Msg #24031 A Saved, Service, Sacrifice Privilege


Msg #24031 A Saved, Service, Sacrifice Privilege

What The Bible Says

Good Samaritan’s Penny Pulpit by Pastor Ed Rice

And it came to pass after these things, that God did tempt Abraham” (Gen.22:1). In every meaning of the word it is a privilege to be saved, a privilege to serve God, and a privilege to sacrifice for our Lord. In this tacit example, wherein Abraham is asked to give back to God the very promise that God gave to him, God is painting a self portrait, a high resolution self portrait. Notice particularly in Genesis 22 the emphasis on “the place which God had told him of”, in verse 2, 3, 4, and 9. That place was “one of the mountains” in the “land of Moriah” (vr.2). Most suppose it was Mount Moriah itself, but not me. About a half mile NW of there was a skull shaped hill called in Hebrew Golgotha, from the Greek called Calvary (not found in modernist ecumenical bibles). If God grew the tree, that he knew would be, the old rugged cross, as the song writer supposed, I’ll suppose he knew the mount where His Only Begotten Son would be crucified. I think Abraham offered his son on the very mount where God would offer his Only Begotten Son. That is why Abraham called it “Jehovahjireh”, Hebrew for, “on this mount, just you wait and see” (vr.14). I’d further suppose that David dropped off the head of Goliath on this skull shaped mount (1Sam.17:54) because here God would stomp the head of Satan himself (Gen.3:15).

God uses trials, tests, challenges, and afflictions to paint portraits of his Son. These are on public display, printed in God’s Holy Bible. Yours might be more private, but it is a portrait just the same. Use the cross-eyed-bears, and the trials of your faith to shew forth Christ. For a Christian, sacrifice is a privilege.

An Essay for week #31, Aug 4, 2024

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A weekly 300 word essay- The Penny Pulpit
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