Category: Penny Pulpit

Msg #1311 Scruples in Your Stewardship

Msg #1311 Scruples in Your Stewardship

What The Bible Says

Good Samaritan's Penny Pulpit by Pastor Ed Rice


There is much to be learned in failure. A little grey matter allows us to learn from someone else's failure without our own stumble. Isaiah 5:1-7 puts Israel's failed stewardship into song. Not much rhyme or meter but like all Hebrew poetry it is profoundly loaded with pertinent depth. “What could have been done more to my vineyard, that I have not done in it?” Profound! Jesus takes up the refrain in parable in Mark 12:1-12. Self centered, greedy, unscrupulous, pathologically violent men took over God's vineyard. Likewise, a new pope cannot erase the Crusades, John Wycliffe and William Tyndale's blood, nor bloody Mary's smoldering faggots at Smith's Field, John Rogers burning with his Bibles, Thomas Cranmer's execution for standing on the Great Bible, or unmitigated Jesuit Tyranny! Roman 'Christianity' is replete with the unscrupulous! Is yours? Five times Christ repeats the commission he left his saints. “Go ye and teach all nations.” (Matt 28:18-20) “Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.” (Mark 16:15-16) “It behoved Christ to suffer, and to rise from the dead the third day: that repentance (NOT 'penance') and remission of sins should be preached in His name among all nations.” (Luke 24:46-48) “As my Father hath sent me, even so send I you.” (John 20:21) “And ye shall be witnesses unto me” (Acts1:8) The wide road of corporate 'Christianity' via catholicism, protestantism, calvinism, and/or denominationalism gives His vineyard a very black-eye. There is a narrow gate and a straight path. (Matt17:13-14) “Strive to enter in at the strait gate.” (Luke13:24). Robe yourself in scruples. Be a good steward. Take up His resources. Take up the cross. Do what your Lord commands, and occupy until He comes back to say “Well done thou good and faithful steward.” Preach the Gospel.

An Essay for week #11 Sun, Mar 17, 13

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Msg #1308 Child Rearing's Two Laws


Msg #1308 Child Rearing's Two Laws
What The Bible Says

Good Samaritan's Penny Pulpit by Pastor Ed Rice

Parenting; when a child misses God's two 'must-learn' commands they
never get to the 'should-learn' list. God targets children with only
two commands, fear your mother and father, and obey your mother and
father. (Lev 19:3, Eph 6:1) These capture the heart of the parent
child relationship and are the most persistent challenge of child
rearing; but still the most needed objective. God commands it of your
child and a parent's highest priority needs to be training these two
commands into their character. Hanging commands on a wall-plaque in
their room will not get it done. It will take consistent, persistent
discipline in daily life to get it done. That is the ingredient most
lacking in this generation and installing it into the next will
require a major change in how most do their parenting. The
strong-willed child which doctors may excuse is nothing more than a
child who has more will, more time, and more patience than their
parent, ergo they win every struggle and are in control. God's duel
commands will not excuse a so-called strong-willed child. A child who
does not fear and obey his parents has lazy, inept, or dysfunctional
parents. Put that child in the hands of a military drill sergeant or a
state shock-camp officer and they'll dig ditches and fold their
underwear into a perfect four inch square with no less than a
sir-yes-sir. The fault and problem is not with the child, it is with
the parent. Do it God's way, instill these two commands into your
child. You can do so only with God's 5 step program of Proverbs 19:18,
22:15, 23:13, 23:14, and 29:15 to get to 29:17 and avoid 17:25. That
will often require a parent's major change, but changing is better
than involving that shock-camp officer later on.

