Category: Penny Pulpit

Msg #1428 Work for the Night is Coming

Msg #1428 Work for the Night is Coming

What The Bible Says

Good Samaritan's Penny Pulpit by Pastor Ed Rice 

Work for the night is coming, now it is high time to awake, if any man walk in the day, he stumbleth not. It is curious that this medley of thought comes up when Jesus would head to Lazarus' side. The disciples warned, “Master, the Jews of late sought to stone thee; and goest thou thither again?” John eleven being about Christ, not Lazarus, puts focus on his death, not Lazarus' sleep. The oncoming night was coming in the ninth hour of crucifixion day. His raising Lazarus from the dead empowered his assertion that, “I am the resurrection and the life.” The night represents the power of darkness. “Seeing the light of this world”,is the daytime manifestation that he was indeed the Christ, the Hebrew Messiah, the Saviour of the world. “And this is the condemnation , that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light.” (John 3) John eleven is the surge of light before the coming night. Then Romans 13:12 says, “night is far spent, the day is at hand, let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light.” This is the same night, but now we are on the other side of it and walking in the Day of the Lord. Don't let John Calvin's covenant theology cause confusion, there is a Day of the Lord in a premillennial second advent when he will be the Judge, but we have been living in the day of the Lord, in a new covenant relationship, for almost 2,000 years now. It is high time to work, to witness, and to watch, for the night is coming. Make no provision for the flesh, see the light of the world, and put on the Lord Jesus Christ. 

An Essay for week #28 07/13/2014

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Msg #1429 The Resurrection and The Life

Msg #1429 The Resurrection and The Life

What The Bible Says

Good Samaritan's Penny Pulpit by Pastor Ed Rice


While approaching the tomb of Lazarus the Lord Jesus announced, “I am the resurrection and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live.” Jesus describes himself with seven I-AM likenesses in the Gospel According to John. I am the bread, I am the light, I am the door, I am the good shepherd, and here, I am the resurrection and the life. Coming up in chapter 14 and 15, I am the way, the truth, and the life, and, I am the true vine. Consider how the scribes, pharisees and lawyers winced every time Jesus said it, “I-AM.” “I-AM” and “Jehovah” are inseparably connected in the poetry of the Hebrew language. God told Moses, “I AM THAT I AM: Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you.” In Hebrew it is AHYH, while Jehovah is YHOH. When Jesus said “I am…” he knew what he was doing, and when, in the Revelation of Jesus Christ, he said, “I am the Alpha and Omega,” there can be no doubt about what he was saying in all these instances. We worship and pray to the Lord Jesus Christ, because he is our God. In John 11 he announces that he is the resurrection and the life, because of his pending resurrection, not because of Lazarus'. Because He had lives in a resurrected body, so shall we. Notice, once more, that this only applies to the believer. “Well, I like a lot of the teachings of Jesus” does not cut it, even for Mr. President. “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.” Got life? Don't delay!


An Essay for week #29 07/20/2014

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Msg #1426 Seven Messages to the Seven Nations

Msg #1426 Seven Messages to the Seven Nations

What The Bible Says

Good Samaritan's Penny Pulpit by Pastor Ed Rice

Seven burdens to seven nations follow close after Isaiah's prophetic revelation about Israel, Babylon, and Lucifer in chapter 14. These burdens have a near term fulfillment in the actual nations addressed, and a long term, more global fulfillment detailed in the Revelation of Jesus Christ. But they also have a natural fulfillment in the nature of all nations, and mankind. These four perspectives of these seven burdens might consume hours of ones study. The believing study of Biblical prophecy tells us what the Lord our God had done, is doing, and will do. It allows us to see the heart beat of God, and it gives us the big picture, at the same time clarifying where we fit into it. The burden of Moab, in chapter 15-16, concerns the the incestual offspring of Abraham's nephew, Lot, who escaped the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, but carried their vice right back into society. Moab's annihilation is certain. The burden of Damascus, chapter 17. concerns the war mongers and world dominating forces. They are subdued. The woe to the land shadowing with wings, in chapter 18, concerns the USof A, who is blessed because it has given Israel, God's chosen people, refuge and rest. Last count there were more Jews in NYS than in Israel. The burden of Egypt is curios in that it speaks of their spiritual, material, and political influence, destruction, and restoration. Egypt typifies the world. The burden of Assyria, in chapter 20, concerns infighting. The burden of the desert and sea surely concerns the farce called global warming. The burden of Dumah, a son of Ishmael, is a riddle and a prelude to the burden upon Arabia, which concerns the hireling religion of Islam. Verse 21:17, assures these prophecies, “for the LORD God of Israel hat spoken it.”

