Category: Penny Pulpit

Msg#1602 Day Two

Msg#1602 Day Two

What The Bible Says

Good Samaritan's Penny Pulpit by Pastor Ed Rice


God's second day of creation starts with a gargantuan sphere of water hung on nothing in God's newly created light beam. It ends with two spheres of water divided by a firmament. Like egg white separates the shell from the yoke, this firmament separates a shell of water, which bounds the whole universe, from a sphere of water the size of our planet. We expect these are spheres because liquids with mass naturally form into spheres. We expect that there is nothing but water because God writes to us on a fifth grade reading level and says what he means. We know that this firmament is impressive because it captures a whole days work for the LORD God. We know that it is immense because when God gets to his forth day of creation he inserts all the bodies of our present solar system into the firmament. It turns to gargantuan when God inserts all the galaxies with billions of stars into the firmament. God's description leaves a shell of water around the outside of this universe. Thus God, Albert Einstein, and I believe in a finite bounded universe. Atheistic evolutionists believe in an infinite unbounded one. The difference in these two assumptions are astronomical. One is right, one is wrong, there is no compromise position. Joshua, who lead Israel into the promised land said, “Now therefore fear the LORD, and serve him in sincerity and in truth… And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve” (Josh 24:14-15). The only type of evolution there is, is atheistic evolution. We did not get here by natural processes, we have a Creator. He tells us what he did, why he did it, and what he is about to do. We can trust him on it.


An Essay for week #2 Jan 10, 16

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Msg#1603 Day 3

Msg#1603 Day 3

What The Bible Says

Good Samaritan's Penny Pulpit by Pastor Ed Rice


Tuesday, the third day of creation, dawns on a ball of water, hung on nothing inside of an immense shell of water bounding the universe. Water molecules are two hydrogen atoms clinging to one oxygen atom, and God now touches the ball of water to create more diverse atoms. His account says, “Let the dry land appear” (Gen1:9). This day's work created a hundred elements, gold, platinum, silver, precious metals, jasper, sapphire, chalsedony, precious stones, granite, basalt, silica, lots of rock. God called the dry land Earth. Now there is a solid planet, Earth, and God saw that it was good (verse 10): i.e. rich in precious metals and precious stones, but void of plant life. Tuesday afternoon God said, “Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind. Taxonomic ranking of plants into twelve phyla, more classes, orders and families is a popular pastime for botanists. God ranks three: grasses, herbs, and fruit trees. God likes things in threes. The emphasis is also threefold: 1) Plants produce seeds, that's procreation; 2) Each reproduces after his kind, that throws a wrench in evolution; and 3) God saw that it was good. The Bible student understands that the phyla for fungi, mold, and dandelion may not have been included in God's original plant group. Such phyla feed on death and constitute weeds; they seem to have been produced at the two cursings of man: his casting out of Eden,and his drowning in a flood. Just the same, they were miraculously created; don't give the atheistic evolutionist an inch. What God created in these six days was all good; in fact on this Tuesday it was called good on two separate occasions; because of that Jews get married on Tuesdays.


An Essay for week #3 Jan 17, 16

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Msg #1551 What All Did Mary Know?

Msg #1551 What All Did Mary Know?

What The Bible Says

Good Samaritan's Penny Pulpit by Pastor Ed Rice


Mark Lowry wrote a series of great questions in a song. “Mary did you know that your baby boy would one day walk on water… would save our sons and daughters…has come to make you new?” Hebrews in 1 BC knew more than they're credited with. Their Messiah was promised to bruise the head of Satan, and be the seed of woman (Gen3:15). He would be the only begotten Son of God (Psalm 2), and a prophet greater than Moses (Deut 18:18-19). He would set on the throne of David his father, and rule all the nations from God's holy hill of Zion (Psalm2). He would be wounded for our transgressions, he would be bruised for our iniquities, and our chastisement would be put upon him (Isa53). Mary knew the Messiah would be born in Bethlehem (Micah5:2), brought up from Egypt (Hosea11:1, Matt2:15) and come from Nazareth (Matt2:23). Mary was brought up knowing the Scriptures. She most assuredly knew that the child she bore would be God in the flesh, called “the mighty God” and titled “the everlasting Father” (Isa. 9:6). To our shame, Mary knew more than many Christians do today. It was good of Mr. Lowry to ask this whole litany of questions about what Mary knew. It forces us to consider some truths about just who Jesus was. Even now we do not know all that he did, but believing all that he was purchases one's eternal life. The Apostle John said that this way, “And many other signs truly did Jesus in the presence of his disciples, which are not written in this book: But these are written, that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing ye might have life through his name”(John 20:30-31).