An Essay for week #8 Sun, Feb 24, 13

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Msg #1309 He's Coming Soon, There's No Doubt


Msg #1309 He's Coming Soon, There's No Doubt
What The Bible Says

Good Samaritan's Penny Pulpit by Pastor Ed Rice

Events in our progressively liberal nation make Christians yearn for
the second coming of Christ and the Kingdom's victory over secular
atheism which unites with Rome and Mecca to war against right and
Israel. Jesus said it would be like it was for Sodom and Gomorrah.
That was unimaginable 50 years ago. When Jesus saw his disciples
thinking that the Kingdom should immediately appear, he gave the
parable of the noblemen gone into a far country to receive for himself
a kingdom and to return. Therein he teaches us to “Occupy until he
comes.” He teaches us that the citizens of this world will not have
him to reign over them, despising his return. Lastly he teaches us
that we have resource from him and are to use it all for our Lord, our
Master and our coming King. The pound given to each servant in this
parable is different from the talent in a previous parable. Here each
of ten servants get one pound and are expected to show a gain in a day
of reckoning. The amount of reward they receive in that day depends on
how resourcefully they used the pound. For the servant there is coming
a day of reckoning “For I say unto you, That unto every one which
hath shall be given, and from him that hath not, even that he hath
shall be taken away from him.” “Occupy until I come” Jesus said.
For those who would not have Jesus Christ to reign over them, citizens
of this world who are not citizens of His Kingdom, He must say
“Bring them hither and slay them before me.” Be ye ready, for in
such an hour as ye think not the Son of God is returning as King of
kings and Lord of lords.

An Essay for week #9 Sun, Mar 3, 13

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Msg #1306 Valentines Day God's Way


Dear Editors and friends,

Please freely print this weeks Penny Pulpit Column in your papers, bulletins, emails, bloggs and twitters . Thank you for this consideration.
Pastor Ed Rice, Good Samaritan Baptist Church, Dresden NY 14441

These Baptist Penny Pulpits are an asset to many Missionaries and young Christians, Please Use the FORWARD below.


Msg #1306 Valentines Day God's Way

What The Bible Says

Good Samaritan's Penny Pulpit by Pastor Ed Rice


God's instructions for our marriage relationships are succinctly outlined by Apostle Peter and Paul writing identical instructions to two audiences. Peter states that wives are to submit to their husbands and husbands are to dwell with and honor their wives. At the same time Paul writes the identical outline to the Church at Ephesus stating wives submit, husbands love. The perfect example in both outlines, for both parities is our Lord Jesus Christ who submitted even unto death, and loves with an everlasting, unconditional, selfless love. Indeed Paul holds up the supreme intimacy of the marriage relationship for a human visualization of how very much Christ loves his Church. The two relationships serve to build foundations of understanding for each other. In Jeremiah 42 Johanan and a remnant of Jews come to the man of God and solemnly promise to do whatever God reveals to Jeremiah as the proper behavior in their situation. God reveals what he desires for them, Jeremiah preaches it to them plainly and in chapter 43 Johanan and his proud men refuse to do it God's way; calling God's preacher a liar and a false prophet. That is a pretty astonishing account except for those who have seen it over and over. The femin-nazi of our day boldly declare God's Word the liar and the preacher of the Gospel a false prophet. God is very clear about the husband wife relationship in marriage. So who are you going to trust? Each of us has that rebellion against God's truths dwelling in our nature. “Well I tried that submission stuff and it just will not work for us.” Really? Do you suppose then that God was mistaken when he made his command so very clear? Do it God's way and you can find marital bliss. Happy Valentines.


An Essay for week #6 Sun, Feb 10, 13

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Msg #1307 Home is a Rigid Body


Dear Editors and friends,

Please freely print this weeks Penny Pulpit Column in your papers, bulletins, emails, bloggs and twitters . Thank you for this consideration.
Pastor Ed Rice, Good Samaritan Baptist Church, Dresden NY 14441

These Baptist Penny Pulpits are an asset to many Missionaries and young Christians, Please Use the FORWARD below.