An Essay for week #26 06/29/2014

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Msg #1427 Jesus Wept

Msg #1427 Jesus Wept

What The Bible Says

Good Samaritan's Penny Pulpit by Pastor Ed Rice


John 11:35 is likely the most memorized verse in the Bible because of its brevity. It is the centerpiece in the account of the resurrection of Lazarus. John eleven is not about Lazarus, nor is it about death, nor is it about resurrection. It is about the Christ who said,”I am the resurrection and the life, he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believest thou this?” I have made a pact with myself, I will never quote John 11:35 but that I run through verse 25 as well. Lazarus fell sick unto death. At first glance Jesus does not come nor care, and lets him die. When a saint falls sick unto death today, at first glance, Jesus may seem not to come or care. The Friend, that is closer than a brother, does care. He has promised to never leave you nor forsake you. But when your friend is also your Lord, it behooves one to remember that it is not about him, it is all about Christ, and thus it should be. That is much easier to pen than it is to live. But the Friend also promised “My grace is sufficient for you” (2Cor12:9) When “Jesus wept”, it was not for Lazarus, nor was it for his weeping sisters, Jesus “groaned in the spirit, and was troubled,” (vr.33) because death is separation, death is sorrow, death is sadness. He came that we might have life more abundantly. (Joh10:10) But, alas, the majority rejected Him then, and they do today. Jesus wept for mankind and his plight. For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

An Essay for week #27 07/06/2014

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Msg #1425 Israel Will Rise Triumphant

Msg #1425 Israel Will Rise Triumphant

What The Bible Says

Good Samaritan's Penny Pulpit by Pastor Ed Rice

None can understand Biblical Prophecy until they come to grips with the revelation of Isaiah 14; “For the LORD will have mercy on Jacob, and will yet choose Israel, and set them in their own land: and the strangers shall be joined with them, and they shall cleave to the house of Jacob.” When Constantine highjacked Christianity, the founders of the Roman Catholicism used allegorical methods to claim all the promises of Israel for the Roman Catholic Church. The allegorical methods and the lies of Covenant Theology were adopted into Reformed Theology, and no Protestant denomination understands the Biblical Prophecy about Christ's Second Advent to this day. Isaiah 14 addresses the true destiny of Israel, in the actual promised land of God, when they are the rulers of all nations. It is not the Catholic Church which rises triumphant, as the song puts it, it is Israel who rises triumphant. Curiously, in the same chapter, the king of Babylon is the mirror image of Lucifer, son of the morning, and the doom of both is clearly announced, “Hell from beneath is moved for thee, to meet thee at thy coming.” (vr.9) The context of this chapter makes Babylon representative of all nations which exude that self-made, greater than God attitude. Our own nation, wielding a pen and a phone and having no creator but Charles Darwin, is now Babylonic. All dooms and destinies are clearly portrayed in Isaiah 14, unless you are a denomination blinded by Calvin's Covenant Theology. The Lord will indeed rapture his church, and meet them in the air. His foot will touch down on the Mount-of-Olives when he rescues his chosen Israel, and the 1,000 year reign of Christ from David's Throne in Jerusalem is not allegorical, it is literal. Even so, come, Lord Jesus.

An Essay for week #25 06/22/2014

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Msg #1436 Who is Your Friend?

Msg #1436 Who is Your Friend?

