Category: Penny Pulpit

Msg# 1220 Mother's Day and Mother's Way

 Dear Editors and friends,

Please freely print this weeks Penny Pulpit Column in your papers, bulletins, emails, bloggs and twitters . Thank you for this consideration.
Pastor Ed Rice, Good Samaritan Baptist Church, Dresden NY 14441

These Baptist Penny Pulpits are an asset to many Missionaries and young Christians, Please Use the FORWARD below.


Msg# 1220 Mother's Day and Mother's Way

What The Bible Says

Good Samaritan's Penny Pulpit by Pastor Ed Rice


King David tried to move the Ark of Covenant into the City of David with the most efficient, most logical method, even the way the Philistines moved it, on a new oxcart. It was a good and effective method. It really worked very well. It did, however, make God very angry. David told the Levites who were charged to carry the Ark on their shoulders, “For because ye did it not at the first, the LORD our God made a breach upon us, for that we sought him not after due order.” We have our own most logical way of ordering our homes and rearing our children. The LORD our God makes a breach upon us and we see shipwrecked homes and lives. God's way says “Wives submit yourselves unto your own husbands as unto the Lord, …Likewise ye wives, be in subjection to your own husbands … even as Sara obeyed Abraham, calling him lord: … thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee, … Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection, … I suffer not a woman to teach nor usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.” God makes a breach upon our marriages and that breach cannot be repaired but by doing it God's way. God's way says complete, consistent, persistent discipline of our children with actual corporal punishment. In your Bible chain together and read Proverbs 13:24, 19:18, 22:15, 23:13-14, 29:15! “A child left to himself bringeth his mother to shame.” David corrected his methods; God removed the breach. Praise the Lord for mothers now gone who did it God's way. We need some today who will correct their methods and do it God's way. It brings His blessing instead of His breach.


An Essay from week # 20, Sunday, May 13, 2012

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Msg# 1221 The Gates of Jerusalem

 Dear Editors and friends,

Please freely print this weeks Penny Pulpit Column in your papers, bulletins, emails, bloggs and twitters . Thank you for this consideration.
Pastor Ed Rice, Good Samaritan Baptist Church, Dresden NY 14441

These Baptist Penny Pulpits are an asset to many Missionaries and young Christians, Please Use the FORWARD below.


Msg# 1221 The Gates of Jerusalem

What The Bible Says

Good Samaritan's Penny Pulpit by Pastor Ed Rice

If a normal picture is worth a thousand words, this one should cover the 300 normally in my Penny Pulpits. Take two laps around the City of Jerusalem, visit each gate with your Bible open.

Msg# 1222 Soul Winners Face Opposition, So …

 Dear Editors and friends,

Please freely print this weeks Penny Pulpit Column in your papers, bulletins, emails, bloggs and twitters . Thank you for this consideration.
Pastor Ed Rice, Good Samaritan Baptist Church, Dresden NY 14441

These Baptist Penny Pulpits are an asset to many Missionaries and young Christians, Please Use the FORWARD below.


Msg# 1222 Soul Winners Face Opposition, So …

What The Bible Says

Good Samaritan's Penny Pulpit by Pastor Ed Rice


A born-again believer is to be the witness for the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, the salt of the earth a light on a candelstick, and opposition is certain. Nehemiah 4-6 gives an insightful outline on how opposition comes. Sanballet the Horonite (a city of Moab) and Tobiah the Ammonite were a committee of two that opposed Nehemiah from day one. Mobites and Ammonites are shamed distant kin of Israel. Their committee grows and start off chapter 4 with indignation and mocking. In verse 11 their mocking migrates to physical threats repeated ten times! In his work, progress is slowed do to rubish in the way; rubbish is in the way of our witness too. Facing opposition Nehemiah #1 made prayer unto God; #2 let his opposition know that he knew their tactics; #3 labored with sword in one hand; #4 regularly rallied all the laborers (believers do this twice on Sunday and once midweek, it still takes all three to thrive); #5 listened for the trumpet; i.e. the second coming; #6 laborers were encouraged to stay within the walls; (Believers need to stay in Church to let their light so shine. The candlestick is the local Church.) and #7 kept at the work. In chapter 5 internal opposition joins in. 'A man's gotta eat' (vr 2) 'A man's gotta buy a house' (vr 3) and ' A man's gotta pay taxes' (vr 4) are excuses for improper life priorities that halt many a witness, just like they threatened to halt Nehemiah's effort. We need to do what he did, have a consult with yourself, make sure your life priorities are right. 'Only one life, will soon be passed, only what's done for Christ will last.” Preach the Gospel to every creature. It is the job of every believer.


