Msg# 1241 God, not man, spells out the End Times


Dear Editors and friends,

Please freely print this weeks Penny Pulpit Column in your papers, bulletins, emails, bloggs and twitters . Thank you for this consideration.
Pastor Ed Rice, Good Samaritan Baptist Church, Dresden NY 14441

These Baptist Penny Pulpits are an asset to many Missionaries and young Christians, Please Use the FORWARD below.


Msg# 1241 God, not man, spells out the End Times

What The Bible Says

Good Samaritan's Penny Pulpit by Pastor Ed Rice


C.I. Schofield detailed 176 Bible verses that speak specifically of the 2nd Coming of Christ and another 212 Old Testament verses that address the Kingdom age, and no serious believing Bible student could read through the list without shifting radically towards Bible truth about the end times. The more steeped one is in Calvinism, and John's 'Covenant Theology', or in Romanism and the Pope's 'Replacement Theology.' the more radical and necessary the shift will be. Bible truth will take you all the way to a pre-millennial, pre-tribulational rapture of the Church. Believing God's promises to Israel will cause you to know that God is going to regather and restore all twelve tribes of Israel to land that he promised to them and rule and reign all nations of the world from their capital city of Jerusalem, nestled in the 'Holy Hills of Zion' (not in the 7 hills of Rome!) Discarding the Pope's allegorical methods will cause a believer to understand from the Revelation of Jesus Christ that Christ himself returns as King of kings and Lord of lords to sit on the Throne of David and rule from that city for a literal 1,000 years of the dispensation called “The Millennial Reign of Christ.” Discarding John Calvin's Institutes and clutching a King James Bible will cause you to realize that there is a literal 7 year 'Tribulation Period' wherein God's literal wrath is poured out on this world, that there is a literal 'Abomination of Desolation' that raises his ugly head 3 ½ literal years into that period, and the literal Salvation of Israel the nation is accomplished in a literal 'Battle of Armageddon' that ushers in this literal reign of Christ for the last dispensation of time. God's Word trumps Reformed Theology every time.

An Essay from week # 41, Sunday, October 07, 2012

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Msg #1128 Judgment and Peace for Israel

Dear Editors and friends,

Please freely print this weeks Penny Pulpit Column in your papers,
bulletins, emails, bloggs and twitters .  Thank you for this consideration.
Pastor Ed Rice,  Good Samaritan Baptist Church, Dresden NY 14441

These Baptist Penny Pulpits are an asset to many Missionaries and young
Christians, Please Use the FORWARD below.

Msg #1128 Judgment and Peace for Israel
What The Bible Says

Good Samaritan's Penny Pulpit by Pastor Ed Rice

God surely judges sin”And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in
the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only
evil continually. And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the
earth, and it grieved him at his heart. And the LORD said, I will destroy
man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and
the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I
have made them.” After the flood God required that man govern himself and
curb his own sinful ways “At the hand of every man's brother will I require
the life of man. Whoso sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed:
for in the image of God made he man.” But the sinfulness of man still went
unchecked until “The cry of Sodom and Gomorrah is great, and because their
sin is very grievous; … Then the LORD rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah
brimstone and fire from the LORD out of heaven.” Four Hundred years later,
after the iniquity of the Amorites was full, God brings Israel back into
Canaan land “unto the Amorites, and the Hittites, and the Perizzites, and
the Canaanites, the Hivites, and the Jebusites: and I will cut them off.”
God wanted Israel to utterly destroy the sinful Canaanites and possess their
whole land. Muslims and news anchors call then 'Palestinians' but they are
Canaanites left in the Promised Land that God WILL give to Israel just like
He promised. Obama calls Israel the 'occupiers' and wants them in archaic
borders! When Jehovah God is pitted against our President how do you suppose
that will end? Pray for the peace of Israel.

An Essay for week #28 Sun, Jul 17, 11

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Msg #1125 Especially Fathers

Dear Editors and friends,

Please freely print this weeks Penny Pulpit Column in your papers, bulletins, emails, bloggs and twitters .  Thank you for this consideration.
Pastor Ed Rice,  Good Samaritan Baptist Church, Dresden NY 14441

These Baptist Penny Pulpits are an asset to many Missionaries and young Christians, Please Use the FORWARD below.


