Category: Penny Pulpit

Msg #1411 Christ is the Answer, 4 Good, Bad & Ugly

Msg #1411 Christ is the Answer, 4 Good, Bad & Ugly

What The Bible Says

Good Samaritan's Penny Pulpit by Pastor Ed Rice

When I was a lad the mayor of Corning was ushering a visiting dignitary into town. Who seeing a sign which read “Christ is the Answer”, above the city, asked “So what is the question?” The agnostic mayor stammered, then stuttered, then started a campaign to get that sign down. Fifty years later, the sign is there. God's written record through his prophet Isaiah brings that answer to four leading questions. Chapter seven starts with an account involving the good, the bad, and the ugly. In the days of Ahaz the good king of Judah, Rezin the bad king of Syria, is confederate with Pekah the ugly king of Israel. The latter is so ugly that God and Isaiah never refer to this son of Remaliah by name again. This confederacy against good unites the enemy of God with a nation called Israel. Now Israel the ugly was the union of ten sons of Jacob, who 1,000 year previous had a name change. Judah the good, slanderously called “Jew”, was the outcast favored of God dwelling in the favored city of God, Jerusalem. Now these are all sure enough real characters in a real scenario, as it were, chosen brother against brothers who leagued with the world and enemy of God. The answer to this ugly mess is Christ, and he shows up in verse 14, “Behold a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.” God does not just tell what happened in history; in His-Story he tells us what happens. Sure enough, the ugly neo-evangelical is confederate with the progressive-liberal world, in an effort to stamp out and replace the Bible believing remnant who dwell in their 1611 King James Holy Bible. Christ is still the answer, and he is coming soon.

An Essay for week #11 03/16/2014

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Response Msg #1323 Good Theology is not Reformed



Response Msg #1323 Good Theology is not Reformed

Dear Bro. Rice,
I thought is was unique that you just sent out this penny pulpit. I've been deeling with this very thing. Is it not true that this “TULIP” doctrine came from Jerome a Roman Catholic and did not orginate from John Calvin? And there was no Calvinist doctrine amongst true Bible believers in early history was it? And what about Charles Spurgeon, Calvinists or no? Well anyway I'd appreciate anything else you have on Calvinism and any advise you'd be willing to give. God bless you Bro. Rice and your family!
Your missionary in ____________
Bro. _________ _____________
Dear Brother __________,
Thanks for writing with your concerns, it is good hearing from you. We have been in revival and faith promise meetings this week and have prayed for the Youall.
Your questions are well put.
Is it not true that this “TULIP” doctrine came from Jerome a Roman Catholic and did not orginate from John Calvin?
The T.U.L.I.P. model came from the Presbyterians via some counsel which was convened because the Armenians had contended Presbyterian error in 5 points. True, John Calvin never did hear of the model, much less make it. The model does, however, carefully outline John Calvin's doctrine.
And there was no Calvinist doctrine amongst true Bible believers in early history was it?
Although it would not be called Calvinism, the notion that God predetermines everything that ever happens to an individual, especially the circumstances of his death, originated in Roman Catholic Church Fathers of Alexandria Egypt. It got firmed up via Jerome's Latin Vulgate with three very bad 'P's -penance, priests, and predestination, which then got grounded in Roman Catholic Saint Augustine of Hippo's very bad doctrine. Since Catholic Doctrine contains a Covenant type Theology and its Replacement Theology, and since that theology claims that the Catholic Church is the new Elect of God replacing Israel as such, it is natural that John Calvin's Reformed Theology would be quite messed up concerning the elect, dispensationalism and God's promises to Israel. Short answer, yes it was around since Roman Catholic Church Father Saint Clement, 3rd century, but it was found in Roman Catholic history not in 'true believers' history.
And what about Charles Spurgeon, Calvinists or no?
Charles wrote a defense of Calvinism which basically states that he could never be an Armenian who periodically looses his salvation. He was, like so many unstudied Baptists, holding onto Calvinism so he would not be called Armenian. A studied Baptist will shed the name of Calvinist as soon as he understands the larger picture. Spurgeon, although a tremendous orator, was enamored with the genius of Saint Augustine and John Calvin, and would not cross his intellectual heroes, even in their most damnable heresies. Sounds like to many Baptist I know.
More detail is given in my attached book, and I will send you my other book under another letter.
A whosoever will in Christ.
Brother _____________,
I do not mean to belabor you, but you can tell you have asked some questions with which I struggled for many a year before getting it all resolved in my head, and I appreciate that others have to resolve this issue for themselves. It naturally concerns me when so many Baptists are falling into lockstep with both John Piper and John Calvin.
My greatest enlightening came when I reasoned that God created man with his own individual sovereignty, which we sometimes call free-will, although it is not really completely free. That means that, although God knows all that is knowable, he does not know, in fatalistic certainty, the decisions you have yet to make. In your delegated 'sovereignty', you are 'free' to go any of a number of ways. I know my wife. I know what she is doing tomorrow, next week and next year, but not with fatalistic certainty. God knows us better than we know a spouse, be he does not know us with fatalistic certainty, i.e. our fate is not predestined, ergo, whosoever will may come. You will have to get to a similar understanding to grapple with the exactness of Scripture, the election of saints for service, (not of the lost for salvation) and the 'whosoever will' declarations of God. Let me know how you make out.
A bigger picture analysis of Reformed Theology and its error is attached. I think it should be owned by every Baptist, but I am somewhat bias toward the author.