What The Bible Says

Good Samaritan's Penny Pulpit by Pastor Ed Rice

Chapter 14 of Genesis gives a war story which is loaded with complex names and places, but it is a crucial saga in Abram's development. He is becoming a friend of God, and his steps of obedience and sanctification are herein followed by a great contest. Five confederate kings, with Lot in their midst, are overpowered by four confederate kings. Abram, confederate with three Amorite brothers, pursues and conquers the four worldly kings, and restores all to the five compromising kings. Looking up the meaning of each name in a Strong's Concordance is time consuming but it reveals who is confederate with whom, and the ills of confederations. The three important lessons for the friend of God are: 1) God is the most high God (Hbrw: El-Elyon) the possessor of heaven and earth. 2) There is a king of righteousness (Hbrw: Melchizedek), and he is the king of peace (Hbrw: Salem) And 3) this righteous king of peace pronounces one blessed of the most high God. Note that it was Melchizedek, king of Salem, who revealed El-Elyon to Abram. Confederacies of this world pale into insignificance when you are a friend of the most high God. Confederacies of the world which rally against us, confederacies of the compromised which think to rally with us, and confederacies with brothers who do stand with us will always have their place in our walk, but keep in mind, our real friend is the possessor of heaven and earth. “After these things the word of the LORD came unto Abram in a vision, saying, Fear not, Abram: I am they shield, and thy exceeding great reward” (Gen 15:1). What a great friend to have, and we hold the nail pierced hand of the righteous king of peace to boot. 

An Essay for week #36 09/07/2014

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Msg #1348 Be Outspoken And Not Dumb


Msg #1348 Be Outspoken And Not Dumb

What The Bible Says

Good Samaritan's Penny Pulpit by Pastor Ed Rice 

For better or worse December is the month wherein the birth of Christ is given great emphasis. There is a message in every accounting of every detail of Christ's birth. Sometimes the certain priest of the course of Abia gets overlooked. Zacharias and Elizabeth walk onto the opening page of the Gospel of Luke, coming with twenty or more years of unfulfilled prayer; Elizabeth was old and barren. There is an emphasis that they were both righteous, both walking right, and both blameless, but years had passed without their prayer answered. There is an emphasis on Zacharias' faithfulness in the priest's office and that this day's “lot” put him before the altar of incense. An altar involves both surrender and sacrifice; incense signifies the prayers of saints. The candlestick stood on the left of the Holy Place, providing all available light in the room; the table of shew bread on the right, and the altar of incense was centered against the veil that shrouded the Most Holy Place. The angel of the Lord stood on the right side of the altar of incense, in the shadow of the altar. He told Zacharias, “Thy prayer is heard,” and he was dumb for not believing. When there is a longstanding unfulfilled prayer in your life, remain faithful in your priestly service. This story caps off the truth that God has the greater good in view. Yours will not be as great as a John the Baptist, but a greater good just the same. Also, when the promise of answer appears in the shadow of the altar, believe it, else you will be dumb, and not tell others of the great promise. You gotta love the lead account approaching the story of the birth of Christ. Learn from it and lean on it.

An Essay for week #48 Sun, Dec 1, 13

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Msg #1349 Believing It All

Msg #1349 Believing It All

What The Bible Says

Good Samaritan's Penny Pulpit by Pastor Ed Rice

Gabriel's announcement to Mary is so miraculous that one may miss the seven things it communicates about God's Messiah, things which are flat out believed by anyone who would attain the eternal life offered in John3:16. There is a lot in a name and his was JESUS, “for he shall save his people from their sins”. This must be added to other names, for unto us a child is born… and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace, … Emmanuel, which is God with us. That quite captures the next revelation from Gabriel, “And he shall be great.” Another title connecting him to the “decree” in Psalm 2, “the Son of the Highest,” if one missed that it is reiterated in his next sentence, “Son of God.” Forth, “The Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David.” In Luke20:42 Jesus messed with the Pharisee's minds with this revelation because David called him Lord. Fifth, this JESUS “shall reign over the house of Jacob.” Calvin's reformed theology twists and doubts this revelation, but a Bible believer dare not. Sixth, he will be on the throne forever, and if one miss that, it continues, His kingdom shall “never end.” He is presently enthroned in the heart of the believer where he is indeed Counselor, Comforter and Prince of Peace. What a Wonderful revelation from Gabriel. Oh, that seventh revelation reiterated here by Gabriel, a revelation staunchly affirmed by the Fundamentals of the last century, a revelation soft peddled by the American Baptist sect who refused the Fundamentals, a revelation maligned by modernists with corrupted texts of the the Bible, it is in Isaiah 7:14, “Behold a virgin shall conceive.” I trust this Christmas finds you believing it all.

