Category: Penny Pulpit

Msg #1347 National Thanksgiving Prayer


Msg #1347 National Thanksgiving Prayer

What The Bible Says

Good Samaritan's Penny Pulpit by Pastor Ed Rice 

    On our national Thanksgiving day, thank the LORD for being born in the greatest nation on the earth. There is a progressive movement afoot which denies her Christian heritage, foils her trust in Christ, and strives for her “evolution” to socialism. There is need of a new movement in America, not of those who would march on an inept Washington, but of those who would kneel. Isaiah said of his falling nation, “Judgment is turned away backward, and justice standeth afar off: for truth is fallen in the street, and equity cannot enter. Yea, truth faileth; and he that departeth from evil maketh himself a prey: and the LORD saw it, and it displeased him that there was no … intercessor: ” E.M. Bounds, stated it, “God's greatest movements in this world have been conditioned on, continued and fashioned by prayer,… Persistent, prevailing, conspicuous and mastering prayer has always brought God to be present.” Abraham Lincoln, said, “I have been driven many times upon my knees by the overwhelming conviction that I had nowhere else to go. My own wisdom, and that of all about me, seemed insufficient for that day.” America is falling in the street. “It is religion and morality alone which can establish the principles upon which freedom can securely stand. The only foundation of a free constitution is pure virtue,” said our 2nd president, John Adams. On our national Thanksgiving Day, pray for the greatest nation on earth. Robert E. Lee put it, “Knowing that intercessory prayer is our mightiest weapon and the supreme call for all Christians today, I pleadingly urge our people everywhere to pray. Believing that prayer is the greatest contribution that our people can make in this critical hour, I humbly urge that we take time to pray – to really pray.” 

An Essay for week #47 Sun, Nov 24, 13

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Msg #1343 Discerning The Biblical Rapture

Msg #1343 Discerning The Biblical Rapture

What The Bible Says

Good Samaritan's Penny Pulpit by Pastor Ed Rice 

   It is not coincidence that those who deny the pretribulational rapture of the Church use a bible that conceals who the Forth-Man in the fire was, a bible that conceals that it was Lucifer fallen from heaven, it was not our Morning Star; it was not the Day Star which shall rise in our hearts that falls in Isaiah 14:12, and a bible that conceals where hell is located in God's Word. If their scholars, translators and Bible critics want to conceal these crucial truths, truths about The Son, the Devil and Satan's final destination, don't expect them to be upfront about the pretribulation rapture of the Church. Three five nines in 1Thessolonians, Hebrews and Romans tell us that we, who are to be raised incorruptible, are not appointed to wrath. The seven years of Great Tribulation is indeed the pouring out of the wrath of God. The Bible says Christ is coming FOR his saints. The Bible says he is coming WITH his saints. One must precede the other. The Bible says Christ is coming to take his Bride to the wedding, and the Bible says he is coming from the wedding. The Bible says he is coming to catch us up in the clouds (rapture) and he is coming when his feet shall stand on the Mount of Olives (Armageddon). In Revelation 4 there is a trumpet sounding from the open door of heaven and it says “Come up hither…” and in 1Thessolonians 4 the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God; it will say “Come up hither…” and we will meet him in the clouds. One cannot see these simple truths after trashing 1John5:7 and confusing the Forth-Man in the fire with Lucifer!

An Essay for week #43 Sun, Oct 27, 13

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Msg #1344 Mary's Two Alabaster Boxes