An Essay for week #51 Dec 20, 2015

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Msg #1552 The Ending

Msg #1552 The Ending

What The Bible Says

Good Samaritan's Penny Pulpit by Pastor Ed Rice

I read my Bible through twice in a year. I read Genesis to Revelation chronologically in the order of their writing. And I read Isaiah to Hosea on the same schedule with a six month offset. This will be my fifth year of reading both Revelation and Hosea on Christmas day. Hosea is a minor prophet who wrote God's message to Israel just before Isaiah wrote his major prophecy. Both wrote just before God brought Israel to her knees, banished ten tribes, and sent the Jews into the Babylonian captivity. The Revelation of Jesus Christ is the capstone of all Biblical prophecy and tells how God will bring all nations to their knees, before sending his only begotten Son to rule and reign as King of kings, and Lord of lords from God's holy hill of Zion (Psalm 2). The two prophecies have striking parallels. This year, as I read, I watched both the Roman Catholic midnight Christmas mass, and the Protestant interfaith ecumenical Christmas service. I cannot say which grieved the heart of my God the more. I suspect the latter. The pagan Romanism has been around for 1,700 years, but the balderdash about Muslims, Hindus, “Christians,” and Secularists all worshiping the same god, who will unite us all in world peace, has only been a grass-roots religion in the past ten years. The Revelation of Jesus Christ is that he, and he alone, is the mighty God and everlasting Father (Isa9:6). One solar flare could stop every satellite and cell tower, completely wipe out the power grid, and bring America to her knees. Only horses and swords would fend off the Islamic invasion! I am not a prophet, or the son of a prophet, I am just saying, “Even so, come, Lord Jesus” (Rev 22:20). Happy New Year.

An Essay for week #52 Dec 27, 2015

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On Lordship Salvation vs Easy Believism

On Lordship Salvation vs Easy Believism

Dear Fhris,

Thanks for writing. My heart goes out to the situation that you describe. Although you seem to have couched your frustration with a label of “Lordship Salvation,” that teaching has little to do with the audacity found in the pastor that you describe. The monstrous bullies that you describe are not damaging Free Grace, they are damaging people. Ever since the Roman Empire attempted a hostile takeover of Christianity, religion's have been striving to make people “good-enough” to get into heaven. Roman Catholics attempt it through penance, Protestants through regeneration and reformation of people. Somehow the pastor you describe thinks people get saved, stay saved, or show that they are saved, by these reformations. The conditional love that this prescribes from God is the heart of this false teaching. It sets up this competition for God's love and attention, i.e. God only loves you when you do right, and I, they say, will tell you how to do right. My recommendation for you is that you get into a Bible believing church.

So you'll know, Lordship salvation vs Easy Believism is another mongrel altogether. The one declares that you must accept Jesus as your Lord, in that it is part of ones conversion, i.e. repentance and faith (Acts 20:21), the other declares that to be converted one don't really need repentance, all they need is a “1-2-3 pray after me.” You can probably tell by my simple explanation which one has the most Bible merit. The unfortunate derogatory titles “Lordship Salvation”, and “Easy Believism” have confused many into thinking that pastors who “lord” over the flock are Lordship Salvation preachers. There are other titles deserving of such deviants.

Thanks again for writing. Hope this all makes sense. Write again, let me know how you make out in finding a Bible believing pastor. I'll be praying for you.

