Liberty Baptist Church, Donnellson Iowa


Updated Listing (02/17/24):*Open Door Ministries is assisting this church in their search. Please respond using the contact info in the listing.
We are seeking a pastor for Liberty Baptist Church, located 7 miles south of Donnellson, Iowa on highway 218. The church is able to provide partial salary with the desire to increase it so that it is very sufficient, as soon as possible. We are a new church plant (September 4, 2022) with the encouragement of Pastor Glen Yoder of Bible Baptist Church, Kahoka, Mo. We completed the remodeling of our 1908 building and started holding services July 16, 2023. Sunday mornings, we have an attendance of 25-40, with a good mix of ages. We are debt free except to our Lord Jesus Christ. He has enabled us to make progress on our savings for off street parking and upgrades for facility needs. The church stands on the KJV and traditional music. We are in pursuit of a spiritual man that has a personal walk with the Lord, loves to study and preach the Word, has a burden for souls, compassion for the body of Christ, loves his wife as Christ loved the Church, Independent Fundamental Baptist. Interested candidates send resume, include testimony, family information, statement of faith, and references to Dennis Lewis, [email protected].

Liberty Baptist Church
2771 211th Ave
Donnellson, IA 52625

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