Msg #1307 Home is a Rigid Body

What The Bible Says

Good Samaritan's Penny Pulpit by Pastor Ed Rice


Before spring arrives, before regenerational hormones start to bloom, before the birds and bees start their annual visit it is altogether fitting to establish some of God's rules about love and marriage, home building and child rearing. An awesome key is in Lev19. There it states “Ye shall be holy: for I the LORD your God am holy. Ye shall fear every man his mother and his father, …” Fear of mom and dad is essential in child rearing, but that needs some good understanding. In geometry only the three sided polygon forms a rigid body. Love, security, and significance, the rigid body frame for a Godly home must have these three sides. These must first be present in ones marriage relationship. A dysfunctional marriage relationship has dysfunctional parenting. Love is not a gushy way of feeling, it is a command of God, a command to be selfless and unconditional. If you refuse that for your spouse your child will know. They are very perceptive. Security comes into the marriage relationship with the clause “until death do us part.” If you will not make or pursue that vow with your spouse your child will taste insecurity in their nurturing. Imagine life where you are significant to nobody. A child who sees a parent insignificant to their spouse knows the flavor of insignificance in their own life. God intends that a child be in the protective custody of a mom and a dad who are locked in a rigid body of selfless unconditional love, with until death security, and “I sincerely care about you” significance. Being a good parent will first involve building that rigid body. Let's get building. Grayer heads can teach some rigid body geometry to their grown children and grand children. It is essential for our Godly homes.


An Essay for week #7 Sun, Feb 17, 13

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Msg #1303 Judgment of our Progressive Direction


Dear Editors and friends,

Please freely print this weeks Penny Pulpit Column in your papers, bulletins, emails, bloggs and twitters . Thank you for this consideration.
Pastor Ed Rice, Good Samaritan Baptist Church, Dresden NY 14441

These Baptist Penny Pulpits are an asset to many Missionaries and young Christians, Please Use the FORWARD below.


Msg #1303 Judgment of our Progressive Direction

What The Bible Says

Good Samaritan's Penny Pulpit by Pastor Ed Rice

Oh that thou wouldest rend the heavens, that thou wouldest come down, that the mountains might flow down at they presence, … to make thy name known to they adversaries, that the nations may tremble at they presence! … For since the beginning of the world men have not heard, nor perceived by the ear, neither hath eye seen, O God, beside thee, what he hath prepared for him that waiteth for him.” Isaiah chapter 64 is only two chapters before the end of the book. We are approaching the final chapter of God's book as well. God desires to pardon; God sent His Redeemer; mankind is in rebellion; mankind is without excuse. Even so come Lord Jesus. There will soon be a one world religion. It will be pitted against Judaism. There will soon be an one world government. It will be pitted against Israel. Replacement Theology, wherein the Universal Church claims all the promises made to God's elect, is equally pursued by Catholic and Reformed theologians. John Calvin teaches Christians are the new-improved elect, and replacements for Israel. Christians dare not be ignorant of Satan's tact in the Church. The liberal progressive agenda, deceptively outlined in the inauguration speech this week, declares “In the Voting Machine We Trust.” It will cast out the constitution and install progressive Darwinian government; cast out capitalism and install socialism; cast out decreed morality and install popular morality subject to majority vote. The one world government will be voted in by an American people ignorant of this agenda which currently owns 52% of voters. Our president considers 52% as a mandate to press on with progressivism. Christians dare not be ignorant of the liberal Darwinian progressive agenda documented by Woodrow Wilson and today aggressively pursued by the Democratic party and the press.

An Essay for week #3 Sun, Jan 20, 13

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A Question On the name of GOD


Dear Editors and friends,

Please freely print this weeks Penny Pulpit Column in your papers, bulletins, emails, blogs and twitters . Thank you for this consideration.
Pastor Ed Rice, Good Samaritan Baptist Church, Dresden NY 14441

These Baptist Penny Pulpits are an asset to many Missionaries and young Christians, Please Use the FORWARD below.


A Question On the name of GOD

I got this very interesting question from a reader, and thought it appropriate to share it with all.

On 1/22/2013, Devon wrote: Good Morning Pastor Rice! ^_^

Pastor, I've never had an issue believing God's Word (1 Cor 13:7) since I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour , perhaps living it but definitely not believing it. If that's what the Word of God says then I take it as truth (Jn 17:17). Here's my question. Jehovah??? It appears 7x in the Bible either as just Jehovah (Ex 6:3) or as Jehovah-something (Gen 22:14, Ex 17:15, etc.) and I've also been told that “LORD” is English for the Hebrew word Jehovah transliterated. I honestly don't know how to ask this question, but I'll do my best, Why is it like this at all? I certainly don't want to remove 'Jehovah' from the Bible as the NKJV and New Age bibles but I have no explanation for those “Christians” that use these new age bibles when dealing with this issue and building their faith in the Word of God rather than to create quakes of doubt. Pastor, I've been following you for some time now and find you to be a faithful, loving man of God and so trust your teaching when dealing with the Bible (AV 1611). Please help me.