An Essay from week # 22, Sunday, May 27, 2012

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Msg# 1219 Come and See

 Dear Editors and friends,

Please freely print this weeks Penny Pulpit Column in your papers, bulletins, emails, bloggs and twitters . Thank you for this consideration.
Pastor Ed Rice, Good Samaritan Baptist Church, Dresden NY 14441

These Baptist Penny Pulpits are an asset to many Missionaries and young Christians, Please Use the FORWARD below.


Msg# 1219 Come and See

What The Bible Says

Good Samaritan's Penny Pulpit by Pastor Ed Rice


Preacher Mike and Heather Gross, Missionaries to Sierra Leone, reminded us of a plea used often in the Bible, “Come and see.” When you are headed out to preach the Gospel in a country which is 78% Muslim you want to be well acquainted with the verse “O taste and see that the LORD is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in him.” (Ps39:8) Jesus came to John the Baptist who said “Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.” After Jesus' Baptism (by immersion) John identified him as the Christ; “Upon whom thou shalt see the Spirit descending, and remaining on him, the same is he which baptizeth with the Holy Ghost.” Surely this great truth is one that must be seen for oneself. John the Baptist said it “And I saw and bear record that this is the Son of God.” Then when John the Baptist appointed two of his disciples to follow the Christ he again said, “Behold the Lamb of God,” and when they approached the Christ he said to them “Come and see.” To those who are searching, the longing, those hungering and thirsting after righteousness repeat the refrain; “Behold the Lamb of God, … come and see!” When Nathanael said “Can there any good come out of Nazareth?” it was Philip who said, “Come and see!” When the Samaritan woman knew that Jesus was the Messiah she said to all, “Come and see!” Nowhere in the Bible is a soul won by lifestyle evangelism, it is done when a genuine believer and witness says with their mouth, “Behold the Lamb of God … Come and see.” Got a mouth? Be a witness. They need the invitation.


An Essay from week # 19, Sunday, May 06, 2012

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Msg# 1243 The Transition to the Next Dispensation


Dear Editors and friends,

Please freely print this weeks Penny Pulpit Column in your papers, bulletins, emails, bloggs and twitters . Thank you for this consideration.
Pastor Ed Rice, Good Samaritan Baptist Church, Dresden NY 14441

These Baptist Penny Pulpits are an asset to many Missionaries and young Christians, Please Use the FORWARD below.


Msg# 1243 The Transition to the Next Dispensation

What The Bible Says

Good Samaritan's Penny Pulpit by Pastor Ed Rice


The seven year transition from the Church to the Millennial Kingdom is easily outlined by the Bible believer who rightly divides the Word of Truth. It is transitional and described by Christ as a “Great tribulation such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time…” In the Revelation a close of this world as we know it is written in a seven sealed book that can be opened only by “the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, … the Lamb as it had been slain, having seven horns and seven eyes.” Before the book is open the seals must needs be removed and seven trumpet blasts, each saying “I told you so,”must be sounded. When the Lamb, that the believer knows, removes the first seal on the book, out comes a conqueror on a white horse. The three horses which proceed from the next three seals make it evident that this conqueror is not a good nor permanent thing. Indeed, just as the seal removal is preparatory to the opening of book, the events related to each seal are preparatory to the wrath the will unfold in this seven year tribulation. The seventh seal unveils seven trumpets, also preparatory to the opening of the book. At the halfway point through the seven years, 3 ½ years in, when the abomination of desolation breaks the contract set up with Israel, the seals are gone, the trumpets promising woe have all sounded, the wrath of God begins to pour out of the opening book. The world scoffs and laughs at the number 666 and a battle called Armageddon. The Bible believer has been given these truths to ennoble and embolden their witness. Let it have its perfect work.


An Essay from week # 43, Sunday, October 21, 2012

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Msg# 1229 Go or Send With Your Gospel Gun

 Dear Editors and friends,

Please freely print this weeks Penny Pulpit Column in your papers, bulletins, emails, bloggs and twitters . Thank you for this consideration. 
Pastor Ed Rice, Good Samaritan Baptist Church, Dresden NY 14441

These Baptist Penny Pulpits are an asset to many Missionaries and young Christians, Please Use the FORWARD below.


