Msg#1642 Armageddon
What The Bible Says
Good Samaritan's Penny Pulpit by Pastor Ed Rice
The one word from Biblical Eschatology most know in all the world is “Armageddon.” Christians dare not be ignorant of its significance. It is a Hebrew word from our Greek New Testament. Justly so, because it brings an end to the “times of the Gentiles” (Luke 21:24), and installs the Throne of David in the city of Jerusalem (Psalm 2). Transliterated from Hebrew, Armageddon is the mountain (Hebrew rh – har) at Megiddo, the place of crowds. It is a place where the seventh and final vial full of the wrath of God is poured out on the Gentile nations (Rev 16:12-17). A place where all the kings and armies of the world gather themselves together to annihilate Israel (Isa 34:1-2, Jer 25:31-33, Ezek 39:24-24, Joel 3:9-16, Obd 1:15-16, Zeph 3:8), Zech 12:9). A place where the KING of kings and LORD of lords comes riding in to save his chosen and elect nation, Israel (Rev 19:11-19, Isa 24:21-23, 26:20-21, 63:1-3, 66:15, Joel 2:1-2, Zech 14:3-4). The Roman Church and their Protestant Reformers do not believe in the restoration of Israel, so they cannot begin to understand this Battle of Armageddon. In fact they end up riding with the great red dragon having seven heads and ten horns (Rev 12:3, 17:3). That Roman/Protestant Church is called the evil woman (Prov 6:24), Jezebel (Rev 2:20), and the Mother of Harlots (Rev 17:5). Her robed “Clergy” are not just woefully ignorant of this Battle of Armageddon, they are diabolically involved. Armageddon is not the end of the world, it is the end of Gentile kings ruling in God's Holy City, Jerusalem. If a Christian is going to rightly divide the word of truth, they need to know some things about the Second Advent of Christ. Even so come Lord Jesus.
An Essay for week #42 Oct 16, 2016
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