First Missionary Baptist Church, Moultonborough, New Hampshire


First Missionary Baptist Church of Moultonborough, New Hampshire is prayerfully seeking the man God has chosen as our new Pastor. We are looking for a man who has a Pastor’s heart for the flock, who walks daily with the Lord, has compassion for the lost, and loves the Word of God. We are a small group of believers (15-20). Those who desire this position must agree with our Doctrinal Statement, teach and preach from the King James Bible, meet the requirements of Titus and Timothy, and believe in a closed Lord’s Supper. A full doctrinal statement will be sent upon request. A questionnaire will also be sent upon request. You may contact Don Hagen [email protected] or Mike Wallace [email protected] or Jim Doig [email protected] or Greg Helve [email protected]. You may also send a resume with references to First Missionary Baptist Church P. O. Box 4, Moultonborough, New Hampshire 03254. Thank you and please pray in this matter.

First Missionary Baptist Church
306 Whittier Hwy
Moultonborough, NH 03254

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