Msg #1344 Mary's Two Alabaster Boxes

What The Bible Says

Good Samaritan's Penny Pulpit by Pastor Ed Rice


It is curious that Mary recites word for word the observation of her sister: “Lord, if thou hadst been here, my brother had not died.” (John 11:21,32) Attitude shows in our approach to Christ, even in troublous times, even when He is our Lord and Saviour. Martha's attitude was previously addressed by Christ: “Martha, Martha thou art careful and troubled about many things: But one thing is needful: and Mary hath chosen the good part.” (Luke 10:41-42) Mary had the right attitude from the start. Let's suppose she was from Magdala, was called Mary Magdalene, and out of her came seven devils. John 11:2 clarifies that her overwhelming gratitude was the object lesson to the Pharisee in Luke 7, where she brought her alabaster box of ointment to Jesus. Martha came to Jesus to correct him, to point out her disappointment in him, and to ask for his help. She, again, needed a reminder of who he was. “I am the resurrection and the life; he that believeth in me thought he were dead, yet shall he live.” Mary came to Jesus, fell down at his feet, and with her sister's very words, she worshiped him. She loved much, because she had been forgiven much. Her sins which were many, were forgiven her. Her attitude caused the shortest verse in the Bible, and Jesus wept. Her great love showed up in a second alabaster box in John 12, and after his resurrection Jesus first appeared to Mary Magdalene. You and I have been forgiven much. The next time Martha shows up in life, when cumbered about many things, when people don't do things just the way you know they should be done, and frustration wells up inside, you have not fallen at Jesus' feet and remembered who He is.

An Essay for week #44 Sun, Nov 3, 13

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Msg #1341 The WORD in Six Triplets

Msg #1341 The WORD in Six Triplets

What The Bible Says

Good Samaritan's Penny Pulpit by Pastor Ed Rice


The Revelation of Jesus Christ is from him which is, and which was, and which is to come, it is likewise from the seven Spirits which are before his throne; labeled as from Jesus (Saviour) Christ (Anointed One, Messiah). These 66 six books are the Revelation of God, the Words of God. Jesus is the Revelation of God. He is the Word of God, who is the faithful witness, who is the first begotten of the dead, and who is the prince of the kings of the earth. The Prophecy that tells of his coming says “Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and ye perish from the way, when his wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all they that put their trust in him.” (Psalm2) In The Revelation of Jesus Christ His salutation continues, Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood, and hath made us kings and priests unto God and his Father; to him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen. He had told Nicodemus “For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.” (John3) His salutation announces Behold, he cometh with clouds; behold every eye shall see him, behold they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. It closes with this triplet I am Alpha and Omega, I am the beginning and the ending, He is the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come. We worship Christ, the Almighty.


An Essay for week #41 Sun, Oct 13, 13

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Msg #1342 Prophetic Truth and Accuracy

Msg #1342 Prophetic Truth and Accuracy

What The Bible Says

Good Samaritan's Penny Pulpit by Pastor Ed Rice 

For us it is a minor thing to comprehend how two witnesses slain in the streets of Jerusalem are seen all over the world for three days. For Martin Luther and other Protestant Reformers it was so incomprehensible that they thought the Revelation of Jesus Christ and its companion book, Daniel, were not inspired or belonging in the Bible, at best calling them allegorical, apocalyptic fiction. Protestants believed so little of these books they carried Roman Covenant Theology right into their reformation where it presently leavens as Reformed Theology. For the Bible believer, however, these books are true and accurate. Daniel has six chapters of history and six chapters of Biblical Prophecy. The first six teach us how to accurately read the last six. The interpretation of Neb's dream, and its exact unfolding in history reveals that the Stone Cut Out without hands, which smashes all previous kingdoms into chaff, is indeed the Christ who will come as King of kings and Lord of lords to a battle called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon. He is the Ancient of Days, with hair like pure wool, and he is the Son of man come with the clouds of heaven to the Ancient of Days. All power is given to him. Likewise, in the literal, grammatical, historical understanding there is a little horn which, in separate visions, replaces three of ten, and comes out of one of four. It waxes great, has eyes of a man, speaks great things, and desecrates the daily sacrifice in the Temple at Jerusalem. He casts down hosts of heaven and is called the King of Fierce Countenance. He persecutes the Woman, Israel for 3 ½ years of a seven year tribulation. Jesus calls him the Abomination of Desolation. I'd sooner believe Jesus than a Reformed Theologian.

An Essay for week #42 Sun, Oct 20, 13

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Msg #1340 Is This Our Last October Here?

Msg #1340 Is This Our Last October Here?

