Gilgal Baptist Church, Casar North Carolina


Gilgal Baptist Church will be looking for men who can provide pulpit supply. During this process they will be seeking the Lord for their next Pastor. The church is located at 1020 NC-226, Casar, NC 28020. They are an Independent Baptist Church that uses the KJV. The position is Bi-Vocational. I have served as the Pastor since September of 2021 and will conclude my role on March 10, 2024. The church has completed recent renovations on the auditorium. If you are interested in helping please respond with your name and number. I will not be coordinating the preaching schedule but passing your information along to the church. When the position is filled, I intend to remove the post. Thank you for your consideration.

Gilgal Independent Baptist Church
1020 NC-226
Casar, NC 28020
(980) 368-9258

Gilgal Independent Baptist Church on Facebook


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Author: Bob

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