Msg #1324 Are You Just IN the Light?


Dear Friends and Editors,

Please read then  freely print this weeks Penny Pulpit Column in your papers, bulletins, emails, bloggs and twitters .  Thank you for this consideration.
Pastor Ed Rice,  Good Samaritan Baptist Church, Dresden NY 14441

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Msg #1324 Are You Just IN the Light?

What The Bible Says

Good Samaritan's Penny Pulpit by Pastor Ed Rice

No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.” Matthew 6:24 aptly expresses the conflict of all ages. The two kinds of fruit in 7:20 and the two types of foundations of 7:26 equally come to bear on all ages but are much more applicable to this age of grace that we now operate in. In this dispensation we experience a completely different economy of righteousness. The New Covenant, that the Lord initiated, is different from anything ever seen in this world. The two masters, two fruits, and two foundations have always been in contrast and conflict, the one contrary to the other. They have been illustrated as oil and water, iron and clay, and light and darkness. But in this new economy of righteousness “Ye were sometimes darkness, but now are ye light in the Lord: walk as children of light: … Proving what is acceptable unto the Lord.” (Eph5:8,10) Christians are proving what light is. It is not that you were in darkness, but now you are in the light. No, no, it says you WERE darkness, but now you ARE light. Under the Old Covenant when you stood in that light and did right, you received blessing for it. Under this New Covenant, in Christ, you ARE that light, and when you let that light shine on your neighbor, you need to expect hatred and persecution for it. Those who refuse dispensational truth, and think we are all under one grand covenant, cannot rightly divide the word of truth. They stumble on this concept. In the last of the last-days expect this to get worse before it gets better.

An Essay for week #24 Sun, Jun 16, 13

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Msg #1323 Good Theology is not Reformed

Dear Friends and Editors,

Please read then  freely print this weeks Penny Pulpit Column in your
papers, bulletins, emails, blogs and twitters .  Thank you for this
Pastor Ed Rice,  Good Samaritan Baptist Church, Dresden NY 14441

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Msg #1323 Good Theology is not Reformed
What The Bible Says