An Essay for week #49 Sun, Dec 8, 13

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Msg #1345 Thanksgiving for Relationships


Msg #1345 Thanksgiving for Relationships

What The Bible Says

Good Samaritan's Penny Pulpit by Pastor Ed Rice 

The wise have made November a month of daily thanksgiving. The list starts with salvation, he who is forgiven much loves much, and seconds with a relationship: spouse or parent, child or friend. Down the list comes circumstance; way down things. All need thankfulness for our relationships, but all need lessons and reminders about them; noble thoughts, as it were, that prioritize their maintenance. Two profound Scriptures dealing with relationships; Song of Solomon, and Numbers 6. The former treaties requires a book, the first line should say, “You're so vain, you probably think this song is about you,” the second, “This Song portrays God's love for Jerusalem.” Any student can take it from there. Numbers 6 deals with the God-Israelite relationship and is ideal for a concise study on all intimate relationships, foremost our relationship with our Creator, the LORD thy God. In ten point outline: 1) Thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and with all they soul, and with all they might. (strength and mind Luke10:27) 2) Know Him and hide His words in your heart. 3) Diligently teach His words to your children. 4) Write His words down everywhere you look. 5) Don't let life cause you to forget about Him. 6) “Thou shalt fear the Lord thy God and serve him, and shalt swear by his name.” (vr13) 7) Be monogamous. 8) Don't tempt. 9) Diligently keep His commandments. 10) Do right by Him. (vr18) It is left as an exercise of the student to apply these ten steps to every other relationship that they have. They fit like a glove for a spouse. They fit well for friendships. Parent-Child relationships are temporal, intended that they leave and cleave to a spouse after 20 years, but all our relationships could herein benefit.

An Essay for week #45 Sun, Nov 10, 13

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Msg #1346 Premeditated Thanksgiving


Msg #1346 Premeditated Thanksgiving

What The Bible Says

Good Samaritan's Penny Pulpit by Pastor Ed Rice 

I am doing fine under the circumstances,” said he. “Well, what are you doing under there?” asked I. In these last of the last days if Christians get under the circumstances the Devil has gone in league with human resources to shovel more circumstances right on top, making it seven times hotter than it's want to be. The useful key that gets you out from under, is rehearsed in several Bible Epistles: it is “In everything give thanks.” An examination of this key reveals that it is always accompanied by a song, a praise and a rejoicing. While raising three boys our home had one question that my sweet wife made forbidden: “Well what could possibly go wrong next?” Wisely, I have not broached that question even after that 20 year task was completed. The twilight of life causes realization that the broke cars, broke finances, and broke opportunities pale when you are waiting for a spouse's cancer test to come back. The OT accounts of a cruse of oil that did not fail give adequate strength to deal with physical circumstances that get us down. Simply trusting and casting all your care are practices that mature us. They cause us to grow when facing the trials that are common to man. There are greater cares down the road and God's care pales Oboma care. Rehearsing the use of God's key, “In everything give thanks”, and accompanying that with praise, song, and rejoicing, gives maturity that allows multiple circumstances and yea, heavier circumstances, to result in His glory. Indeed that is what the trial of our faith is all about. When tempted to ask that forbidden question, be sure to meet its answer with a premeditated thanks giving. In everything give thanks. To steal a pistachio slogan, “Get cracken.”

An Essay for week #46 Sun, Nov 17, 13

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