Pastor Ed Rice

On 12/2/2015 5:16 AM, Fhris wrote:

> This is a true story, two years ago, … Something was very wrong… I did not know what Lordship Salvation was,…These Lordship people are monstrous bullies, and are damaging the assurance of Free Grace,…

Msg #1550 Yes, Virginia, There is a Christmas

Msg #1550 Yes, Virginia, There is a Christmas

What The Bible Says

Good Samaritan's Penny Pulpit by Pastor Ed Rice


Could I say, without danger of any infringements, yes, Virginia, there is a meaning to Christmas. The LORD God, fulfilled his promise to send his only begotten son because he promised a Messiah who would be the redeemer of mankind. This all important entry into the world, has meaning. Believing these three identities of that child in swaddling clothes is the most important belief in the world. John wrote, “That ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing ye might have life through his name” (John20:31) Yes, Virginia, there is a Christmas morning. Few Bible students believe that Jesus was born on the Roman Empire's celebration of the longest night. There was, however, a first morning when God was in the flesh and dwelling among us. No greater gift was ever given. Christ's birth was likely in the springtime when shepherds watched their flocks and other passover lambs were born. Yes, Virginia, there is a Christmas message. “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son,” who said, “I am the way… no man cometh to the Father but by me” (John3:16, 14:6). The climate has indeed changed in America. She would be wise to hear the plea of her Creator, “Turn ye even to me with all your heart, and with fasting, and with weeping, and with mourning: and rend your heart, and not your garments, and turn unto the LORD your God: for he is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and of great kindness,… Who knows if he will return and repent, and leave a blessing behind him” (Joel2:12-14). This Christmas, particularly, there are “multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision: for the day of the LORD is near in the valley of decision” (Joel3:14).


An Essay for week #50 Dec 13, 2015

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Msg #1549 Preach The Christmas Message

Msg #1549 Preach The Christmas Message

What the Bible Says

Good Samaritan's Penny Pulpit by Pastor Ed Rice


The first gospel message Peter preached is recorded in Acts 2; it has seven parts and one could replicate it in his Christmas conversations this year. Peter gets folks' attention, then explains the miracle they are observing. Getting attention is not that hard at Christmas gatherings; often, someone there will have ears to hear. And the miracle of Christmas needs rehearsed across our land. Consider that the miracle of your new birth needs rehearsed as well. Use Scripture, and use what is coming up soon, Peter does. Peter also makes a clear gospel plea right up front; “And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved” (Acts 1:21). Next Peter rehearses what they already know. Perceiving where a person is at, what they already know about Christ, and where to start needs careful attention in this day and age. Peter uses Jesus' miracles done in their midst, his trial, crucifixion, and resurrection (vr. 22-24). These are the essentials of the gospel (1Cor 15:3-4) but starting with what people know today will take us all the way back to creation. Three generations have been taught that they have no Creator. Start toward this gospel message using the miracle, “All things were made by him (Jesus), and without him was not anything made that was made” (John 1:3). Peter uses Scripture to talk about Jesus being Christ (Acts 1:25-32); and then about his resurrection (vr. 32-36). Lastly, Peter declares what people must do (vr. 37-39), “Repent and be baptized (immersed into Christ) every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins” (vr. 38). This is God's final draft for the first gospel message; we should pay close attention; all of God's drafts are inerrant.


An Essay for week #49 Dec 6, 2015

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Msg #1547 Thanks for Fundamentalists