Dear Devon,

Thanks for asking. I love this name and every disciple needs to be its student. As you stated the name Jehovah is normally shown in English Scripture as “LORD” with all capitals. Sometimes in compound names it may be shown as “GOD” with all capitals. In the seven times that you mention, (Ex 6:3, Ps 83:18, Isa 12:2, and Isa 26:4, compound in Ge 22:14, Ex 17:15, Jud 6:24) the English translation “JEHOVAH” is used for clarification purposes; i.e. Isa 26:4 states it as “Trust ye in the LORD for ever: for in the LORD JEHOVAH is everlasting strength.” instead of “Trust ye in the LORD for ever: for in the LORD the LORD is everlasting strength. ” The latter is indeed how modernist bibles render these more complex references where the actual name of JEHOVAH is more clear and better used. A good ground rule for ALL mondernist English translations is that their driving concern was not truth, accuracy or clarity, but to establish and record 60,000 deviations from all previous translations. That is the only way they could get their work to have a lucrative copyright. In these 7 instances they could not use the simple clarity found in the King James Translation and still secure their copy right.

The name JEHOVAH, shown in English as LORD, comes from the Hebrew word YHWH and is in the Old Testament Scriptures 6,519 times. (6,510 times in English as LORD, 4 times as GOD, 4 times as JEHOVAH, and once as a variant.) The English pronunciation for this unpronounced Hebrew word was derived by inserting the vowel sounds from the other names for God. Most modernist scholars think they have done better by pronouncing it Yahweh. I do not trust modernist ecumenical profit motivated scholars and I use the old English derivation JEHOVAH. C.I. Scofield places a table entitled “God is revealed through His names” after the close of Malachi on page 983. It has been very helpful to me and is repeated here (without his permission, although Scofield and I go way back, … 1960)









El, Elah, or Elohim (Gen 1:1, note)

Jehovah (Gen 2:4, note)

Adon or Adohai (Gen 15:2, note)


(with El = God)

Almighty God

Most High,

or most high God

everlasting God

El Shaddai (Gen 17:1, note)

El Elyon (Gen 14:14, note)


El Olam (Gen 21:33, note)

Compound (with Jehovah = LORD)


Lord GOD

LORD of hosts

Jehovah Elohim (Gen 2:4, note)

Adonai Jehovah (Gen 15:2, note)

Jehovah Sabaoth (1Sam 1:3, note)


I trust this helps. It was a blessing for me just to review it here. Keep up the faith and contend for the faith, and God bless.

Pastor Ed Rice




Msg #1304 Lord, what wilt thou have me to do?


Dear Editors and friends,

Please freely print this weeks Penny Pulpit Column in your papers, bulletins, emails, bloggs and twitters . Thank you for this consideration.
Pastor Ed Rice, Good Samaritan Baptist Church, Dresden NY 14441

These Baptist Penny Pulpits are an asset to many Missionaries and young Christians, Please Use the FORWARD below.


Msg #1304 Lord, what wilt thou have me to do?

