Msg #1508 Two Shall Be One
What The Bible Says
Good Samaritan's Penny Pulpit by Pastor Ed Rice
God, the three-in-one with perfect unity, designed for man, created in his image, a home where man could have two-in-one. The husband and wife are designed and compatible to become one flesh. The part where they become a perfect unity is an ongoing development yielding an ongoing joy. That was always God's intent and it can be fulfilled in Christian marriage. There is nobody on earth who knows you with as much intimacy as your spouse. He knows if you read your Bible this morning. She knows if you prayed.. That is spiritual intimacy. He can hold her hand when it's below zero outside. She can touch his arm when the car doesn't start. That is physical intimacy. He can see her heart at the funeral home. She can know his pain when that application is turned down. That is emotional intimacy. No other human on this globe can know you as your spouse does. Your marriage can be selfish, or it can be selfless. God always intended the latter. Don't let “selfish” rule your home, else you will never get that taste of paradise which God intended. Two made one flesh, with perfect unity, is not only key to a precious marriage, it is key to our union with Christ. In fact marriage is meant to whet our appetite for our perfect union with God. When one is born again they are 1) Converted, 2) Indwelt, 3) Quickened, 4) Justified, and 5) Wholly immersed into Christ (baptized into). Christ describes this as “abide in me and I in you.” He prayed the Father that he and I would be one, even as he and the Father are one. Perfect unity in marriage is a marvelous foreshadow. Ain’t love grand! Perhaps the gas line is frozen, try some dry-gas.
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