Msg #24040 The Last October?
What The Bible Says
Good Samaritan’s Penny Pulpit by Pastor Ed Rice
An annual hunt for the last October begins with the Autumn Feast of Trumpets. It began on 2 October when at sundown in Jerusalem the trumpet sounded. Then a sunset trumpet call on 11 October marks the Day of Atonement, and one on 16 October marks the beginning of the 7-Day Feast of Tabernacles. These three important 7th month Jewish feasts are described in Leviticus 23 and they prophetically depict the second Advent of Christ for the Jews; their in gathering, their salvation, and their tabernacling with God. But born-again Bible believing Christians are listening for a trumpet call as well. A trumpet call will mark their “in gathering” to heaven (1Thes.4; 1Cor.15). Then the believer’s “atonement” is finalized when we meet him in the air with resurrected bodies, and we will “Tabernacle” with him as it says in the phrase “so shall we ever be with the Lord” (1Thes.4:17).
The Jewish feasts described in Leviticus 23 are prophetical portrayals. Passover portrays Christ our Passover Lamb, the Feast of Weeks portrays Pentecost when the Comforter came down, and the three fold fall feasts have a Feast of Trumpets, with a trumpet call that summons together; a Feast of Atonement, that saves and cleanses, and a 7-day Feast of Tabernacles, that depicts “This world is not my home”, tabernacling with God. Curiously, both phases of his 2nd Coming get depicted, when he comes FOR his saints (cf. 1Thes.4) and when he comes WITH his saints to save Israel (cf. Rev.19, Rom.11:26). These feasts are marvelous prophetic pictures, and it would behoove Christians to pay them more heed, and not write them off as “just another Jewish holy-day.” There is coming a premillennial, pretribuilation trumpet call that will call his saints out of here, this could be our Last October down here.
An Essay for week #40, Oct 6, 2024
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