Good Samaritan's Penny Pulpit by Pastor Ed Rice

When a retired systems engineer picks up another eight volumes of systematic
theology expect some profound critiques. Dr. Lewis Sperry Chafer steps back
from all previous theologians and profoundly presents a view he labels “The
Church, the Body of Christ.” When one accepts the dispensational truth of
Scripture, and then rightly divides the Word of Truth, the Church, being the
body of Christ, occupies a central role of this dispensation, but not all
dispensations. When the Covenant Theology of John Calvin and Roman
Catholicism exalts the Catholic Church to occupy the central theme of all
ages and all time, insisting that it swallow and replace Israel, as God's
chosen and elect, insisting that it swallow and replace all the promises
made to Israel, to Jerusalem, to Zion, to their regathering, to the literal
throne of David, and to their 12 tribes and 144 thousand witnesses, it
places an unpardonable strain on not only Biblical prophecy, but on the
whole Bible, from Genesis to maps, and especially on the Revelation of Jesus
Christ. Now, they say, only a few spiritually enlightened 'clergy' can see
and interpret this allegorical, hidden and secret meaning of Scripture. That
such nonsense, springing from Roman Catholic Church Fathers, Saint Clement
of Alexandria, and Saint Origin of Alexandria, made it intact through the
Protestant Reformation, and got grounded into John Calvin's Institutes, is
downright diabolical. Chafer steps away from this bias to write a
dispensational systematic theology that presents what the Bible actually
intimidates about the Church, the Body of Christ. It is unfortunate that
Baptists, and even Baptist Preachers do not spend significant time studying
theology, the greatest of the sciences. Only a little such study would keep
Baptists well distanced from the Calvinistic TULIPS and their Reformed
Theology that never really got reformed.

An Essay for week #23 Sun, Jun 9, 13


Msg #1322 All The Words of God


Dear Friends and Editors,

Please read then  freely print this weeks Penny Pulpit Column in your papers, bulletins, emails, blogs and twitters .  Thank you for this consideration.
Pastor Ed Rice,  Good Samaritan Baptist Church, Dresden NY 14441

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Msg #1322 All The Words of God

What The Bible Says

Good Samaritan's Penny Pulpit by Pastor Ed Rice

All modernists ecumenical Bibles completely leave out 20 verses that have always been in the Holy Bible. They say that Matt17:21 is not supposed to be in the Bible. They take their pen knife and cut it out! Then they take their knife and cut out Matt18:11, 23:14, Mark7:16, 9:44 & 46, 11:26, 15:28, Luke17:36, 23:17, John5:4, Acts8:37, 15:34, 24:7, 28:29, Rom16:24, and 1John5:7, then they take Col 1:14 and cut out the clause “Through His Blood” because they think God did not mean to say that. For over nineteen hundred years believers have considered these 20 verses to be inspired, inerrant, infallible Scripture. But now, modernist ecumenical scholars contend that no Bible in existence today is inspired. They contend that only the original manuscripts were inspired, i.e. only what came from the apostle's pen! All these original manuscripts are lost and, consequently, they say, there is no inspired Word of God in existence. They think, however, that their excellent 'textual-criticism' will be able to restore the originals from the two oldest existing manuscripts from Alexandria Egypt. Both manuscripts came from the pen of Roman Catholic Church Fathers, Clement of Alexandria and Origin of Alexandria. Catholic Saint Origin is considered the Father of Textual Criticism and the Father of the Allegorical Method, whereby Scripture “conceals a secret hidden meaning that only the supremely spiritually astute can see and comprehend.” Baptists never have trusted Catholics, especially their textual criticism. Look what they did to the Word's of God in Psalm 12:6 “The words of the LORD are pure words.” They pervert this verse to say “The promises of the LORD are promises that are pure”(RSV). Baptists will never agree with such folly. We use the ONLY complete English Bible with all these verses still intact, the Authorized King James Bible.

An Essay for week #22 Sun, Jun 2, 13

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Msg #1321 Beware of Darkness


Dear Friends and Editors,

Please read then  freely print this weeks Penny Pulpit Column in your papers, bulletins, emails, blogs and twitters .  Thank you for this consideration.
Pastor Ed Rice,  Good Samaritan Baptist Church, Dresden NY 14441

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Msg #1321 Beware of Darkness