Msg# 1229 Go or Send With Your Gospel Gun

What The Bible Says

Good Samaritan's Penny Pulpit by Pastor Ed Rice


“The fruit of the righteous is the tree of life; and he that winneth souls is wise.” (Prov 11:30) Baptists have a method of sending out “foreign ambassadors” to be 'that wise'; we call them missionaries. While on 'deputation' Alan Granger, Missionary to Mexico, reports that of 10 missionaries called, one makes it to the field by making 4,000 calls, getting 1,000 contacts, hosting 300 meetings, gaining 125 supporting Churches where only 70 turn out to be sincere. It sounds scary but this Independent Baptist method lands more preachers of the Gospel on foreign soil than any other method, and we are so commanded to go and to send. Matthew28 says “Go ye”; Mark16, “Preach the Gospel”; Luke24, “Preach repentance”; John20, “So send I you”; Acts1, “Ye shall be witnesses”. So not only would you be wise to win souls you would be obedient to Christ's commands. That's wise. Understand also that the need is so great. “Untold millions are still untold, untold millions are outside the fold.” These are not only in Zacatecas, Mexico, there is a “whosoever-will-may-come” living right next door to you! “People need the Lord!” Your neighbor has been effectively taught since childhood that he evolved from apes with no Creator. But you know for fact that “As it appointed unto men once once to die, but after this the judgment.” There is only one answer to this “judgment” and you are called to be “His witness” to a dying world. They have been taught to disbelieve the Bible, but someone who 'does not believe in guns', can still be shot with my 357 magnum! You gotta shoot them with a “Gospel Gun.” Use your Bible on them.


An Essay from week # 29, Sunday, July 15, 2012

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Msg# 1231 Intimacy Indeed

 Dear Editors and friends,

Please freely print this weeks Penny Pulpit Column in your papers, bulletins, emails, bloggs and twitters . Thank you for this consideration.
Pastor Ed Rice, Good Samaritan Baptist Church, Dresden NY 14441

These Baptist Penny Pulpits are an asset to many Missionaries and young Christians, Please Use the FORWARD below.


Msg# 1231 Intimacy Indeed

What The Bible Says

Good Samaritan's Penny Pulpit by Pastor Ed Rice


Intimacy, a descript of a powerful bonding relationship between two humans, is what God wants in his relationship with you. Surely you have a close friend who can share anything with you and you with them. It is not carnal at all. “And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed.” (Gen2) Five chapters of John which portray such intimacy with God start with the assurance that you are a disciple indeed and then, in chapter 14 we are assured this intimacy indeed. Its precious beginning, resounded at so many precious funerals, assures “And whither I go ye know, and the way ye know.” With an intimate friend one can share all ones hopes and dreams, desires and plans with no fear of laughter or scoffing. Herein Jesus shares his most intimate plans for the future and we are included in them. With an intimate friend one gets to know every aspect of who they are and what makes them 'tick'. Jesus says “If ye had known me, ye should know my Father also: and from henceforth ye know him, and have seen him.” The OT portrayal of conception in marriage is carefully worded as “And Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived.” Indeed our purpose is to know Christ. With an intimate friend one can ask them anything; and herein Jesus confirms to us “And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do.” An intimate friend is forever a personal comforter. On his physical departure Jesus promises “And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever.” From an intimate friend… “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you.”


An Essay from week # 31, Sunday, July 29, 2012

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Msg# 1242 The Close of This Dispensation


Dear Editors and friends,

Please freely print this weeks Penny Pulpit Column in your papers, bulletins, emails, blogs and twitters . Thank you for this consideration.
Pastor Ed Rice, Good Samaritan Baptist Church, Dresden NY 14441

These Baptist Penny Pulpits are an asset to many Missionaries and young Christians, Please Use the FORWARD below.


Msg# 1242 The Close of This Dispensation

What The Bible Says

Good Samaritan's Penny Pulpit by Pastor Ed Rice

When one understands the seven epic spans of human testing which God orchestrates for humankind, one can understand the word 'dispensation' in Ephesians 3, and the close of our current dispensation as well as the 2nd Coming of Christ. Without a dispensational understanding one will never grasp the transition from the 'Dispensation of Grace' that Paul writes about to the 'Dispensation of Millennium' that Christ speaks about. Without it one cannot comprehend God's transition of dealing with his Church to dealing with his Chosen Nation. Without it one confuses God's dealings with the Church with God's dealings with Israel and their 144 thousand. With it we can visualize the seven stages of Church history and the importance of each Church message in the Revelation of Jesus Christ. With it one can understand the two trumpet calls, one to gather the saints to meet the Lord in the clouds of the air, and one that calls Israel to the promised land when his foot touches down on the Mount of Olives. Understanding that God will end the presence of His Ecclessia in this world, when he calls to them “Come up hither,” clarifies the removal of the restrainer, his Holy Spirit, that indwells them. The way is made clear for the White Horse, the Red, the Black and the Pale, which usher in a 7 year tribulation like this world has never seen. Indeed Mattthew24, Mark13, and Luke21, yeah the whole of the 'Olivet Discourse' now comes into a clear crisp focus, when, and only when, one comprehends the dispensations of God spoken of as the mystery in Ephesians. Most Christendom think they replaced Israel and Christ will never occupy Jerusalem. There is only a remnant of Bible believers who comprehend dispensationalism. They were called re-baptizers, today just Baptists.

