Betrayed: A Clergy Killer’s DNA


The following was received in SPAM, but the statistics are alarming and worth sharing…

Did you know that of all Christian denominations, formal termination of pastors is highest in our Baptist churches? This, in large part, is because of a growing phenomenon known as the “Clergy Killer Phenomenon.” Many preachers today have either experienced it firsthand or have known other clergy who have left active ministry because of calculated, ruthless attacks from members of our own congregations. Research and studies have shown this devastating phenomenon is responsible for:

* 1,500 clergy leaving pastoral ministry each month.
The Barna Research Group
* 61% of congregations have forced a pastor to leave.
Christianity Today
* 83% of clergy spouses want their spouse to leave pastoral ministry.
Hartford Institute for Religious Research
* 90% of clergy in all denominations will not stay in ministry long enough to reach the age of retirement.
U.S. Bureau of Labor and Statistics
* 50% of pastors indicated that they would leave the ministry if they had another way of making a living.
Hartford Institute for Religious Research

Please contact the author of this message for more information on the movie he is promoting:

Betrayed: A Clergy Killer’s DNA

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Author: Bob

I am alive

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