What The Bible Says

Good Samaritan's Penny Pulpit by Pastor Ed Rice

    On memorial day we commemorate, remember, and honor those who gave their life to secure and maintain our freedom. In this observation it becomes obvious that the battle for true freedom is ongoing. Oppressive darkness swallows freedom all around us. Just this week it swallowed the boyscout organization. They no longer have the freedom to call homosexuality and sodomy an immoral abomination to God, the God that they used to exalt and serve. It is a sad day when immorality triumphs by distorting 'civil rights' and even uses our federal government to provide leverage. We, as a nation are headed back into darkness. Ephesians5 says you were sometimes darkness. Before one is quickened by Christ, the unregenerate soul, the unsaved individual, is not only 'in' darkness, they 'are' darkness. The quickened are no longer darkness, they were converted to be light, but they have an adversary, and that adversary is darkness. In the Scripture the 'roaring lion' was at Golgotha, Psalm 22; it is the wicked and Godless leader, Proverbs 28; it is the false prophet/teacher, Ezekiel 22; and it is this ever present darkness in man. Ergo, you were darkness, your unsaved loved one still is, your lost neighbor is darkness, and your unregenerate coworker is darkness. Each is that roaring lion seeking whom they may devour. There is a battle going on and you must not only fight for right, you must fight for light. Be sober, be vigilant. They do need salvation; they are 'in' darkness; but be aware, they 'are' darkness. Don't be devoured. The lion takes the weak and stragglers, being those who skip out on Church attendance, Bible study, and prayer time. Ephesians warns us to be careful who we fellowship with, we were darkness, now we are light. Let your light so shine.
An Essay for week #21 Sun, May 26, 13

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Msg #1319 Happy Mothers Day


Dear Friends and Editors,

Please read then  freely print this weeks Penny Pulpit Column in your papers, bulletins, emails, bloggs and twitters .  Thank you for this consideration.
Pastor Ed Rice,  Good Samaritan Baptist Church, Dresden NY 14441

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Msg #1319 Happy Mothers Day

What The Bible Says

Good Samaritan's Penny Pulpit by Pastor Ed Rice


In Proverbs 31 King Lemuel's mother knew some things that Scripture communicates well. What every mother needs is a daysman. The 'thus saith the LORD authority' declares in Job 9 that her sin, her guilt, her shortfalls and her pending judgment frames a need for an advocate and mediator. Every mother's need can be met in Job's recorded prophecy “I know that my Redeemer liveth.” (Job 19) Mom's #1 need is a daysman that saves from judgment. In verse 2 Lemuel's mother curiously describes three things that every mom is to be. She is to be a 'mothering trainer.' Every woman is created by God with moods, parts and hormones equipping her for mothering, not fathering. Second, notice the emphasis in this verse, a mother has a life giving womb. In our sick, depraved, and perverted society every mother needs to know and teach the three parts of conception; an egg, a sperm and a womb. Despite the ignorant law of ND there is no conception, child or pregnancy without a womb, and despite U.S. Court rulings, purposely separating a life from a woman's womb constitutes premeditated murder; lessons that need taught to all. Thirdly, in this curious verse, a mother is a wife with hallowed vows. The song, 'First comes love, then come marriage, then comes daddy pushing a baby carriage,” needs to be revived and rehearsed in our day. Lemuel's mom knew and taught that you cannot be a completed and Godly mother without vows to a father. Vows stating, 'till death do us part,” instill stability into God's child rearing entity, the home. No court, politician, or democratic vote can revise God's definition or design for the home, and King Lemuel's mother knew and taught these Godly truths. You should too. Happy Mothers Day.


An Essay for week #19 Sun, May 12, 13

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Msg #1320 Stubborn Stiffnecked and Rebellious


Dear Friends and Editors,

Please read then  freely print this weeks Penny Pulpit Column in your papers, bulletins, emails, blogs and twitters .  Thank you for this consideration.
Pastor Ed Rice,  Good Samaritan Baptist Church, Dresden NY 14441

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Msg #1320 Stubborn Stiffnecked and Rebellious

What The Bible Says

Good Samaritan's Penny Pulpit by Pastor Ed Rice


The book of Psalms is divided into five volumes and when literary genius is divided in chapters, sections or volumes the third usually captures the heart of the matter. Psalm 78 is in the third volume of the Psalm collection and begins “Give ear, O my people, to my law.” This marvelous work of 72 verses goes on to expound the purpose of that law, the blessing of heading the law, and then the stubborn, rebellious, and stiffnecked reaction of man to God's law, and what God was finally going to do about that reaction. It is a tremendous study, worthy of considerable analysis. The leading illustration of stiffnecked rebellion and unbelief is captured in the tribe of Ephraim. The impressive list of things that should have secured complete belief fills 32 verses. There are then 10 verses to cover the 10 plagues of Egypt and then 12 more verses to document Ephraim's unprecedented pigheaded stubbornness and rebellion. Finally in verse 65 there is an amazing and disturbing analogy: “Then the Lord awaked as one out of sleep, and like a mighty man that shouteth by reason of wine.” Now look what God had to do to conquer the stubborn rebellion of man. He “smote his enemies in the hinder parts,” he “refused the tabernacle of Joseph,” and he chose the tribe of Judah, .. the mount of Zion, … and the Throne of David. If you will see your stubborn rebellion conquered you will have to approach a Jew that died on Golgotha of Mount Zion and now sits on the throne of David for ever and ever. The gospel is his death, burial and resurrection. Believing is seeing. Jesus said “I am the way, the truth and the life, no man cometh unto the Father but by me.”