What The Bible Says

Good Samaritan's Penny Pulpit by Pastor Ed Rice


What is a Christian to do when all the world is against him, when world religion pits themselves against the preaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, when even our freedom founded government calls wrong right and right illegal? Isaiah 12 puts it like this, “In that day thou shalt say, O LORD, I will praise thee: though thou wast angry with me, thine anger is turned away, and thou comfortedst me.” The born again believer has a brand new position in Christ. We might be a minority, but we alone have Him as our comforter. God is my SALVATION. Only four times in the Bible is the personal name of God even translated into English. Verse 2 is one of those. The name was used 6,519 times and never pronounced in Hebrew. In reading the Hebrew, even today, the name 'Adonai' (English “LORD”) is always pronounced when “JHVH” is encountered in Scripture. So too the King James translators carefully did the same as they put this word in English. It is not to be used lightly or in vain. We can trust and not be afraid because “the LORD JEHOVAH” is my strength and my song; HE also is become my SALVATION! Praise His holy and revered name. Well water is refreshing and life giving. We use it for cleansing as well as drinking. When verse 3 says “Therefore” we should remember what it is there for, and when it says “With joy shall ye draw water out of the wells of salvation,” we should visit those wells daily. Five things to do in that day 1) Praise the LORD, 2) call upon his name, 3) declare his doings among the people, 4) make mention that his name is exalted and 5) Sing unto the LORD. Let's get going.


An Essay for week #4 Sun, Jan 27, 13

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Msg #1302 The Outline of All Outlines


Dear Editors and friends,

Please freely print this weeks Penny Pulpit Column in your papers, bulletins, emails, bloggs and twitters . Thank you for this consideration.
Pastor Ed Rice, Good Samaritan Baptist Church, Dresden NY 14441

These Baptist Penny Pulpits are an asset to many Missionaries and young Christians, Please Use the FORWARD below.


Msg #1302 The Outline of All Outlines

What The Bible Says

Good Samaritan's Penny Pulpit by Pastor Ed Rice


A marvelous thing about the outline of God's revelation to Isaiah is that it is an outline of God's revelation to mankind, the Holy Bible. First described is the descent of man as he wanders from the place that God intended for him. “Hear, O heavens, and give ear, O earth; for Jehovah hath spoken: I have nourished and brought up children, and they have rebelled against me.” Next it is made clear that there is a judgment pending. “The lofty looks of man shall be brought low, and the haughtiness of men shall be bowed down, and Jehovah alone shall be exalted in that day.” Third, God desires to pardon mankind. “Come now, and let us reason together, saith Jehovah: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.” Forth, God does have a point of no return. “If ye refuse and rebel, ye shall be devoured with the sword; for the mouth of Jehovah hath spoken it.” Fifth, God will send a Daysman Redeemer. “Zion shall be redeemed with justice, and her converts with righteousness.” Indeed, He has sent his Only Begotten Son, … “For unto us a child is born...” Sixth God will always save a remnant. “Except Jehovah of hosts had left unto us a very small remnant, we should have been as Sodom, we should have been like unto Gomorrah.” And lastly, one day God will restore all Israel, and then all the redeemed of mankind. “And it shall come to pass in the latter days, that the mountain of Jehovah’s house shall be established on the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow unto it.”


An Essay for week #2 Sun, Jan 13, 13

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Msg #1301 The Liberal Soul

Msg #1301 The Liberal Soul

What The Bible Says

Good Samaritan's Penny Pulpit by Pastor Ed Rice


For our Church to be faithful to the commission Christ gave we must take part in sending foreign evangelists preaching the gospel around the world. We have the Picketts in Manitoba, and support, in a small part, a dozen other missionaries around the globe. We want to do more in 2013. We are blessed with folks who give sacrificially and specifically to these missions. Paul's letter to the Philippians closes with six encouragements about their outreach. 1) Stay Faithful – “Now at the last your care of me hath flourished again; wherein ye were also careful.” (4:10) 2) Stay Content – “For I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.” (4:11) Paul told Timothy “But godliness with contentment is great gain.” Christ instructed us “Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed?” 3) Stay in Communication – “Now ye Philippians know also, that in the beginning of the gospel, when I departed from Macedonia, no church communicated with me as concerning giving and receiving, but ye only.“ (4:15) 4) Stay Fruit Bearing – “Not because I desire a gift: but I desire fruit that may abound to your account.” (4:17) 5) Stay God Pleasing – “But I have all, and abound: I am full, … an odour of a sweet smell, a sacrifice acceptable, wellpleasing to God.” (4:18) and finally 6) Stay God Believing – “But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” (4:19) Philippi had here a great encouragement to stay liberal in their missions obligation. So do we. “The liberal soul shall be made fat: and he that watereth shall be watered also himself.“

An Essay for week #01, Sun, January 6, 2013

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