Msg #1125 Especially Fathers

What The Bible Says

Good Samaritan's Penny Pulpit by Pastor Ed Rice

“I write unto you fathers, because ye have known him that is from the beginning. … I have written unto your fathers, because ye have known him that is from the beginning.” When the Apostle John writes with the hand of God he records his purpose in writing; his Gospel so “that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing ye might have life through his name”; This Epistle “that your joy may be full”; This chapter “these things write I unto you, that ye sin not.” Here, he writes especially to fathers, saved, born-again ones who have a Father's Only Begotten Son as their redeemer, have a reconciled relationship with their heavenly Father, and who have a rejuvenated knowledge of Him. To know God as our heavenly Father is to know what a genuine father is. And to be a father, albeit always lacking in the perfection that he has called us to, gives one an insight into our relationship with Him that no other person can fully attain. Here then is the insight that the Apostle calls out for fathers. Herein is the difference that makes a father's redeemed relationship differ from the child or the young man that is called out separately here by John. Fathers know the weight of responsibilities, the necessity of being wholly dependable, the awe of being esteemed by their children, the joy of being relied on, and the hurt of being rejected by your own creation. Fathers have the taste of a unique relationship that can focus a knowledge of our heavenly Father like no other experience. I write unto you fathers, because ye have known him that is from the beginning. You have got to love this author. I do.



An Essay for week #25 Sun, Jun 26, 11

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Msg #1127 After 235 Years Can God Bless America

Dear Editors and friends,

Please freely print this weeks Penny Pulpit Column in your papers, bulletins, emails, bloggs and twitters .  Thank you for this consideration.
Pastor Ed Rice,  Good Samaritan Baptist Church, Dresden NY 14441

These Baptist Penny Pulpits are an asset to many Missionaries and young Christians, Please Use the FORWARD below.


Msg #1127 After 235 Years Can God Bless America

What The Bible Says

Good Samaritan's Penny Pulpit by Pastor Ed Rice


Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD; and the people whom he hath chosen for his own inheritance.” (Ps33:12) Whenever we hear “God bless America” we should consider that He has. This verse calls for a blessing on the nation that he hath chosen, Israel, of whom the Bible says “And because he loved thy fathers, therefore he chose their seed after them, and brought thee out in his sight with his mighty power out of Egypt;… For thou art an holy people unto the LORD thy God: the LORD thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth.” (Deut4:37, 7:6) No matter what Catholic, Protestant or Reformed theology teaches, the Bible says over and over that God will never forsake the promises he made to the nation of Israel, He will restore them to Canaan land and rule and reign over all the nations of the world for a thousand years from the throne of David set up in Zion. But this verse also calls for a blessing on the nation whose God is the LORD. That was, once, the United States of America, and God has blessed America as he said he would. Will God bless America, or be as He was to Ephraim as a moth, and to the house of Judah as rottenness. (Hosea5:12) At its destruction Sodom and Gomorrah had sunk into sin for 455 years; “And the LORD said, Because the cry of Sodom and Gomorrah is great, and because their sin is very grievous; …” We have only been a nation 235 years, yet exalt sodomy with 'conservative?' republican legislation from Albany NY. Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD! US?


An Essay for week #27 Sun, Jul 10, 11

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Msg #1123 We Are Grafted In

Dear Editors and friends,

Please freely print this weeks Penny Pulpit Column in your papers, bulletins, emails, bloggs and twitters .  Thank you for this consideration.
Pastor Ed Rice,  Good Samaritan Baptist Church, Dresden NY 14441

These Baptist Penny Pulpits are an asset to many Missionaries and young Christians, Please Use the FORWARD below.


Msg #1123 We Are Grafted In

What The Bible Says

Good Samaritan's Penny Pulpit by Pastor Ed Rice


Samuel, the last named member in God's Hall of Fame of Faith, was grafted into the Levitical priesthood which had sunk to its lowest rung of moral depravity. The Bible says of this Ephrathite that he called upon the Lord, and he answered him. Have I? This grafted in non-Levitical prophet and priest “Did according to that which is in God's heart and in God's mind!” Do I? This grafted in non-Aaronic Aaronic priest was established in a sure house built by God. You see Eli, his predecessor, did not raise his children right! Do I? The Bible says of Samuel “He will walk before mine anointed forever and the old Levitical priests office shall crouch before him for a piece of silver and morsel of bread.” Indeed they still exalt Samuel as the true Prophet and Priest of God. Gentiles were grafted in when His chosen people, Israel, ebbed so low as to reject His Messiah! And God says of us “Ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light:” Do I? God goes on, “Which in time past were not a people, but are now the people of God: which had not obtained mercy; but now have obtained mercy.” In God's new covenant individuals are not 'called', Gentiles are the called; an important distinction for a Bible believer. We Gentiles are indeed “Elect according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, through sanctification of the Spirit, unto obedience and sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ.” Whosoevers become part of the elect through faith in Christ. Don't get all haughty. Samuel sure didn't.

An Essay for week #23 Sun, Jun 12, 11

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