An Essay from week # 42, Sunday, October 14, 2012

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Msg# 1239 Our Pentecost

Dear Editors and friends,

Please freely print this weeks Penny Pulpit Column in your papers,
bulletins, emails, blogs and twitters . Thank you for this consideration.
Pastor Ed Rice, Good Samaritan Baptist Church, Dresden NY 14441

These Baptist Penny Pulpits are an asset to many Missionaries and young
Christians, Please Use the FORWARD below.

Msg# 1239 Our Pentecost

What The Bible Says

Good Samaritan's Penny Pulpit by Pastor Ed Rice

The feast of weeks, 50 days after Passover and called Pentecost, should
certainly be of utmost interest to the believer. One Sabbath day after the
feast of unleavened bread ended with a holy convocation and day of rest, a
counting of seven Sabbaths measured out 49 days with the next day, a Sunday,
being the feast of weeks. This Jewish Holy Day perpetually fell on a Sunday,
the first day of the week, the day of the week that the Lord Jesus the
Christ arose from the tomb, a day to be revered by Christians and called
'the Lord's Day' wherein believers have a 'holy convocation' and have for
1,982 years now, Sunday. In Pentecost the Jew remembered his redemption from
bondage. It was the feast of weeks, had its placement in the first week of
the grain harvest, i.e. feast of first fruits. Where the feast of unleavened
bread placed an emphasis on being pilgrims and sojourners in this world, not
being here long enough for bread to rise, this feast, Pentecost, was a true
feast of plenty, a feast of festivity, a feast of harvest and a feast where
leaven was required to make their bread full and their celebration
completely satisfying. The Bible teachers who have made the presence of
leaven represent only sin and evil come up disturbingly short on this vivid
Pentecost illustration. Every believer knows that at this feast of weeks
called Pentecost, this feast of celebration and plenty in the Jewish
Calendar, the Lord Jesus Christ sent the 'other comforter', the Holy Spirit
of God, to indwell, instill and empower the believer and make his life a
feast of plenty, a feast of festivity, a feast of remembrance, a feast of
harvest where leaven makes the bread full and our celebration completely

An Essay from week # 39, Sunday, September 23, 2012

Published at

In paperback at

In free ebook at


Msg# 1240 Our Trumpet Sound


Dear Editors and friends,

Please freely print this weeks Penny Pulpit Column in your papers, bulletins, emails, bloggs and twitters . Thank you for this consideration.
Pastor Ed Rice, Good Samaritan Baptist Church, Dresden NY 14441

These Baptist Penny Pulpits are an asset to many Missionaries and young Christians, Please Use the FORWARD below.


Msg# 1240 Our Trumpet Sound

What The Bible Says

Good Samaritan's Penny Pulpit by Pastor Ed Rice


As the trumpet was used for gathering the hosts of Hebrews to their Holy Convocations so does it symbolize the greatest gathering of all the tribes of Israel to their Promised Land in the last day called the Day of the LORD. The Christian significance of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur still lie hidden from all Protestant Christendom. Concealed in the dark veil spread by their mother catholic conception whereby a Mother Church owns all the promises previously given to God's Chosen People, Israel. Calvin's Institutes further scatter and muddy Biblical truth by laying claim to such 'chosen status' and formulating the ill conceived Covenant Theology which reeks of catholic replacement theology. Be wise herein Bible believer. No imagined catholic system can erase the Feast of Trumpets which will call the 12 tribes of Israel to their salvation. No Calvin Covenant Theology will prevent the Promised Messiah from setting on the Throne of David in the Holy Hills of Zion for a 1,000 year millennial reign. No wild allegorical method of the Revelation of Jesus Christ can stop the gathering of all nations to the great Battle of Armageddon that it calls out. Catholics and Protestants try to obscure it in their dark veil but Bible believing Christians are looking for a very similar Trumpet Call that says “Come up hither!” and marks the rapture of the true Church in preparation for God's delivering of Israel from the Abomination of Desolation. Protestant theologians scoff, but the Bible says. “For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds!”


An Essay from week # 40, Sunday, September 30, 2012

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