Msg #1327 Keeping the Wine Press Pressing
What The Bible Says
Good Samaritan's Penny Pulpit by Pastor Ed Rice
Israel and I come up with solid rationale, and highfalutin excuses, why we cannot be obedient and fruitful in our present circumstance; but God says, “What could have been done more to my vinyard, that I have not done in it?” (Isaiah 5:4) Apathetic agnosticism (AA) reigns supreme in upstate New York, but if I were only in North Carolina, where there is a Baptist Church every twelve feet, I could, … and I would, … If I were back in Ohio, where people welcome door-to-door visitors sharing the gospel, then I would, … and I could, … If I were in Florida, where people respond in kindness to street preaching, then I would, … “My well beloved hath a vineyard in a very fruitful hill.” I and/or you are parked right in the middle of God's fruitful vineyard, and are expected to yield much fruit for our Lord's joy and glory. What fruit are we supposed to be yielding? Well there is a wine press right over there, and in the Bible wine is generally symbolic of the joy of the Lord. That's a sweet fruit for our labor. What has he done for his fruitful vineyard? Well he fenced it (vr2), i.e. placed clear boarders in our lives. He gathered out the stones thereof, i.e. cleared sin and every weight which easily besets us. He planted it with the choicest vine, i.e. people still need the Lord even if they wont' readily admit it. And he built a tower in the midst, i.e. he is our strong tower, our refuge, our vantage point, our warehouse and operation center. In the fifties great ministries were built by door-to-door visitation, today, could be, it only builds great frustration. Labor in the well beloved's vineyard anyway, His wine-press makes real joy.
An Essay for week #27 Sun, Jul 7, 13
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