What The Bible Says

Good Samaritan's Penny Pulpit by Pastor Ed Rice


And God said, Let us make man in our image, and after our likeness…” God's purpose for man was, is, and forever shall be, perfected fellowship, perfected worship, and perfected union. Since the fall of man, however, the purposes of man have been selfishness, pride, and ingratitude. Man has always needed the thorough washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Ghost before he could accomplish God's purpose. Titus 3:5 declares that this cannot be accomplished by our own efforts, only by salvation. God has carefully walked man through test cases, called dispensations in the Bible. Periods where our conscious was tested to see if it could bring us back to innocence before God; if formal self governance could purge us of that old nature; if his unconditional promise might renew our mind; or even if His laying down the law at Mount Sinai would cause our reform. These dispensations are gracious demonstrations in our past which ended in a world flood, a Tower of Babel, a bondage in Egypt, and the cruel crucifixion of God's Only Begotten Son. Presently we live in a dispensation. where whosoever will may call on the risen Only Begotten Son, choose Him as Lord and Saviour, and receive His quickening, His justification, His redeeming, His washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost. That is the gospel. The Revelation of Jesus Christ reveals that this gracious dispensation will soon close. As all previous dispensations, it closes in failure on mans part. As it was in the days of Noah, as it was in the days of Sodom, “even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed.” (Luke17:26-30) The transition to the seventh, and final dispensation will begin with the rapture of His own. Be ready, be saved.

An Essay for week #40 Sun, Oct 6, 13

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Msg #1412 Compromise NOT, Confederate NEVER

Msg #1412 Compromise NOT, Confederate NEVER

What The Bible Says

Good Samaritan's Penny Pulpit by Pastor Ed Rice


Christianity has made ugly compromises with worldliness. It is confederate with progressive-liberals. The believing remnant should now pay careful attention to Isaiah 8. The theme is Maher-shalal-hash-baz, wherein the enemy goes quickly to the spoil and makes haste to the prey. When the compromise and confederacy is made, a generation will not pass before the destruction is wrought, vr4. Here, the grass roots refused the Living water, and rejoiced in Rezin, the bad King of Syria, and Remaliah's Son, the ugly, compromised, confederated, King of Israel, vr6. This chapter places emphasis on “a great roll and the writing on it with a mans pen,” vr1. When judgment arrives like an overwhelming flood the remnant of uncompromised believers are given five pieces of advice, when the LORD spake with a strong hand. (1) Make no association, compromise, or confederacy with the compromising majority, vr11-12. (2) Sanctify the Lord of hosts and let him be your fear, vr13-15. (3) Hold tight to your King James Bible, “Bind up the testimony, seal the law among my disciples … to the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them,” vr16, 20. (4) Wait on the Lord, vr17. (5) Be a peculiar people, be a sign and a wonder unto them, vr18. I would rather be mocked and persecuted as a King James Onlyite, than use a Vatican bible that rips out 1John 5:7 and more. The doom of the compromiser is sealed and rushing in hastily; i.e. Maher-shalal-hash-baz. God illustrates through Israel the horrid consequence of the neo-evangelical compromise. Dr. Kean once said, Three words should be removed from a Baptist's vocabulary “can't”, “quit”, and “compromise.” They all start with “K” so you can just strike them from your dictionary.

An Essay for week #12 03/23/2014

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Msg #1350 Mary's Worship, My Worship

