Msg#1805 A Marriage Mirror

What The Bible Says Good Samaritan's Penny Pulpit by Pastor Ed Rice

Article created: 2018/02/07

Msg#1805 A Marriage Mirror

What The Bible Says

Good Samaritan's Penny Pulpit by Pastor Ed Rice


In love and marriage God intends that a couple live in the most intimate relationship that is humanly possible, and that that arrangement, in becoming one flesh, foreshadow the intimate relation we are to have with our Lord Jesus Christ. The love, the significance, and the security that is found in each relationship is to mirror the other perfectly. The mirror, however, fractures when one does not first follow the “role of the sexes” called out by our Creator. Note them, as you note how much rebellion against them is found in society, even by many professed “Christians.” Genesis 3:16 states that the husband is to “rule over the wife,” and it goes on to state that the man shall provide for the home “in the sweat of his face.” The carnal church of Corinth is rebuked for letting women lead in prayer, reprimanded for letting them prophecy, and exhorted with clarity that women are not to be the leaders (1Cor 11:1-9). God goes on to rebuke their abuse of tongues and states, “Let your women keep silence in the churches; for it is not permitted for them to speak” (1Cor 14:34, cf 23-40). God continues the refrain in a charge to young Timothy, “I will therefore that men (males) pray everywhere... But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor usurp authority over the man (male), but be in silence. For Adam was first formed then Eve” (1Tim 2:8,12-13). God's role for women, his purpose in creating females, and a wife's submission in the home (Eph 6:21-33, 1Pet 3:1-7) are all points of contention in our rebellious society, but these are clearly communicated in God's Holy Word. Being a believer and ordering your marriage his way can make your home a taste of paradise. Rebellion,... not so much.


An Essay for week #5 Feb 4, 2018

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