Gospelway Baptist Church, Greeneville Tennessee


Seeking a bi-vocational pastor. The church is independent Baptist, only uses KJV, and traditional music and has Sunday school for all ages. Gospel Way is in a rural location, is a friendly, missionary minded church that uses Faith Promise missions program. They are debt free with nice facilities and have a full schedule of services. The church is seeking a pastor that will love and work with the congregation which is family oriented and has community outreach with a desire to see the church grow. The initial position would be bi-vocational with the hopes of being full-time in the near future. If interested, please send resume to rescuingchurches@gmail.com. In the resume, please include a statement of your salvation, statement of faith, at least four references, a current picture of the family, and a website to see and hear you preach. In your e-mail, please place your name on the subject line along with the word “resume.”

Gospelway Baptist Church
(Gospel Way Baptist Church)
6300 Baileyton Rd
Greeneville, Tennessee 37743
(423) 587-2983

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Author: Bob

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