Msg #1350 Mary's Worship, My Worship

What The Bible Says

Good Samaritan's Penny Pulpit by Pastor Ed Rice 

As Luke recorded, Elizabeth and Mary could flat out preach about the Lord Jesus Christ, Saviour and Redeemer of mankind.  Preaching is the act of backing one into a corner and forcing a decision upon ones audience; anyone who says woman cannot preach is likely unmarried and in need of more clarity. What they meant to say is that Biblically, woman can not hold the office of Bishop/Pastor or be in any position where they usurp the authority of a man.  Backing one into a corner with the tongue and imposing a decision, woman can do that just fine. Notice such finesse of Elizabeth and Mary in Luke1:42-55. “Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb.”  It needs clarified that Mary is NOT the mother of God, she is the Mother of Jesus, and that “Blessed” implies God has done something that mere man or nature can not do.  Especially noted by these two pregnant preachers is that every human pregnancy is a soul in the making, a miracle of God, but this one is blest prima facie, i.e. true and authentic without need of further evidence.  My soul doth magnify the Lord, my spirit rejoiced in God my Saviour, for he hath regarded my low estate.  Any born-again believer can echo Mary's body – soul – and spirit message.  Attaining the height and crescendo of Mary's worship is a worthy goal for this Holy – Day celebration.  As she states it, the proud are scattered in the imagination of their hearts, the low exalted; the materialistic are empty, the hungry are filled; He hath holpen his Servant Israel.  You gotta love that past participle in this Holy – Day celebration; and you have got to make the decision, “What think ye of Christ?”  

An Essay for week #50 Sun, Dec 15, 13

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Msg #1351 We Worship The Christ

Msg #1351 We Worship The Christ

What The Bible Says

Good Samaritan's Penny Pulpit by Pastor Ed Rice

Concerning the birth of Christ Matthew gives us Joseph's perspective and wise men who traveled from the east, Mark is virtually silent, Luke tells of the taxing decree, crowded inns, angels and shepherds, but John presents tremendous insights that are often overlooked. Before addressing His birth John reveals five of His character traits. In the beginning Christ was with God; in itself, an interesting morsel, that before birth he existed. The Christ was God, and Creator of everything, and He was Life, and He was True Light. When the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, his name was the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father. Today the world has this pretense of celebrating his birth. Roman paganism attempts to enshrine a day of longest dark in an aviance of their holy mass and penance. American commercialism enshrines the purchase of trinkets and gift giving to all. Martin Luther's protestantism honors the evergreen tree more than that purveyor of everlasting life. The humanist manifesto holds out for distraction, a fat red man with tiny reindeer. It is John who clarifies that the Light shined and the darkness comprehended it not. It is John who pens that Christ was in the world and the world was made by Him and the world knew him not. Alas, John writes the sad truth that He came unto His own, and His own received Him not. There are ills and ilks in the world that comprehends not, many traditions and isms in those who received not, but as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name. God in the flesh. His name shall be called Jesus, for he shall save his people from their sins. Christians worship Him everyday.

An Essay for week #51 Sun, Dec 22, 13

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Msg #1409 Reflections on Isaiah

Msg #1409 Reflections on Isaiah

What The Bible Says

Good Samaritan's Penny Pulpit by Pastor Ed Rice

There is a book in the Bible that contains 66 chapters just like the Holy Bible contains 66 books. It has a theme change after 39 chapters just as the Holy Bible changes from the Old Testament to the New. The redemption of man is the theme of both books. The writings of the Prophet Isaiah are worthy of a detailed study. In it is manifest the very heart and mind of God. In it is manifest the deplorable nature of man. In the shadow of a stiff-necked, rebellious people, called the Children of Israel, you see mankind lurking. Focus, and you also see the Americas lurking there. Meditate on this book, and you can see the dark shadow of your own individual rebellion manifest. God's plight, God's compassion, and God's pending judgment open this book, even as it opens the Holy Bible. The plea to “Come now, and let us reason together…” is prelude to great promises for the redeemed at the end of time. But, alas, between the two, stands God's song “Judge between me and my vineyard. What could have been done more to my vineyard, that I have not done in it? Wherefore, when I looked that it should bring forth grapes, brought it forth wild grapes? And now go to; I will tell you what I will do to my vineyard…” America is clearly guilty of all six woes listed in Isaiah chapter 5. And now our root shall be as rottenness, and our blossom shall go up as dust. Therefore is the anger of the LORD kindled against his people, and he hath stretched forth his hand against them. Recession, Obama-Care, Sodomy, Wars, and rumors of them, “For all this his anger is not turned away, but his hand is stretched out still. (Isaiah5:25b)

An Essay for week #9 03/02/2014

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