Category: Bible Believing Studies on the Cults of this World


THE CULT OF THE SEVENTH DAY ADVENTISTIntroduction: The Seventh Day Adventist cult began in the early part of the 1800s with William Miller a former Baptist and an associate, Joshua V. Hines a minister in the “Christian Church”. Miller started preaching in 1831, but didn’t have much of an impact until 1839 when they started getting Read more…

Who is an Antichrist?

Who  is an Antichrist?The following quotes show just how far the churches of today have strayed from the wisdom of their founding fathers regarding the awareness of the Antichrist. Martin Luther (1483-1546  Lutheran) We here are of the conviction that the papacy is the seat of the true and real Antichrist…personally, I declare that I Read more…

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