Msg #1547 Thanks for Fundamentalists

What The Bible Says

Good Samaritan's Penny Pulpit by Pastor Ed Rice


Paul wrote to Timothy, “ that thou mayest know how thou oughtest to behave thyself in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth” (1Tim3:15). Thank you Lord, that I live where there's a national day of Thanksgiving, and thank you Jesus, that I have a pillar and ground of the truth where I can worship and attend. There are a multitude of wayside roads where a church might stop being the pillar and ground of the truth. Paul's next verse lists the six mysteries of godliness that make up the truth: God was, 1) Manifest in the flesh, the five fundamentals of the fundamentalist describe that manifestation; 2) Justified in the Spirit: in Psalm David said, “I acknowledge my sin… that thou mayest be justified when thou speakest, and be clear when thou judgest.” God was justified in casting Adam out into death, in judging man's evil heart with a world flood (it was NOT demonic giants he was judging), in stoning one under the Law for disobedience in picking up sticks, in the Assyrian's scattering of 10 tribes, in the Babylonian captivity of the remnant, in Jerusalem's complete destruction, and in the nailing of his only begotten son to an old rugged cross, where he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities; 3) Seen of angels, who desire to look into what he did for humans (1Pet1:12), 4) Preached unto the Gentiles, in a new covenant, in a new dispensation; 5) Believed on in the world, by a remnant on a straight narrow path, and 6) Received up into glory, where he awaits a literal, not allegorical, 2nd Advent. I Praise the Lord for a fundamental church that believes all that. You?


An Essay for week #47 Nov 22, 2015

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Msg #1548 Thanks for Relationships

Msg #1548 Thanks for Relationships

What The Bible Says

Good Samaritan's Penny Pulpit by Pastor Ed Rice


Thanksgiving thanks for relationships might seem overly vague, but consider that, for a born-again believer, every relationship impacts and enlightens a relationship with God. Give thanks for parents, and whether they excelled or failed you're commanded to honour them” (Eph 6:2). Jesus wanted to be about his Father's business, but Luke 2:51 says he was subject to his parents just the same. The new birth's adoption gives one a heavenly Father who always excels, and Romans 8:14-16 allows that they call him dad. Give thanks for brothers and sisters; they taught you to share and fight fair, to love till you die and not tell a lie. Brothers are born for adversity (Prov 17:17). Mark 6:3 tells us Jesus had brothers and sisters, and Prov 18:24 tells us, as Saviour, “he sticketh closer than a brother.” Give thanks for BFFs. Someone had to tell me what that meant. Most people can count true friends on one hand; anything shared with such friends would not cause them to turn from you, or turn on you. “Abraham believed God,… and he was called the Friend of God” (James 2:23). “The LORD spake unto Moses face to face, as a man speaketh unto his friend” (Exod 33:11). Give thanks that a blood bought, redeemed, born-again believer can be a friend of God. “Henceforth I call you not servants… but I have called you friends” (John 15:15). Be a friend of God. Give thanks for neighbors. Who is my neighbor? Jesus answered that by defining and personifying compassion. (Luke 10:29, Matt 9:35-38). The culmination of all these relationships, the culmination of all intimacy is found in the husband-wife relationship. It is our taste of paradise on earth. Learn this, even that intimate relationship pales in pure intimacy with the LORD God. Thank you Lord.

An Essay for week #48 Nov 29, 2015

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A Msg#1546 Response to the Calling of Calvinism

A Msg#1546 Response to the Calling of Calvinism


On 11/22/2015 2:38 PM, Ron wrote: “Notice the effectual nature of God's call to Abram. Love ya, brother!”


Dear Ron,

I think that's a cop out. Notice more so that Abram could have said no, and God would have called another.

Baptists who want to justify their twisted compromises as Calvinists say, “We don't believe in John's assertion of the Total depravity of man, just in the 'effectual' total depravity of man; we don't believe in Calvin's Unconditional Election, just the 'effectual' unconditional election." Baptist Mid-Missions doesn't believe in the Presbyterian Church's doctrine of Limited Atonement, just in the "effectual" limited atonement. Mislead Baptist Calvinists don't believe in Irresistible Grace, only the "effectual" irrestibleness of God's grace. The Roman Empire, which attempted the hostile takeover of Christianity, taught John Calvin and his Presbyterian Church to say "Preservation of the Saints;" it was not anything they got from Bible study, where they could have worded "Eternal Security." God preserving his seed line for Christ, is entirely different than his preserving the blood bought, born again, converted to Christ, quickend saints of the New Covenant. John Calvin, with his covenant theology and adopted Roman replacement theology, never "effectively" got the difference.

You want to be careful of the word "effectual," this old Baptist preacher is wise to its secret code in Calvinistic circles.

Love ya, brother.


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