Msg #1506 Purpose and Union for Valentines
What The Bible Says
Good Samaritan's Penny Pulpit by Pastor Ed Rice
What the LORD God reveals about our wives is remarkable. What men don't understand about women is remarkable. The value added to the husbands who study what God said is even more remarkable. Allow some remarks on these “remarkables.” God gives three reasons why the woman can't do some things which the man is commanded to do. 1Tim. 2:13-15 lists all three reasons. First, “For Adam was first formed, then Eve.” 1Cor. 11:9 states this first reason, “Neither was man created for the woman; but the woman for the man.” Genesis 1:18 states it, “And the LORD God said, It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him an help (appropriate) for him.” Two more reasons given, the woman is designed for mothering (vr. 15) and the helping-mothering design makes women the weaker vessel, more prone to deception. (vr.14,1Pet 3:7) The LORD God said that a man alone is not complete. Husband, the best design for your completion is the little woman you married. It is a pretty sorry man who sets on his hands until his appropriate helper is forced to get out in front and do the leading. The woman is a weaker vessel physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Husbands, the stronger, are to stand up and be the guardian and protector physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Women are different than men. That used to go without saying. The epitome of married life is that God, the three-in-one, designed marriage between man and woman, that these two-in-one could reflect his perfect unity. God's design for your marriage is that the intimate physical union, the secure emotional union, and the God honoring spiritual union can make your marriage and your home a taste of paradise here on earth. Repair the breaches and have a Happy Valentines Day.
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