Atwood Baptist Church, Atwood Kansas


Seeking a pastor.
ABC is an Independent, Baptist church that only uses the KJV and worships with traditional music. The church has a multi-generational congregation of 22-30 people, holds 3 services weekly, has a choir, and live-streams all services on YouTube. Compensation may be considered full-time (depending on the needs of the incoming pastor) and includes a 3-bedroom parsonage. Atwood is located in rural, northwest Kansas, 30 miles north of I-70, and has a population of 1,300. Interested candidates should submit a resume, doctrinal statement, family information, links to sermons (if available), and references to [email protected].
*Open Door Ministries and Mike Gross are assisting this church in their search. Please use the contact info in the listing if you are interested in the position.

Atwood Baptist Church
Lighthouse Christian Academy
301 Pearl St
Atwood, KS 67730
(785) 626-9573

Atwood Baptist Church on FacebookAtwood Baptist Church on YouTube



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