An Essay for week #20 Sun, May 19, 13

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Msg #1316 The Devolution of Democracy

Msg #1316 The Devolution of Democracy

What The Bible Says

Good Samaritan's Penny Pulpit by Pastor Ed Rice


Of thirteen judges in the Scripture's book of Judges only Abimelech was chosen by the people in a democratic process. In a society where people do what is right in their own eyes this sheds a curious light on a democratic failure; not pretty. Judges 9 records an Abimelech who is overpaid, overtly ruthless, and power mongering. He killed 70 of his own brothers to further secure his position. Rather than judge or deliver the people, like all the other judges, Abimelech reigns over them making himself a king instead of a judge. He considers his election a mandate to do whatever he wants no matter what the law of the land says. In Washington and in Albany our leadership think they are the omniscient elected public servants who can legislate the all-knowing rightful path. They are furious when our representatives and actual legislatures prevent them getting their own way. In every venue of a society, power corrupts. Our constitutional balance of powers is essential to our existence. The Holy Bible is awesome literature; it has a perfect author. It is interesting that there are only two fables written in the whole of God's Word. A fable is a moral story where animals or inanimate objects do the talking. In Judges 9:8-15 one of the two is used to prophecy the ironic destruction of the demented, elected leader, Abimelech. The moral of the longest chapter of Judges is this, while God chooses and empowers nobodies to be superb judges and deliverers, man, especially those who have thrown off their Creator's rulebook, cannot choose leadership well. Here we are 3,419 years after Abimelech, and instead of learning and applying God's recorded lessons, we have scoffed them to our children and banned them from our schools. That is the devolution of man.

An Essay for week #16 Sun, Apr 21, 13

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Msg #1317 Judges, the Main Thing


Dear Friends and Editors,

Please read then  freely print this weeks Penny Pulpit Column in your papers, bulletins, emails, bloggs and twitters .  Thank you for this consideration.
Pastor Ed Rice,  Good Samaritan Baptist Church, Dresden NY 14441

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Msg #1317 Judges, the Main Thing

What The Bible Says

Good Samaritan's Penny Pulpit by Pastor Ed Rice


Simon says, Take four steps back. That game is meant to teach careful obedience to only one master. Taking four steps backward through the book of Judges is meant to teach the same. We started at the end where a depraved society would have no God to reign over them, and every depraved man did what was right in their own eyes. We back stepped through the God selected judge, Jephthah, and found him and his vow a portrayal of what God was feeling and yet promising. A step back found us analyzing Abimelech, the leader chosen by majority vote and mimicking our own dilemma wherein it is said, In the voting machine we trust. One more step back puts us at the beginning of this book called Judges, and the ugly plight of mankind is portrayed in God's words. The people of God, fresh settled into the promised land, flowing with milk and honey, forsook the LORD God of their fathers and served other gods and bowed to them (2:12). They moved the LORD to anger, he delivered them into the hands of spoilers (vr 14), and yet he saved and delivered time and again with his judges. “And it came to pass when the judge was dead, that they returned, and corrupted themselves more than their fathers, in following other gods to serve them and to bow down to them.” Sounds like the Big Bang worshiping, humans came from monkeys reasoning, secular-humanist people I have been called to preach the gospel to! Indeed the book of Judges is a mirror, a mirror that shadows the face of the USA we are called to reach for Christ. Wow, … discouraged but not in despair, keep the main thing the main thing in these last of the last days.


An Essay for week #17 Sun, Apr 28, 13

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